
  • 网络entrepreneurial model;entrepreneurial mode
  1. 区域中小企业创业模式的路径选择&基于陕西省经验的分析

    The Path of Regional SMEs Entrepreneurial Model : Based on the Analysis of Experience in Shaanxi Province

  2. 互联网的普及、信息技术与电子商务的迅猛发展,带来了一种新兴的创业模式&电子商务创业。

    With the spread of the Internet , and the rapid development of technology and electronic commerce , a new entrepreneurial model has been brought out & E-commerce venture .

  3. 国际创业模式与组织绩效关系:一个基于知识的概念模型刘帮成1,王重鸣2

    International entrepreneurship mode and Choice : a knowledge-based conceptual model

  4. 跨国公司国际创业模式选择的影响因素研究

    Study on Influencing Factors of Transnational Corporations ' Choosing International Entrepreneurial Modes

  5. 高技术小企业技术创业模式及其识别方式

    The mode of hi-tech small enterprises ' technical entrepreneurship and its evaluation method

  6. 学者把这种模式成为国际创业模式。

    This mode of internationalization is defined as international entrepreneurship mode by researchers .

  7. 大学生创业模式研究

    Research on College Students Enterprising Pattern

  8. 首先,本文详细介绍了基于组织行为的公司行为观创业模式和基于创业过程的交互式公司创业模式,并对其做出简要评价。

    The conceptual model of entrepreneurship as firm behavior and the interactive model of the CE process are presented and evaluated .

  9. 近年来国内产学研发展的具体创新模式表现为:技术资产经营模式、带土移植模式、代理创业模式、学科性公司模式和实验室+企业模式等。

    The specific models in the practice are technological-property model , transplanting model , deputy-entrepreneurship model , subject-company model and laboratory-enterprise model .

  10. 杭州和谐创业模式是我国继苏南模式和温州模式之后形成的又一个典型的区域经济社会发展模式;

    The harmonious enterprising mode of Hangzhou is another typical mode of regional social economic development after South Suzhou mode and Wenzhou mode in China .

  11. 我认为特斯拉以往的做法是因为他们不得不这样做,因为它一直处于创业模式。

    I think the reality is that Tesla did it the way they had to do it , being in the startup mode , he says .

  12. 由于两国的政治传统、经济文化背景不同,两种创业模式也存在不少差异。

    In view of some differences in the political tradition and the economic or cultural background , the two patterns of career creation differ from one another too .

  13. 本文以制度环境、创业模式、女性个性特征为导向,揭示在中国特定的转型经济条件下的女性创业行为。

    The article , on the perspectives of environment , entrepreneurship pattern and the female characteristics , explores the female entrepreneurial behavior in the transition economy of China .

  14. 农村劳动力升级转移是指某地农村劳动转移后,到异地自我雇用或自主创业模式。

    Ascending transference of the rural labor force refers to a pattern of which self-employment or starting a business independently is usually chosen when the rural labor force somewhere is shifted .

  15. 依据分析结合中职学生与电子商务专业特点选择相对操作简单、实际有效并且困难程度较小,兴趣程度高的创业模式&网上开店。

    Analysis based on the combination of professional and vocational school students and e-commerce features choose a relatively simple , effective and practical difficulty of small enterprise model with high level of interest online shop .

  16. 通过对创业模式的全新界定,可将这一概念推及至更为宏观的领域,即在创业动机、创业方式、产业进入、创新力度、政府扶持等等方面具有典型特征的创业行为。

    Defining the pattern of entrepreneur-ship under the macroeconomics context , we consider it as the entrepreneurship activities that have typical characteristics in the aspect of motives , manners , industries , innovations and governmental support .

  17. 格子店是新的创业模式,每个店面被分隔成上百个小格子,再由承租者展示、贩售任何琳琅满目且各具特色的创意商品。

    The Check Fun Store , an innovative business model , in which there 're hundreds of small checks to display and sell a wide range of creative products provided by people who rent these checks .

  18. 作为市场经济条件下创业模式、营销模式和竞争模式的一种创新,其有益于世,应该得到法律的肯定和保护。

    On one hand , as a herald of economic entrepreneurship , distribution and competition , Multilevel Direct Selling was born under the circumstance of a market oriented economy , and should be encouraged and protected by law ;

  19. 这为今后民营企业在应用不同战略资产时,能最有效地匹配相对应的组合创业模式,以最大化地协同提高创业企业成长绩效提供了捷径。

    This provides a shortcut for private enterprises in the application of different strategic assets , and the most effectively matching corresponding models of portfolio entrepreneurship , in order to maximize the synergies to improve the venturing growth performance .

  20. 在调查问卷的基础上,对每个变量之间的关系及影响机制做了具体而有效的研究分析,加深了对深圳地区创业模式的认识,有一定的理论意义和现实意义。

    On the basis of the questionnaire , a concrete and effective research and analysis on the relationship between each variable and impact mechanism , deepen the understanding of the business model of the Shenzhen area , some theoretical and practical significance .

  21. 我国大学生创业教育模式探讨

    Research on the mode of entrepreneurship education for undergraduates in China

  22. 网上自主创业实验模式研究

    Research of the Experimental Mode of Starting a Business On-line Autonomously

  23. 高职院校创业教育模式与实践之研究

    Higher Vocational College Starts Research of Entrepreneurship Education Model and Practice

  24. 美国大学生创业教育模式及其启示

    Educational Modes of Carving Out for Undergraduates and Its Inspiration in America

  25. 大学生创业教育模式探索

    Research of the Enterprise Education Mode for the University Students

  26. 高校生物技术专业学生创业教育模式的研究

    Studies on the Mode of Enterprising Education of Biotechnology Professional Students in University

  27. 基于过程窗口的秦皇岛旅行社创业管理模式研究

    Based on the Process Window of Business Management Model for Qinhuangdao Travel Agency

  28. 台湾土地政策与农民创业基本模式形成的研究

    The Study on Taiwan 's Land Policies and Farmers ' Enterprise Mode forms

  29. 创业教育模式比较及创业型人才培养

    Modes of entrepreneurial education and its development tendency

  30. 基于就业的地方性高校创业教育模式选择

    The Selection of Entrepreneurship Education Model Based on Employment for Graduates of Local Universities