
  • 网络Formality Examination;formal examination
  1. 确立形式审查原则;

    To establish its formal examination ;

  2. 登记机构对专利权出质登记实行形式审查,并辅之以实质审查,尽量保持登记系统所载内容的真实性。

    Registration agencies execute formal examination , sometimes substantive examination , at the registration , to ensure data facticity in registration system as accurate as possible .

  3. 而行政行为又可作无效行政行为和其他非无效行政行为的区分,其他非无效行政行为还可分为形式审查的行政行为和实质审查的行政行为。

    Administrative action can be divided into avoid and not - avoid .

  4. 还是应当采用形式审查标准呢?

    Should bein the form of review standards ?

  5. 我国民事起诉制度改革的方向是取消对起诉的实质审查,改为形式审查。

    The reform direction of Chinese civil prosecution system is changing the prosecution substantive examination to the form examination .

  6. 现行年检规定了以形式审查为主的审查模式,从而改变了传统年检中的法律责任分配方式。

    The liabilities in the traditional annual inspection has been changing because of model-based formal review in current annual inspection .

  7. 根据商行为的效率优先原则,形式审查制度在学界的统治地位日渐形成。

    Based on the efficiency rules of commercial trade , the formal investigation theory has established the monopoly position in the academia .

  8. 在程序上,则以法院非诉讼式的申请与形式审查为主要形式。

    In procedure , then by court " non - lawsuit type " the application and the form examination are the main form .

  9. 为了平衡自诉与公诉的程序运行,建议对第二类自诉案件的立案标准统一实行形式审查。

    To balance the program of the private prosecution and the public prosecution , a unified standard form of review should be implemented .

  10. 简单的形式审查或实质审查无法解决登记机构所要面对的复杂情形,折衷主义从现实主义出发,具有相对的实用性和合理性。

    The formal review and real review can not resolve complex situations , so the eclectic departure has a relatively practical rationality from realism .

  11. 具体而言,应当引进美国式的声明性登记的做法,并辅之以相配套的形式审查主义。

    In particular , our law should introduce the American-style " notice filing ", and combined with accessories in the form of the review .

  12. 介绍了我国不动产物权登记生效主义的立法体例,不动产物权登记以实质审查为主、形式审查为辅的审查形式。

    Described real property registration Effectiveness ' legislative system . And the main substantive examination , the form of review , supplemented by the review form .

  13. 文章重点分析了起诉证据的范围和对起诉证据审查的三个原则&形式审查、适当审查和程序审查原则。

    This article focus on analyzing the spectrum of impleading evidence and three principles for checking up , modality examination , propriety examination and procedure examination principles .

  14. 有些团队会在将代码提交到版本控制存储库之前,让其他开发人员用“桌面检查”的形式审查他们的代码。

    Furthermore , some teams have another developer review their code in the form of a " desk check " before committing it to the version control repository .

  15. 并且,长期以来,不管是学界还是实务部门,对于工商登记在性质上属于实质审查还是形式审查尚存争论。

    Moreover , a long time , whether academic or practical departments for business registration , in the nature of substantive examination or review of the form remains controversy .

  16. 在申请递交之后要通过形式审查,然后根据申请人所选定的程序决定注册还是公布。

    A7.Once you have filed your application it undergoes a formalities check , and then proceeds to either registration or publication , depending on the particular procedure you have selected .

  17. 本文研究了美国法院如何审查特别诉讼委员会做出的决定,发现法院主要有三种审查方式:形式审查、实质审查和独立性审查。

    This dissertation examines how the US court reviews the decision made by the Special Litigation Committee and finds three kinds of reviews : formal review , substantive review and independence review .

  18. 在形式审查中增加了补正程序,在实质审查中建立审查意见书制度,方便了商标注册申请人。

    In examination as to form , a revision procedure was added , and in examination as to substance , a written comment system was established to provide convenience for registered trademark applicants .

  19. 强制股利分配之诉需要遵循以下原则:谨慎干预商业判断原则、穷尽内部救济原则、形式审查为主、实质审查为补充原则。

    The appeal for coercive dividend distribution shall abide by the following principles , i.e. cautious intervention into business judgment , exhaustion of internal relief , formal examination first and substantive examination second .

  20. 我国现行法律对登记机关的审查权是采用实质审查主义,还是采用形式审查主义,尚未作出明确规定。

    The current law in our country has not yet clearly stipulated whether the authority of the registry agency will adopt the essential examination pattern of registration or the formal examination pattern of registration .

  21. 经调解达成协议的,由法院依法对调解协议进行形式审查并予以司法确认,产生强制执行力。

    Reach an agreement as a result of mediating , the judiciary examining and giving the form being in progress according to law to the reconciliation agreement by the court affirms , produces the forcible execution force .

  22. 权利的主体、权利的客体、权利的内容、为了取得权利而进行的注册、形式审查以及必要时的实质审查等都属于这类问题。

    They are questions concerning the parties for holding the rights , the objects of the rights , the contents of the rights , the application and registration and the examination in order to obtain the rights .

  23. 在动产抵押登记程序上,我国登记机关采取的实质审查程序比较繁琐,要求过于严格,加重了登记机关的负担,而采纳形式审查主义较为便捷和经济。

    In the chattel mortgage registration procedures , the essence of Chinese registration authority to review procedure is trival , strict requirements , the burden of aggravating the registration authority , and adopt more convenient and form of socialist economic review .

  24. 随着新《公司法》的施行,公司为本公司的股东或者其他个人债务提供担保,必须经过集体决议,作为担保权人有义务对之进行形式审查。

    With the enforcement of new Company Law , a company should obtain a collective agreement when it intends to provide guaranty for domestic shareholders or other individual debt . As a guarantor , it has the responsibilities to have a check on its form .

  25. 形式审查主义认为公司登记机关对要求登记事项及相关文件的完整性、形式合法性负审查责任,除法律另有规定外,材料的真实性由申请人负责。

    In terms of Formal examination , it is the corporate registration authority that should be responsible for the integrity and form legality of related documents , and unless otherwise provided by law , the applicant should be responsible for the authenticity of the material .

  26. 在动产抵押登记审查方式上,我国应在《物权法》规定的形式审查方式基础上,增加异议处理程序,达到充分救济当事人的权利的目的。

    In the way of chattel mortgage registration review , we should in the " Property Law " means the form required on the basis of the review to increase the objection process , the rights of the parties to achieve the full relief purposes .

  27. 此外,公权存在介入规制商事主体创设的必要与可能,设立登记审查作为此种规制的路径选择,应在形式审查、实质审查与折衷审查间,妥恰遴选。

    In addition , public presence of interventional regulation of commercial subject establishment necessity and possibility , registration review as the regulation of path selection , should be in the form of a review , review of the substance and the eclectic review , proper selection .

  28. 程序形成权是指依当事人一方或双方共同的诉讼形为,无需经过法院审查,或者只需法院作形式审查,就能发生诉讼法律状态或诉讼法律关系产生、变更或消灭为诉讼权利。

    The procedural right of formation refers to the right of actions that the joint action of one party or both parties does not need the court s review or needs the court s formal review only , but the litigious legal relation can produce , change and eliminate .

  29. 我反对任何形式的审查。

    I 'm opposed to censorship in any shape or form .

  30. 瑕疵证据主要是指在形成过程或者形式、审查程序等方面不合法的证据。

    The defective evidence refers to the evidence of which the course of formation or examining procedure is illegal .