
  • 网络career path
  1. 这两个来源,我的教授和我的工作,已经成功的转化成了一个无私的学院,即新生进入更高一级的职业通道。

    These two sources , my professors and my job , have succeeded in transforming a disinterested college freshman into a senior who has a focused career path .

  2. 拿过会计师或律师资格的女CEO一般没有MBA学位:其他人进入一个快速上升的职业通道,从不回头。

    Women who qualified as accountants or lawyers do not generally have MBAs : others got into a fast-paced career and never looked back .

  3. 同时应当做好员工内部流动管理,采用科学的晋升制度和内部轮换制度,疏通职业通道,使企业内部横向流动和纵向流动均畅通无阻;

    Second , she or he should establish scientific promotion system and job rotation system to stimulate flow within enterprise ;

  4. 在现有职业通道基础上,建立专业技术晋升、员工职业生涯规划正常评聘机制。

    On the basis of existing job channels , establish a normal appraisement and engagement system of the professional , in which promotion is according to the professional technique , and in which planning the careers of employee is included . 4 .

  5. 同时,特别针对核心员工,本文还提出设计员工职业通道、建立信息披露与沟通渠道、完善员工培训与开发体系等措施,特别是提出了构建基于职业生涯规划的绩效管理过程这个新思路。

    Meanwhile , career channel design , the establishment of information disclosure and communication channel , and the perfection of training and development system are also suggested . What should be stressed is that a new idea based on career plan is put forward here .

  6. 改进传统渠道,重点是对客户经理队伍的优化,要优化客户经理队伍结构,提高客户经理素质,改革客户经理用工制度,打通客户经理职业通道,提高客户经理待遇,吸引优秀人才充实客户经理数量。

    Improving the traditional channel , asks CM to focus on optimizing the structure of customer managers team , improve the quality of customer manager , reform employment system , open up career passage , improve the treatment , to attract talents to enrich the number of customer manager .

  7. 鲍文对于把mba视为职业快速通道的保证持怀疑态度。

    Mr Bowen is sceptical about the value of an MBA as a guarantee to a fast-track career .

  8. 本文通过对SWS设计研究院薪酬激励现状分析,结合研发设计人员自身特点,提出了适合其发展的职业发展通道,并分析了多通道的特点和设计应用。

    The paper analyzed salary inspiring situation , combined with employees ' practice characteristic , advanced to occupation development channels which is suitable their development , and analyzed the channels performance and application .

  9. 如果你看不到一条明显的职业发展通道,那么你应该找你的顶头上司聊聊。

    If you cannot see a discernible career ladder , you should speak to your line manager .

  10. 后危机时代返乡农民工职业发展通道研究

    Developing the Career Path of Migrant Workers Who Return to Rural Areas in the Hind Financial Crisis Period

  11. 拓宽职业发展通道,创造多渠道工资晋升通路。

    Widen the job developing channels , create a multi-channel salary system and a new way for promotion .

  12. 该体系包括任职资格管理体系、核心技术人才职业生涯通道的设置、职业生涯周期管理体系。

    This system includes the qualification management system , the settings of career channel for the core technical personnel and employee Life Cycle Management System .

  13. 通过岗位评估,可以构建起组织内部的职级体系,为公务员的职业发展通道的设计提供基础依据。

    Through position evaluation , we can build up a position system within an organization , which provides a ground for the government officials ' career advancement channels .

  14. 文章认为,应从适度提高员工整体薪酬水平、构建双重职业生涯通道等方面综合地化解这些问题。

    It is stated in the thesis that these problems should be comprehensively solved using enhancing the overall compensation level of employees , establishing dual career way and etc.

  15. 通过进行设计科学有效的职业发展通道,建立切实可行的职业生涯管理系统,并在此基础上提出相应的保障措施,确保青年员工职业生涯管理工作的顺利实施。

    To ensure that young employees career management work smoothly scientific and effective career development channel is designed and effective career management system and corresponding security measures is established .

  16. 任职资格管理是知识经济时代下一种重要的人力资源管理模式,也是企业内部构建员工职业发展通道,建立内部人才培养机制的一种有效方法。

    Qualification management is an important mode of human resource management in the age of knowledge economy , it is also an effective method of constructing the career development channel within the enterprise and establishing internal personnel training system .

  17. 设计多重职业发展通道,帮助青年医务工作者成长、成才,营造利于青年医务工作者成长的氛围,使青年医务工作者在行政管理、医学科研、医疗业务方面多重发展,实现其职业目标。

    Thirdly , design multiple career development channel , help young medical talents growth , build the grow atmosphere for youth medical talents , make young medical talents in administration management , medical research , medical business development , realize their multiple career goals .

  18. 在技术效率改善方面,本文提出要提高金融创新水平,加大非利息收入占比;另外,在改善人力资源水平上本文提出了要建设湖南省农信社Y字型职业发展通道和横向职业发展通道。

    In the perspective of technique efficiency , the author presents to increase the financial creation and non-interest income . In addition , in order to improve the human resource management , the author presents to establish the " Y " career development and horizontal career development .

  19. 考试将变得更加集中——甚至会变得更加重要,州级评估考试将给国家考试让路,而且以考核技能为主的测试将成为实现职业规划的快速通道。

    Testing will become more centralized - and potentially more important , state assessment exams will give way to national ones , and skills-based testing could fast-track careers .

  20. 由于传统官本位思想的影响及与之相应的各类待遇的区别,企业员工职业生涯发展的通道往往只侧重于管理类的单一发展轨道。

    Because of the traditional " official position " thinking and the types of treatment with the corresponding difference , the career development of employees are often the only channel focusing on the development with a single track of the management .

  21. 其中培训开发、发布职业信息、建立职业通道、奖励进步对感知的外部竞争力有较弱的正向影响作用,咨询与评估、实行平衡计划则与其无显著相关性。

    Training and development , releasing career information , implementing balance plane , and rewarding the progress have a little positive prediction function on perception of outside competition while consultation and assessment and establishing career channel have no significant function on it .

  22. 基于职业倾向的研发人员多职业通道设计

    The Design about Multiple Career Paths of R & D Professionals Based on Career Orientation

  23. 在扎实基础工作的前提下,饭店可尝试运用:指导员工个人职业生涯规划、为员工设置职业发展通道、强化职业生涯阶段管理和实施继任规划等四个方法进行职业生涯管理。

    On the basis of these tasks , hospitality enterprises can try to guide the employees ' career plan , set the career paths for employees , strengthen the career stage management and implement successor plan .