
  1. 在卖掉工厂后,我们拥有大量现金,所以我们可以很快给新产品创意投资。

    EXAMPLE : When we sold our old factory we had plenty of ready cash and so we could invest in new product ideas quickly .

  2. 本文案例是一项很有创意的投资组合。

    This case in the article is an original investment portfolio .

  3. 格雷厄姆相信直觉,并鼓励他的学员也这样做,他在人力上的投资要超过对创意的投资。

    Graham trusts his instinct , and encourages his pupils to do the same , investing more in people than ideas .

  4. 针对自己的投资创意或投资组合,分享自己对风险控制或对冲操作的想法,也是不错的主意。

    Share your idea about risk control or hedging either for your own investment idea or in general for the portfolio is a great idea too .

  5. 我见过太多企业家太过于专注某个创意或投资自己的某项产品,以至于他们不愿意听从自己的直觉,面对残酷的现实。

    I 've seen many entrepreneurs who are so dedicated to an idea or invested in the product they 've built that they are unwilling to listen to their gut and face harsh realities .

  6. 基于外溢效应的创意产业氛围投资及绩效提升研究

    Research of innovative industry atmosphere investment basing on spillover effect and performance improvement

  7. 李开复说,在创意工场,风险投资会注入工程师们自己的创业项目中。

    Lee said engineers will get stakes in their own start-ups .

  8. 有些创意需要大量前期投资,有些则不需要。

    Some ideas take a lot of upfront investment , while others don 't.