
  • 网络exhibition industry
  1. 展览业与广东经济互动发展的关系研究

    Study on the Interactive Development Relationship between Exhibition Industry and Guangdong Economy

  2. 珠江三角洲和香港展览业区域竞争力比较

    A Comparative Analysis of the Regional Competitiveness of Exhibition Industry between the Pearl River Delta and Hong Kong and Proposed Strategies

  3. 湖南省国际展览业发展策略研究

    Study on Development Tactics of International Exhibition Industry of Hunan Province

  4. 浦东新区展览业直接经济效应实证研究

    The Direct Economic Effect of MICE-the Case of Pudong Shanghai

  5. 上海展览业研究(1978-2007)

    A Study on Shanghai Exhibition Industry ( 1978-2007 )

  6. 商业性展览业市场化研究

    A Study on Marketization of Commercial Exhibition Industry

  7. 上海展览业步入了一个国际化竞争时代。

    Actually the exhibition industry of Shanghai has stepped into an internationalized competition era .

  8. 自从有了商品经济就有了展览业,因此展览业是一个有很长历史的行业。

    The development of meeting and exhibition is accompanied with the development of economy .

  9. 展览业是一个飞速发展的行业,它极大的促进了经济的发展。

    With the development of modern exhibition industry , the economic has been promoted deeply .

  10. 湖南展览业近年来发展迅速,引起业界关注。

    In the recent years , Hunan 's Exhibition Industry develops rapidly to which attention is paid .

  11. 作为本土展览业首屈一指的制作工厂,我们更加了解国内市场,了解客户的需求!

    As experts in trade show design , we understand the home market and customer 's requirement .

  12. 是一种行之有效的家具营销方式和推动展览业与家具产业发展的有效途径。

    It is an effective distribution method that boosts the development of furniture firms and exhibition activities .

  13. 澳门展贸协会是一个致力推动澳门会议展览业发展的专业团体。

    Macau Fair Trade Association is a professional organization which aims to promote develop MICE industry in Macao .

  14. 在传统媒体业,展览业一直是受到数字技术影响最小的角落之一。

    The exhibitions business has been one of the corners of the traditional media sector least damaged by digital technology .

  15. 近年来,展览业的快速发展一直是社会所关注的经济热点之一。

    In recent years , the exhibition industry has been a economic focus of society concerned because of its rapid development .

  16. 希望本文能对湖南省国际展览业的发展有一定的指导作用和参考价值。

    I hope that this article can offer a guiding role and reference for the development of international exhibition industry in Hunan province .

  17. 展览业作为前景广阔的朝阳产业,对相关产业具有巨大的拉动作用。

    The exhibition industry as a bright prospect of sunrise industry has brought about tremendous economic benefits to other relevant industries and trades .

  18. 目前,展览业的门槛越来越低,虽然仍实行展会审批制,但准入限制基本取消。

    Now , the exhibition industry has lowered its entry requirements : the entry regulations have been removed , although the approval system still exists .

  19. 在国内,经济结构的宏观调控使市场经济发展趋于成熟,这些都促进了展览业的迅速发展。

    And the macro-control of the country 's economic structure renders the market economy highly mature , which contributes to the rapid growth of the exhibition industry .

  20. 维护办展单位和参展单位的合法权益,保障对外展览业的健康发展;

    The legitimate rights and interests of units holding exhibitions and units participating in exhibitions shall be safeguarded and the healthy development of the foreign exhibition industry ensured ;

  21. 第二,借助开发平台是壮文化经济价值开发成功的行为机制,这些行为平台包括旅游产业、创意产业、饮食产业、艺术产业和展览业。

    Secondly , to develop Zhuang culture economic value entails necessary platform , including tourism industry , creativity industry , food industry and art industry and exhibition industry .

  22. 研究北京市体育用品展览会的发展现状,找出其存在的问题,可以为展览会的组织者有针对性地提供一些参考建议,促进北京市体育用品展览业的健康发展。

    Researching on the development situation of exhibition industry of sport goods held in Beijing and finding the problems during the development processes are helpful to the exhibition organizer .

  23. 上世纪90年代后期至今,中国展览业的规模与效益逐步攀升,在国民经济中发挥越来越重要的作用。

    Since the late 1990s , the benefit and scale of exhibition industry in China gradually increased , and exhibition industry played an increasingly important role in the national economy .

  24. 展览业对我国的社会经济发展起着巨大的推动作用,已成为一种充满活力的朝阳产业,国家对其关注程度也日益提高。

    The exhibition industry has greatly promoted the social and economic development in China . The exhibition industry as a vibrant sunrise industry increasingly gets the concern of our government .

  25. 展览业在我国是个新兴行业,目前正以年均增长近20%的速度发展。

    The exhibition industry is a newly arisen profession in China , developing with a growth rate close to 20 % annually , called as the sunrise industry of 21 century .

  26. 国际展览业蓬勃发展,在促进对外贸易、提供技术转让机会、促进国家工业发展及带动其他产业发展等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    International exhibition industry is developing vigorously and plays more and more important role in promoting foreign trade , providing technology transfer , promoting the development of national industry and other industries .

  27. 在构建评价指标体系的过程中,充分考虑了展览业与城市各方面因素的相关性,力求将城市展览业作为一个整体研究对象来展开分析。

    In the procedure of constructing index systems , take all relations into account between city and exhibition industry , try to take both exhibition industry and city as a whole objective .

  28. 武汉作为近代以来积极参与和率先举办博览会事业的城市之一,在展览业的发展历程上取得过令人瞩目的历史成就。

    As one of the cities which has actively participated in and taken a lead in holding expositions in modern China , Wuhan has made remarkable achievements in the development history of exposition .

  29. 在中国,展览业正处于起步的阶段,到国外去开办展览企业,利用这种方式推动中国企业开拓国际市场更是一种新的尝试。

    It is a brand new thing to open an exhibition enterprise aboard and assist Chinese companies to develop the international market , while the exhibition industry itself is still at its initial stage in China .

  30. 尤其在国内,展览业的关注度更高,其原因在于展览业一直被认为是高收入、高盈利的行业;国际展览业的利润大约在20%至25%之间。

    Especially , in our country , the exhibition industry are paid more attention because it has always been regarded as high-income , high-profit industry . The profits of international exhibition industry can reach around 20-25 % .