
chuànɡ yè jīng shén
  • enterprising spirit
  1. 注重自我价值的实现,具有竞争意识和创业精神;

    Pay attention to the realization of the self-value , have competitionconsciousness and enterprising spirit ;

  2. 蓝德的创业精神

    Enterprising spirit of Lande

  3. 她们是意气风发、生性活泼,具有创业精神的奶奶辈,她们打破一切固有规则,放弃稳定的退休生活,只为成就个人创业。

    They are a generation of spirited , vivacious1 and entrepreneurial grannies , ripping up the rule book and eschewing2 steady retirement3 in order to launch successful businesses .

  4. Endeavor是总部设于纽约的一个非营利集团,致力于在新兴经济地区推动创业精神。

    Endeavor is a non-profit group based in New York dedicated to promoting entrepreneurship in emerging economies .

  5. 迈克尔戴尔(michaeldell)甚至谈到试图重拾创业精神,只是这次“资本多了一些”。

    Michael Dell even talked of trying to recapture the spirit of the start-up , only this time with " a little more capital " .

  6. 商学院通常不会按照自己的建议行事,但英国华威商学院(WarwickBusinessSchool)目前正同时做三件事情:实现多样化、变得具有创业精神,并利用自身的创造性。

    Business schools do not always act on their own advice , but Warwick Business School in the UK is now diversifying , being entrepreneurial and tapping into its creativity , all at the same time .

  7. 厄文·马里恩·考夫曼基金会(EwingMarionKauffman)是美国一个非营利组织,致力于增强全世界的创业精神。TimKane是该基金会的工作人员。

    Tim Kane is with the Ewing Marion Kaufman Foundation , a nonprofit in the United States that works to increase entrepreneurship worldwide .

  8. 美国国际开发署(USAID)的一位专员陪伴代表团一起来访,他被派驻在中东地区,帮助当地充满创业精神的企业实现更大的商业发展。

    Traveling with the delegation was a USAID executive who is assigned to the region to foster more business development with entrepreneurial companies .

  9. 两年前,EIG的总裁兼联合创始人JohnLettieri在美国参议院面前出庭作证说:“千禧一代正在成为近段历史中最没有创业精神的一代。”

    Two years ago , EIG 's president and co-founder , John Lettieri , testified before the U.S. Senate , " Millennials are on track to be the least entrepreneurial generation in recent history . "

  10. 然而,学员身上的创业精神明显在增强,超过四分之一的毕业生(26%)称在就读EMBA期间或毕业后创办了自己的公司。

    However , entrepreneurship is clearly growing on them , as more than a quarter of graduates ( 26 per cent ) reported starting their own company during their EMBA or since graduating .

  11. 美国国际开发署(USAID)已经就创业精神举行了几次听取意见的会议,包括在开罗和一个包括来自150多个国家数以千计的人参与的网上现场活动。

    USAID has already held several listening sessions on entrepreneurship , including in Cairo , and a virtual effort that included thousands of participants from over 150 countries .

  12. 由鼓励创业精神的非营利组织nationalcollegiateinventorsandinnovatorsalliance资助的这群企业家、商业计划竞赛的获胜者,正在参加5日强化新人训练营venturelab。

    The entrepreneurs , a mix of individuals funded by the National Collegiate inventors and innovators alliance , a not-for-profit organisation that encourages entrepreneurship , and winners of business plan competitions , are holed up for venture lab , an intensive five-day boot camp .

  13. 因此,KCI以“重信客户要求”的创业精神满足客户要求并为日益发展成长的中国经济出力。

    Therefore , KCI to the " letter customer requirements ," the entrepreneurial spirit to meet customer requirements and the increasing growth of China 's economic development efforts .

  14. 多年来,BRAC开创了为“无法借贷的穷人”提供小额贷款,帮助成千上万的妇女发现他们自身的创业精神,解决生计。

    For years , BRAC has pioneered the advancing of small loans to the " unbankable poor ", helping thousands of women discover their entrepreneurial spirit and find a livelihood .

  15. Walgreens公司总部位于伊利诺依州迪尔菲尔德,其发言人迈克尔·波尔青(MichaelPolzin)说,尽管规模很大,这家公司仍然有一股“创业精神”,比如有药剂师负责注射流感疫苗的项目,以及补开处方药的免费手机应用程序等。

    Despite its size , says Michael Polzin , a spokesman for Deerfield , Ill . - based Walgreens , the company has an ' entrepreneurial spirit , ' with initiatives like pharmacist-administered flu shots and free mobile apps for refilling prescriptions .

  16. 然而,沃尔福威茨说,Gakuba在尝试创造更多就业机会时面临的最大障碍不是缺少技术工人或创业精神。

    However Wolfowitz said the biggest obstacle Gakuba faced to try and create more jobs was not a lack of skilled workers or entrepreneurial spirit .

  17. 创业精神与经济发展的U型关系及其检验

    The Empirical Research on U-Shape Relationship between Economy Development and Entrepreneurship

  18. 而债务与创业精神之间的关联则没那么模棱两可。

    Other , less fuzzy correlations were between debt and entrepreneurship .

  19. 这一点让我们国家充满朝气,充满活力,具有创业精神。

    It keeps our country young , dynamic , and entrepreneurial .

  20. 我还不知道你这么有创业精神

    I didn 't know you had such an entrepreneurial spirit .

  21. 但我们还必须通过公-私伙伴关系,来传授创业精神。

    But we must also teach entrepreneurship with public-private partnerships .

  22. 创业精神是影响创业的根本力量和动因。

    Entrepreneurship is the basic engine and energy of creation and innovation .

  23. 创业精神的本质、特征和功能

    The essences , features and functions of the entrepreneurial spirit

  24. 本公司坚定秉承海内外IT业界的创业精神,创造面向世界的中国造品牌。

    We aim to provide world wide brand of made-in-China ITS products .

  25. 创业精神和疯狂之间有着并不明显的界限。

    There is a fine line between entrepreneurship and insanity .

  26. 并不是我不尊重你们的创业精神。

    Not that I don 't respect your entrepreneurial spirits .

  27. 我们可以拟定政策和计划,激发创业精神。

    We can develop policies and incentives to spur entrepreneurship .

  28. 一些富有创业精神的学生找到了一种避免这一麻烦的方法。

    Some enterprising students have found a way to avoid this hassle .

  29. 你们更宽容、更富有同情心、更具创业精神、更注重环保。

    You 're more tolerant and empathetic , entrepreneurial , environmentally conscious .

  30. •学习创业精神,但同时要做到术业有专攻。

    • study entrepreneurship , but major in something else .