
  • 网络DAIMLER;Daimler AG DE-DAI
  1. 戴姆勒汽车公司CEO蔡澈正努力展现公司(梅赛德斯-奔驰汽车的制造商)最好的一面。

    Dieter Zetsche , Daimler CEO , tried to put the best possible face on the position of his company , which makes Mercedes-Benz vehicles .

  2. 持续将近10年的亏损后,戴姆勒汽车公司(Daimler)终于关闭了豪车品牌迈巴赫。

    Ending almost a decade of losses , Daimler is shutting down its super-luxury Maybach brand .

  3. 通用汽车、福特汽车公司(Ford)、戴姆勒汽车公司(Daimler)及其他众多汽车厂商一直在致力于研发一种更耐用、更经济的小型燃料电池。

    GM , Ford ( f ) , Daimler and most other carmakers have been working to develop a small , durable and affordable fuel cell .

  4. 现在,戴姆勒汽车公司正设法将这种汽车打入美国的汽车市场。

    Now Daimler will try to sell the Smart Fortwo in the American car market .

  5. 梅赛德斯-奔驰的母公司戴姆勒汽车公司也将参与其中。这些汽车制造商于上周二表示,计划在2020年前在欧洲的高速公路上建立数千个充电站。

    The partnership , which will also include Mercedes-Benz parent Daimler AG , aims to establish " thousands " of stations along European highways by 2020 , the automakers said last Tuesday .

  6. 欧洲市场的戴姆勒克莱斯勒汽车的车身面板全用了树脂。

    MIKE : Daimler Chrysler is using all-plastic body panels on European cars .

  7. 去年郑把现代汽车公司10%的股份出售给美国戴姆勒克莱斯勒汽车公司以建立战略联盟。

    Last year , Chung sold 10 % of Hyundai Motor to DaimlerChrysler with the aim of building a strategic alliance .

  8. 卡尔本茨和戈特利布戴姆勒既是汽车发明者,同时也是世界上历史最悠久的汽车制造公司的创始人。

    Karl Benz and the Gottlieb Daimler the inventor of both cars , but also the world 's oldest car manufacturing company founder .

  9. 为了进一步扩充自己的电动车配件,戴姆勒在电动汽车厂商特斯拉汽车公司(TeslaMotors)一直占有10%的股份。

    Further expanding its EV options , Daimler is holding on to its 10 % stake in Tesla Motors ( tsla ) .

  10. 中国媒体称,突击查访的目标是北京梅赛德斯-奔驰销售服务有限公司(BeijingMercedes-BenzSalesServiceCo.)上海办事处。该公司是由戴姆勒与北京汽车股份有限公司(BAICMotor)共同出资组建的合资企业。

    Chinese media said the target of the raid was the Shanghai offices of Beijing Mercedes-Benz Sales Service Co. , a joint venture with Chinese company BAIC Motor .

  11. 慕尼黑,巴登-符腾堡州和下萨克森成功的中小型企是受益于如BMW,西门子、戴姆勒、大众汽车等龙头企业的带动。

    The successful Mittelstand firms of Munich , Baden-W ü rttemberg and Lower Saxony have been pulled along by leaders such as BMW , Siemens , Daimler and Volkswagen .

  12. 戴姆勒-克莱斯勒汽车公司总部,莫斯科,俄罗斯

    Company headquarters DaimlerChrysler ag , moscow , russia , 1999

  13. 北京奔驰-戴姆勒克莱斯勒系列汽车纯正备件销售。

    Beijing Benz-daimlerchrysler series automobile spare parts sales pure .

  14. 文章以中国第一家合资制造企业&北京吉普,也即今天的北京奔驰-戴姆勒.克莱斯勒汽车有限公司为案例。

    This paper is a case study which emphasized on the first China joint venture - Beijing Jeep , Beijing Benz - Kreisler today .

  15. 毋庸置疑:大众今年的市场份额已经超过本田动力公司和尼桑动力公司,仅次于丰田公司和戴姆勒-克莱斯勒汽车集团公司。

    No wonder : Volkswagen surpassed Honda Motor Co and Nissan Motor Corp this year by market value and is behind only Toyota and DaimlerChrysler AG .

  16. 戴姆勒早已与中国汽车业建立了紧密的联系。

    Daimler already has close ties with the Chinese car industry .

  17. 一部发出跑车声音的电梯把游客带到大厅,大厅里展示着几乎由卡尔•奔驰戈特利布•戴姆勒发明的款汽车。

    An elevator that emits sports car sounds takes visitors to halls that contain the first autos , invented almost simultaneously by Carl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler .