
  • 网络Net sales;net sales income
  1. 销售利润率,又称为利润边际,表达的是净收益与销售收入之间的关系,反映了单位收入能够产生多少净收益。

    The rate of return on net sales , or simply return on sales , or called profit margin , expresses the relationship of net income and sales , indicates how much net income is produced by each revenue dollar .

  2. 全聚德的开店时间可追溯至清朝年间,至今已拥有143年的历史,它表示自己每年出售的烤鸭多达300万只,去年的净利润和销售收入分别达到了人民币5666万元(合750万美元)和人民币6.656亿元。

    Touting a 143-year-old legacy dating to the Qing dynasty , the restaurant says it sells three million ducks a year , and posted a 56.66 million yuan ( $ 7.5 million ) net profit last year on sales of 665.64 million yuan .