
zhí yè xùn liàn
  • vocational training;professional training;industrial education
  1. 追随运动与不同职业训练的关系的实验研究

    Follow your dream the relationship between pursuit movement and professional training

  2. 这门课是职业训练的重要的辅助课。

    This course will be an important adjunct to the professional training .

  3. 他们仅仅受到过基本的职业训练。

    They were given only rudimentary training in the job .

  4. 电子设计技术训练小组委员会〔职业训练局〕

    Sub-committee on Electronics Design Technology Training [ Vocational Training Council ]

  5. 管理及督导训练委员会〔职业训练局〕

    Committee on Management and Supervisory Training [ Vocational Training Council ]

  6. 私营部门发展、管理和职业训练问题工作队会议

    Task-force Meeting on Private Sector Development , Management and Vocational Training

  7. 森林工作职业训练及事故防范研究小组

    Study Group on vocational Training and Prevention of Accidents in Forest Work

  8. 香港职业训练局的办学特色及其启示

    The School-running Characteristic of Hong Kong Vocational Training Council and Its Inspiration

  9. 职业训练局九龙湾训练中心综合大楼

    Kowloon Bay Training Centre Complex of the Vocational Training Council

  10. 这项全面性计划是以教育及职业训练为基础。

    The cornerstone of this comprehensive project is education and vocational training .

  11. 联合国纳米比亚职业训练中心理事会;

    Governing body of the United Nations Vocational Training Centre for namibia ;

  12. 工科毕业生训练计划〔职业训练局〕

    Engineering Graduate Training Scheme [ Vocational Training Council ]

  13. 电机业训练中心〔职业训练局〕

    Electrical Industry Training Centre [ Vocational Training Council ]

  14. 职业训练局策略及组织检讨

    Strategic and Organization Review of the Vocational Training Council

  15. 美洲职业训练研究与文献中心

    Inter-American Centre for Research and Documentation on Vocational Training

  16. 毕业前,我们会接受一些职业训练。

    We will have some vocational training before graduation .

  17. 该报认为缺乏职业训练是许多事故背后的原因。

    The paper cited poor training as an underlying cause for many incidents .

  18. MES-模块式训练法在脊髓损伤患者职业训练中的应用

    Application of MES in the Vocational Training for Disability

  19. 职业训练的内容应与市场需求相结合。

    The vocational training should satisfy the social needs .

  20. 工作人员发展和训练科工业训练组〔职业训练局〕

    Staff Development and Training Section Industrial Training Division [ Vocational Training Council ]

  21. 职业训练理事会妇女咨询委员会

    Women 's Advisory Committee of the Vocational Training Council

  22. 职业训练局着重的是人才培训和发展;

    The Vocational Training Council is geared towards human resources training and development ;

  23. 你受过什么职业训练吗?

    Have you received any sort of vocational training ?

  24. 工业教育及职业训练非教职人员工会

    Technical Education and Vocational Training Non-Teaching Staff Union

  25. 促进职业训练和国际青年技能奥林匹克国际组织

    International Organization for the Promotion of Vocational Training and the International Youth Skill Olympics

  26. 欧洲-地中海就业和职业训练观察站;

    Euro-Mediterranean Observatory for employment and vocational training ;

  27. 香港职业训练局的专业设置模式及其启示

    The Specialty Establishing Mode in Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education and Its Enlightenment

  28. 毕业生可报读职业训练局相关文凭/级文凭课程。

    Graduates can apply Diploma / Higher Diploma Courses in related discipline in IVE .

  29. 许多初中都有很好的设施以及附加的课程比如职业训练。

    Many SLTP reportedly have good infrastructure and extra-curricular activities including some vocational training .

  30. 他参加了观塘职业训练局的摄影课程,其后修毕了这课程。

    He took the Kwun Tong Vocational Training Center photography course and graduated there .