
bō yīn
  • Boeing;mordent
波音[bō yīn]
  1. 那架波音747上的9名机组成员平安获释。

    The nine crew on the Boeing 747 were released unharmed .

  2. 一架波音737降落在1号高速公路上。

    A Boeing 737 came down on the M1 motorway .

  3. 现在波音757飞机的组成部件将由波兰工人制造。

    Polish workers will now be making component parts for Boeing 757s .

  4. 这架波音767刚刚停住,它的舱门就弹开了。

    The Boeing 767 had barely taxied to a halt before its doors were flung open

  5. 我们将乘坐波音757的头等舱从纽约飞往巴黎。

    We 'll fly first class on a Boeing 757 from New York to Paris .

  6. 目前,该公司每天有两架波音747飞往伦敦。

    At present , the airline operates two flights a day to London using Boeing 747 planes .

  7. 这家航空公司目前正在用波音747取代dc10。

    The airline is currently replacing its dc10s with boeing747s .

  8. 从那时起,美国国家航空航天局、美国国家侦察局甚至是波音公司都发射并运行了立方体卫星。

    Since then , NASA , the National Reconnaissance Office and even Boeing have all launched and operated CubeSats .

  9. 然后,他们可以在飞鹰航空最新的波音797飞机上享受同样的福利,前往世界上任何一个目的地!

    They can then enjoy the same benefits onboard Eagle Airways ' newest Boeing-797to any destination in the world !

  10. 它旨在与波音737和空客A320竞争。

    It is designed to compete with Boeing 737 and Airbus A320 .

  11. 据报道,一架C919成本为5000万美元,不到波音737或空客A320成本的一半。

    It 's reported that a C919 costs around 50 million dollars , less than half of a Boeing 737 or an Airbus A320 .

  12. 波音管它叫“交通工具直立睡眠支持系统”。

    Boeing calls it the " transport vehicle upright sleep support system " .

  13. 今年8月,一队人马在伦敦西区曾清除了一个波音747客机大小的肥球。

    In August , a team removed a Boeing-747 sized fatberg in Shepherd 's Bush Roads West London .

  14. 此外,新人还可以选择包场使用羽田机场的休息室,还可选择在机场内的大厅举办婚宴。根据这项新服务,情侣们可以乘坐波音777-300ER飞机举行婚礼,该飞机通常用于目前尚未投入运营的国际航班。

    All Nippon Airways in air travel amid the COVID-19 pandemic . Under the new service , couples can hold their wedding ceremonies aboard Boeing 777-300ER jets normally used for international flights that are not currently in operation .

  15. 波音公司于2月24日向FCC提交了申请。

    Boeing filed the documents with the FCC on Feb. 24 .

  16. 本论文的工作是为美国波音公司设计开发一个无线手持式POS(PointofSale,销售终端)系统。

    The work presented in this paper focuses on developing a wireless handheld POS ( Point of Sale ) system .

  17. 还有哪家公司能像波音(Boeing)一样能在2014年拥有这么好的开局?

    Has anyone had a better start to 2014 than Boeing ?

  18. 尽管波音对中国能否坚持WTO条款,禁止导致市场扭曲的各项补贴心存疑虑。它和空客都谨慎礼貌地对这家新对手的前景表示看好。

    China sticks to WTO rules banning market-distorting subsidies , both it and Airbus are studiously polite about the prospect of a new rival .

  19. 空客和波音(boeing)今年都经历了少量订单被取消的情况。

    Airbus and Boeing have both seen a trickle of cancellations this year .

  20. 美国航空航天局(NASA)本周二宣布,在运送美国宇航员到国际空间站(InternationalSpaceStation)项目的竞争中,波音(Boeing)和太空探索技术公司(SpaceExplorationTechnologiesCorporation)成为了赢家。

    Boeing and the Space Exploration Technologies Corporation are the winners in the competition to carry Americans astronauts to the International Space Station , NASA announced Tuesday .

  21. 欧盟政府官员表示,在欧盟就美国补贴波音所提起的申诉未得到WTO裁定之前,双方不太可能启动旨在解决争端的谈判。

    European government officials said negotiations to resolve the dispute were unlikely to begin before the WTO ruled on Europe 's case against US aid to Boeing .

  22. 目前这套MIT与波音合作的系统仍在研发中,可能两年后就可投入应用。

    The MIT-Boeing system is still in development and may be ready for deployment in two years .

  23. 一位CNN的记者宣称说根本没有证据能够证明波音757客机撞上了五角大楼。

    CNN Reporter at the scene states that there is no evidence that a757 hit the Pentagon .

  24. 关键问题是中国会不会制裁波音(Boeing),那将是一件很大的事。

    The key question is whether China will sanction Boeing , which would be a very big deal .

  25. 马航失事的两架客机都是波音(Boeing)777喷气式飞机,相比之下,涡轮螺旋桨飞机更有可能发生坠机事故。

    And while both Malaysian aircraft were Boeing 777 jets , turboprop planes are more likely to crash .

  26. 新闻通讯社美联社(AssociatedPress)援引一位匿名的“美国官员”的话称“高度怀疑”该零件来自一架波音777。

    Associated Press , the wire service , quoted an anonymous " US official " as saying " with a high degree of confidence " that the part came from a 777 .

  27. 塔塔钢铁集团(TataSteel)在俄亥俄州有一家工厂;波音公司聘用班加罗尔(Bangalore)的工程师设计787型飞机,而飞机零件则在美国各地生产。

    Tata Steel has a plant in Ohio ; Boeing uses engineers in Bangalore to design787s whose parts are manufactured across America .

  28. 霍尼韦尔正与中石油、中国国航以及波音公司(Boeing)合作,在中国建立航空生物燃料基础设施。

    Honeywell is working with PetroChina , Air China and Boeing to create an aviation biofuels infrastructure in China .

  29. 预计世贸组织将在7月中旬对欧盟(eu)就所谓的美国向波音支付补贴提起的相关申诉做出初步裁定。

    The WTO is expected to issue a preliminary ruling on a companion case filed by the European Union against the US over alleged subsidies paid to Boeing in mid-July .

  30. 自理查德尼克松(richardnixon)于上世纪70年代恢复美国与中国的外交关系以来,波音就一直处在中美关系的中心位置。

    Since Richard Nixon restored diplomatic ties with China in the 1970s , Boeing has been at the crux of US-China relations .