
  • 网络entrepreneurship;The Entrepreneur;Enterpreneur
  1. 创业家综合征(entrepreneur'ssyndrome)指创业家认为只有他自己有能力把企业经营好这样一种思维。公司创立者不愿意或者不能放权的思维并不是刚刚出现的。

    Entrepreneur 's syndrome refers to a condition in which an entrepreneur believes that only he or she is capable of running the business .

  2. 事实上,这种思维在硅谷很普遍,而且还有个名字:创业家综合征。

    The idea of company founders Valley that it 's got a name : entrepreneur 's syndrome .

  3. Jack现在已是一个互联网创业家。

    Jack is now an Internet startup guy .

  4. 当创业家发表失败剖析时,他们往往最青睐由Twitter公司联合创始人伊万o威廉姆斯参与创办的出版平台Medium。

    Medium , the publishing platform co-founded by Twitter co-founder Evan Williams , is the preferred medium .

  5. 这3位女性和其他7位女性创始人构成了2013年《财富》杂志最有影响力的女创业家(FortuneMostPowerfulWomenEntrepreneurs)的名单。

    These and seven other female founders make up the 2013 class of fortune most powerful women entrepreneurs .

  6. 这位36岁的创业家创立了LinxDating。

    The 36-year-old entrepreneur founded Linx dating , a Menlo Park-based matchmaking service .

  7. 这位个性张扬的商人在上世纪80年代中期收购了境况不佳的AC米兰,当时他只是一位名气不大的媒体业和地产业创业家,他把AC米兰打造成意大利最成功的球队。

    The flamboyant businessman acquired the ailing football club in the mid-1980s , when he was a small-time media and real-estate entrepreneur and transformed it into Italy 's most successful team .

  8. 伦敦政治经济学院(londonschoolofeconomics)社会学讲师唐斯莱特(donslater)表示,青年创业家没有家庭责任和财务负担,因此常常可以承受更大的风险。

    Younger entrepreneurs can often be greater risk-takers thanks to their lack of familial and financial obligations , says Don Slater , a reader in sociology at London School of economics .

  9. (至于常驻创业家,)我选择Zappos的谢家华。

    ( for entrepreneur in residence ) I picked Tony Hsieh from Zappos .

  10. 阿尔芭曾被评为2012年《财富》(Fortune)最具影响力的女创业家(MostPowerfulWomenEntrepreneurs)。她对《财富》杂志讲述了她创建诚实公司的心路历程,以及如何以名人的身份向风险投资家融资。

    Alba , one of Fortune 's Most Powerful Women Entrepreneurs in 2012 , spoke with Fortune about Honest Co. and what it 's like to raise money from venture capitalists as a celebrity .

  11. 我们发现玛诺斯加速器(ManosAccelerator)已经在这样做了。玛诺斯加速器是面向拉美创业家的一个科技加速器。

    We saw this with Manos Accelerator , a new tech accelerator for Latino startup founders ;

  12. 相比之下,两周前,我心情愉悦地参加了“创业家论坛”(FoundersForum),这个一年一度的论坛对人们的积极思维是一大提振,就像给人们打了一针强心剂。

    By contrast , two weeks ago I enjoyed the Founders Forum , an annual boost of positive thinking as powerful as a huge jolt of adrenalin .

  13. 我记得我曾在哈佛大学肯尼迪学院(HarvardKennedySchool)发表讲话,谈到自己的职业定位,当时有人问我:也就是说,你是个‘内部创业家’(intrapreneur)?

    I recall describing my role during a talk I gave at Harvard Kennedy School , and someone said , So you are an ' intrapreneur ?

  14. 他同时还拥有Wentworth高尔夫俱乐部的少数股份,其余股份归他的合伙人&餐厅创业家里查德•凯尔林(RichardCaring)。

    He also owns a minority stake in Wentworth golf club , in partnership with Richard Caring , the restaurant entrepreneur , who owns the rest .

  15. 美国创业家和投资者应当奔向肖尔迪奇(Shoreditch)和伯恩茅斯(Bournemouth)。

    US entrepreneurs and investors should head to Shoreditch and Bournemouth .

  16. 身家亿万的创业家、电动汽车制造商特斯拉(Tesla)的首席执行官埃隆氠斯克(ElonMusk),对苹果(Apple)想造出一款能与特斯拉电动汽车匹敌的汽车的抱负予以了猛烈抨击。

    Elon Musk , the billionaire entrepreneur , has lashed out at Apple 's ambitions to make a car that could rival his Tesla electric vehicles .

  17. 他以负责人和投资人的身份设立了CelebrationofEntrepreneurship,这是当时中东最大的创业家团体,而两个月后就爆发了阿拉伯之春运动。

    He led and funded the celebration of entrepreneurship , then the largest gathering of start-up entrepreneurs in the Middle East , two months before the Arab uprisings consumed the region .

  18. 我觉得我们可能甚至已经抵达了一个问题的核心:为什么事实上有些M.B.A.反而毁掉了一些前途大好的创业家。

    I think we may even have reached the point where some M.B.A. 's actually damage up-and-coming entrepreneurs .

  19. 入驻创业家:风险投资的EIR模式

    The EIR Patten of Venture Capital

  20. MuleDesign联席创始人和策略总监艾瑞卡o哈尔在她谈设计研究的系列教育视频中提醒初出茅庐的创业家们要研究如何为世界增添价值,而不仅仅是专注于创造一些新奇的东西。她解释说:

    In her instructive series of videos about design research , Erika Hall , co-founder and director of strategy at Mule Design , reminds fledgling entrepreneurs to research adding value to the world , not just focus on creating something cool .

  21. 不过,附近的巴布森商学院(BabsonCollege)救了他,该校从分配到的少量H1-B签证中给了他一份。这些签证是为该校的常驻全球创业家(GlobalEntrepreneurinResidence)项目发放的。

    Mr Zhou was saved by nearby Babson College , however , which offered him one of a small allocation of H1-B work visas earmarked for the school 's Global Entrepreneur in Residence programme .

  22. 在上周举行的企业家年会创业家论坛(FoundersForum)上,房间里坐满了欧洲技术先驱,他们的公司都卖了数千万、甚至数亿。

    At the Founders Forum , an annual conference for entrepreneurs held last week , the room was full of European technology pioneers who have sold their companies for tens or even hundreds of millions .

  23. 学员修满所有课程后,通过提交论文及考核合格后方可授予“北京大学创业家EMP课程”结业证书。

    After taking all the classes , the learners will be granted a certificate of completion on " Peking University EMP Course " subject to the submission of the paper and qualifications from examination .

  24. 为了消除这种逆向选择风险,VCs可以针对不同能力的创业家采用分离均衡式契约安排,从而吸引更多优秀的创业家。

    In order to eliminate this kind of adverse selection , venture capitalist can take separate balanced contract design in the light of the entrepreneurs of various ability to attract excellent entrepreneurs .

  25. 都将旧金山湾区称之为他们的家。2010年,连续创业家约翰·金泽尔打算创办自己的第三家企业XerisPharmaceuticals时,他觉得已受够了加州,尽管他在该州居住了近25年。

    When the time came for him to set up his third company , Xeris Pharmaceuticals in 2010 , serial entrepreneur John Kinzell decided he had had enough of California , despite living there for almost 25 years .

  26. 就像那个20岁上下的创业家在喝咖啡时提醒我的一样,类似OkCupid、甚至Facebook这样的服务让许多人最初几次约会的神秘感荡然无存。

    And as that twenty-something entrepreneur reminded me over coffee , services like OkCupid , and even Facebook , sap a lot of the mystique out of those first few dates .

  27. 被命运重创的创业家们和被颠覆性变化猛击的企业领袖,现在抓住了斯多葛学派哲人塞内加(Seneca)和克律西波斯(Chrysippus)的冥思。

    The musings of Seneca and Chrysippus are being seized upon by entrepreneurs whipsawed by fate , and corporate leaders battered by disruption .

  28. 旧金山——就像如今许多聪明的年轻创业家一样,艾萨克•崔(IsaacChoi)在去年来到这里,创立了一家公司,承诺员工他会带领他们实现硅谷梦。

    SAN FRANCISCO - Like so many bright , young entrepreneurs these days , Isaac Choi arrived here last year , set up shop and promised employees that he would lead them to the Silicon Valley dream .

  29. 不是直接对外援助,而是资助Kiva平台,无论数额有多小,拥有资金的个人都可以通过该平台直接借钱给需要资金的创业家。

    Instead of foreign aid , fund Kiva , a platform that allows individuals with capital , however small , to lend directly to development entrepreneurs who need it .

  30. 多尔西表示,他以前从未想要成为一名创业家,而是希望成为一名艺术家、海员、裁缝,甚至李小龙(有一段时间他不断在tweet中援引这位武打大师的话)。

    Mr Dorsey says he never wanted to be an entrepreneur : he wanted to be an artist , sailor , tailor – or Bruce Lee ( he went through a period of tweeting quotes from the martial arts master ) .