
  • Entrepreneurship talents;career-creating talents
  1. 创业人才素质与品质结构探索

    Discussion on talent quality doing pioneering work and personality structure

  2. 自动化专业创新创业人才培养的改革与实践

    The Reform and Practice of Innovative and Enterprising Education in Automation Specialty

  3. 我们仍然需要奖励成功和吸引创业人才的程序。

    We still need processes that reward success and attract entrepreneurial talent .

  4. 湖北省急需紧缺的其他高层次创新创业人才。

    Other high-level creative and innovative talents urgently needed by Hubei Province .

  5. 高等学校自主创业人才培养路径的设计与优化

    Design and Optimization of Entrepreneurship Education of Higher Education

  6. 谈高校创新创业人才的培养

    On training of talent in innovation and carving out career in institutions of higher learning

  7. 核心创业人才组织承诺与离职倾向的影响关系研究

    Research on Influence of Organizational Commitment upon Core Talents ' Turnover Intention in Technology Start-ups

  8. 高职教育突出实践教学,有利于培养创业人才。

    The Advanced polytechnic education gives prominence to the practical teaching , which is beneficial to train entrepreneurs .

  9. 该计划承诺对引进的高层次创业人才,即在国外著名高校、科研院所担当教授或者相当于教授职务的专家学者,给予其在发达国家享受的、具有同等竞争力的薪酬待遇和研究经费。

    It promises competitive salaries and funding to people with full professorships or the equivalent in developed countries .

  10. 但我觉得,我们的高等教育机构往往不能发现创业人才。

    But my sense is that too many of our higher educational establishments often fail to spot entrepreneurial talent .

  11. 在风险投资中,人越来越被看成最重要的资源,而整个产业的核心就是以创业人才为首的高效率的价值创造过程。

    Nowadays the manpower is regarded as the essential resource to the industry with the venture entrepreneur at core .

  12. 创业人才是具备创业基本素质,能够创造新的就业岗位和职业效益的人才。

    Enterprise talent is the man who has basic enterprise qualities can create new vocational posts and vocational profits .

  13. 因此研究产业集群对于创业人才及其创业活动的影响至关重要。

    Therefore , it became very important for researchers to study the impact of cluster on the entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial performance .

  14. 高校的性质和职责,决定了高校要在培养创业人才上担负起重要的角色。

    Because of the nature and responsibility of university , it plays a key role in the nurture of entrepreneurial talents .

  15. 高校多层次创业人才2+1+1+X培养模式研究

    The Study of " 2 + 1 + 1 + X " Training Model for Multi-level Entrepreneurial Talent in Colleges and Universities

  16. 人才集聚环境的建设是一个国家、地区人才引进、人才使用、人才根植的关键所在,而海归创业人才集聚环境建设的研究又有其特殊性和价值。

    The construction of gathering environment is the key of talent introduction 、 talentuse and talent rooting for a country or a region .

  17. 创业人才的成长和发展与当地的文化、教育、政府政策等环境因素有关。

    The growth and development of entrepreneurs , with related to environmental factors such as local culture , education , government policies and so on .

  18. 英国一项针对1000多名年龄在16岁到30岁之间受访者的调查发现,教师和大学讲师未能在课堂内培养创业人才。

    Teachers and college lecturers are failing to nurture the entrepreneurial talent in their classrooms , according to a poll of more than 1,000 16 - to 30-year-olds .

  19. 创业人才是每个社会中最活跃、最积极、最有生气、最有创造力的一个群体,一个社会创业人才的多少,决定着这个社会的发展程度。

    Entrepreneurial talent is the most active , most dynamic and most creative group . The numbers of social entrepreneurial talent will determine the degree of development of this society .

  20. 该项战略还建议制定一项政策,承认外国发布的资格证书,寻找吸引外国创业人才和学术专家来英国。

    The strategy also proposes development of a policy towards the recognition of foreign credentials , and means of attracting global entrepreneurial talent and academic expertise to the United Kingdom .

  21. 产业集群以其独特的地理和产业优势,吸引了大量创业人才来此创业,个体创业者的创业行为又引来群体的模仿,进而形成新的产业集聚。

    Large amounts of entrepreneur talents are attracted into cluster for its special geographic and industrial advantages . These entrepreneurial activities increase the imitation of other people who cultivate new clusters inversely .

  22. 大学科技园是高校教学、科研与产业相结合的载体,是促进高校科技成果转化、孵化高科技企业、培养创新创业人才的新型社会经济组织。

    University Science and Technology Park is a new type of social and economic organization for technological achievements transfer and start-ups incubation which combines teaching and research activities in universities and the hi-tech industry .

  23. 澳大利亚的百万富翁签证项目成功吸引了大批中国富豪,现在澳政府又向那些愿意将钞票和创业人才带到澳州来的美国富豪伸出了入籍的橄榄枝。

    Flush with the success of a millionaire visa program to attract wealthy Chinese , Australia is now promising citizenship to rich Americans who are willing to bring their cash and entrepreneurial talent Down Under .

  24. 培育和发展新兴产业,迫切需要具有全球视野、战略眼光、掌握核心技术、能够统筹整合创新资源并实现产业化发展的新兴产业科技创业人才。

    Cultivate and develop new industries , an urgent need to have a global vision , strategic vision , core technologies , integrate innovative resources to co-ordinate and implement industrial development of the emerging industrial technology entrepreneurship .

  25. 基于研究假设的检验结果,构建了产业集群演化不同阶段对创业人才素质的影响因素模型,并从理论上揭示了产业集群对创业人才素质的影响机理。

    Based on test results of the empirical study , the model was constructed to explain the influence of industrial clusters at different evolutionary stages on the quality of entrepreneurial talents , and the influence mechanism was explored theoretically .

  26. 哈工大科技园是我国首批22所国家级大学科技园之一,其主要职能是科研成果转化、科技企业孵化、创新创业人才培养。

    H. I. T National University Science Park is one of the first 22 national-level university science park in our country , which main function is transformation of scientific findings , hatching of scien-tech enterprises , and training of innovation personnel .

  27. 哈尔滨工程大学科技园是依托哈尔滨工程大学而建立的国家大学科技园,承担着推动科技创新,培育创新创业人才,服务社会和经济发展的使命和重任。

    Harbin Engineering University Science Park is a national science park , which is relied on Harbin Engineering University . It undertakes the mission and responsibility of promoting innovation and technology , fostering innovation and entrepreneurship and serving the society and economic development .

  28. 所以,核心创业人才本身就具有较高的流动意愿,对自身价值的追求削弱了他们对组织的忠诚度,从而导致核心创业人才流失率持续走高,给企业人才的培养和使用带来风险。

    Therefore , core talents have a high will of flowing , pursue for their own values , which undermine their loyalty to the organization , result in continuous increasing brain drain rate , and bring risks to the talents management of technology start-ups .

  29. 培养创业型人才即成为安徽MBA教育发展的新思路。

    Developing entrepreneurial talent become a new educational idea in Anhui MBA .

  30. 创业型人才培养离不开高素质的师资。

    Developing entrepreneurial talent can not do without high quality teachers .