
  • 网络Entrepreneurial management;Entrepreneurship;venture management
  1. 中关村IT企业创业管理研究

    Research on Entrepreneurial Management of the IT Enterprises in Zhongguancun

  2. 创业管理:管理工作面临的新挑战

    Entrepreneurial Management : The New Challenge of Management Work

  3. 创业管理是一个系统的组合,并非某一因素起作用就能导致企业的成功。

    Venture management is not a some factor but a system combination .

  4. 创业管理理论的最新评述及研究趋势

    The Latest Review about Entrepreneurship Management Theory and Research Trends

  5. 企业创业管理既不同于传统管理,也不同于首创业管理,而是它们之间的一种中间形式。

    Enterprise entrepreneurship management differs from both traditional management and first entrepreneurship management .

  6. 基于过程窗口的秦皇岛旅行社创业管理模式研究

    Based on the Process Window of Business Management Model for Qinhuangdao Travel Agency

  7. 创业管理对一个初创企业来说具有非常重要的作用。

    It plays a very important role to a start-ups enterprise for Venture management .

  8. 创业管理作为一门新兴的交叉学科已经受到广泛关注,创业管理是对传统管理理论的一种挑战。

    As the new subject , entrepreneurial management is one kind of challenge of traditional management .

  9. 况且,双案例复制的结果也证实了高校创业管理理论模型的解释力。

    Moreover , the result of double-case copying has also confirmed the explanatory power of management theory model .

  10. 创业管理选修课程也很受欢迎,这些课程向学生展示,如何把研究发现转化为可向市场推广的应用技术。

    Entrepreneurship electives are also popular . These show graduates how to turn research discoveries into marketable applied technologies .

  11. 社会网络的概念自从出现,逐渐被应用到创业管理的研究领域。

    Since the emergence of the concept of social networks , is gradually applied to the field of business management .

  12. 同时,通过材料阅读、访谈、案例和问卷研究为公司的创业管理和创业精神培养提供了一些建议。

    At the same time , we would provide some suggestions for entrepreneurial management through questionnaire survey , interview and case analysis .

  13. 另一方面,发达国家的经验表明风险投资可以为企业提供资金和丰富的创业管理经验。

    On the other side , venture capital could provide funds and rich entrepreneurship management experience for enterprises according to some developed countries .

  14. 其全球创业管理硕士项目的排名上升34位,至第43位,逆转了去年下滑19名的势头。

    Its Master in Global Entrepreneurship Management jumps 34 places to 43rd , making up for a drop of 19 places the previous year .

  15. 在创业管理理论尤其是创业计划书向知识基础上,本论文通过对行业发展情况的调研和系统分析,提出创业方案。

    In the business management theory , especially the business plan to the knowledge basis , through the analysis of investigation and development situation of the industry , the .

  16. 但是由于创业管理研究尚处于青春期,还没有形成一个得到公认的理论框架,所以,理论上未能对创业绩效的提升给出具有说服力的解答。

    The entrepreneurship management research is in puberty , and it has not a theoretical frame which has been accepted generally . So , there is no persuasive solution in theory .

  17. 其次,政府或相关创业管理机构应出台系列政策和措施,搭建创业联盟、创业者俱乐部、创业者管理协会等实体创业交流平台,使创业者积累更多的社会资本,促进创业实践。

    Second , the government or related business administrations should draft series of policies and measures and build platform entrepreneurs , to make them accumulate more social capital and promote entrepreneurial practices .

  18. 然后运用创业管理研究的过程方法及创业管理思想学派的相关理论分析了土豆先生快餐连锁管理公司创业活动的全过程。

    Then the thesis analyzed the whole entrepreneurship process of Mr. Potato short order catenation company by using the process methods of entrepreneurship and the related theories of entrepreneurship school of thought .

  19. 本文对大量创业管理理论进行分析,归纳出创新理论、要素理论、创业过程理论、企业生命周期理论等几种,并形成基于上述理论的研究框架。

    This research analyzes many entrepreneurial theories and summarizes some useful theories as the base of all the research , just like innovation theory , element theory , entrepreneurial procedure theory and corporation life-cycle theory .

  20. 在对中式快餐的创业管理中,本文不仅运用上述前沿创业理论,而且运用系统研究法、比较研究法、案例研究法、标杆研究法等多种研究方法。

    Focusing on the entrepreneurship of Chinese fast food , the article not only uses new theories , but also uses many methods , including system research , comparison research , case research and so on .

  21. 已有的多数有关创业管理、创业绩效的理论与实践研究论断显示,随着企业规模与年龄的不断增大,往往能够对创业企业特别是高新技术创业型企业的创业活动及其效果带来积极的影响作用。

    Extant researches on entrepreneurial management and entrepreneurial performance show that with the growing of firm age and size , it can play a positive role in enhancing the performance of entrepreneurial firms , especially high-tech entrepreneurial firms .

  22. 宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院高尔根创业管理项目讲师帕特里克o菲茨杰拉德看到,过去四年来,匆匆进入创业企业的学生数量增长了两倍。

    At the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School 's Goergen Entrepreneurial Management Program , lecturer Patrick FitzGerald has seen a tripling in the number of his students setting forth post-haste into entrepreneurial enterprises over the last four years .

  23. 升任CEO时,他被描述为一位多面手,将帮助这家蒸蒸日上的创业公司管理快速的发展。

    At the time of his ascent , he was portrayed as a utility player who would help the ballooning start-up manage its rapid growth .

  24. 中资企业国际创业风险管理体系研究

    Research on International Entrepreneurship Risk Management System for Chinese Enterprises

  25. 本文正是立足于项目团队管理的管理模式,把这种模式应用于顺通公司创业团队管理之中。

    It applies this model to entrepreneurial team management in Shun Tong company .

  26. 高校创业教育管理模式与质量评价研究

    A Study on the Management Model and the Quality Evaluation of College Enterprising Education

  27. 动态环境下创业者管理才能对新创企业资源获取的影响研究

    Research on the Effect of Entrepreneur 's Management Ability on Resource Acquisition Under Dynamic Environments

  28. 国内外研究对于创业过程管理的研究已经相当多了,但是较少从创业营销的角度对创业过程进行研究。

    Researchers do too much on entrepreneurial management , study little in entrepreneurial process in the view of entrepreneurial marketing .

  29. 经济系统就是把自然资源、劳动力、技术以及必要的创业和管理才能结合在一起的机制。

    The economic system is the mechanism that brings together natural resources , the labor supply , technology , and the necessary entrepreneurial and managerial talents .

  30. 现在是时候扔掉那种“我没有足够的时间”或者“今天不是创业或管理当前事业的恰当时间”的自我诋毁与自我限制了。

    It 's time to remove any self-sabotage or self-limitation you have around " not having enough time ," or today not being " the right time " to start a business or manage your current business properly .