
  1. 当被要求解释立场突然转变的原因时,欧盟高级谈判官员回答称,决定性因素是apec的决定,因为它“向我们表明,你们有一个备选方案,而我们没有”。

    When asked to explain the abrupt change in their position , top European negotiators replied that the decisive element was the APEC decision because it " showed us you had an alternative that we did not " .

  2. 米切尔与阿巴斯总统进行会晤之前,巴勒斯坦高级谈判人员NabilShaath表示,巴勒斯坦不应该继续进行对话,除非以色列停止建筑定居点。

    Before Mitchell 's meeting with President Abbas , Palestinian senior negotiator Nabil Shaath said the Palestinians should not remain in talks unless Israel stops building in the settlements .

  3. 与往年的做法有别的另一个方面是,中国同意让其高级谈判代表接受中外记者的采访。

    In another departure from past years , China has allowed its senior negotiators to give interviews with foreign and Chinese journalists .

  4. 通过个案研究,分享知识资本及工具和促进小组讨论,本次培训将会包括各类高级谈判的话题。

    Through case studies , sharing of intellectual capital and tools , and facilitated group discussion , the workshop covers various advanced negotiation topics .

  5. 一位高级谈判代表表示:肯定存在找出某种解决方案的愿望,但我们必须承认,我们面临着实实在在的问题。

    There is definitely a spirit to find some sort of solution but we have to acknowledge there are real concerns , one senior delegate said .

  6. 正在丹麦参加会议的印度高级谈判代表对记者说,当前的全球排放协定,也就是京都议定书,“即便没有死掉,也可以算是病危了。”

    And the top Indian negotiator on site at the meeting in Denmark tells reporters the current global emissions treaty , the Kyoto Protocol ," is in intensive care , if not dead . "

  7. 此前有报道称,伊朗核问题高级谈判人员有意与阿什顿进行会晤,由阿什顿代表六个国家——美国,英国,中国,法国,俄罗斯和德国。

    This followed reports that Iran 's top nuclear negotiator was interested in meeting with Ashton on behalf of a six-nation group - the U.S. , Britain , China , France , Russia and Germany .

  8. 因为在今年年初的证词中,高级谈判代表表示,确保伊朗遵循其义务的最好方式,就是逐步中止制裁&双方有一种默契,就是知道美国总统随时可以暂停制裁,也随时可以恢复它们。

    They point to testimony earlier this year when top negotiators argued that the best way to assure that Iran complies with its obligations is a step-by-step suspension of sanctions & with the implicit understanding that the president could turn them back on as fast as he turned them off .

  9. 高级贸易谈判代表已举行了几个星期的紧张讨论,昨日在东京再度展开磋商。

    Senior trade negotiators have been holding intensive discussions for weeks and did so again in Tokyo yesterday .