
bō sī
  • Persia
波斯 [bō sī]
  • [Persia] 伊朗的旧称

波斯[bō sī]
  1. 通过叙利亚人作媒介,希腊文化渗透到波斯。

    Through the medium of the Syrians Greek culture penetrated Persia .

  2. 波斯崛起MOD设定在公元前6世纪,一个人类历史上最迷人的时代。

    The Rise of Persia Mod is set in the6th century BC , a most fascinating era of mankind 's history .

  3. 一位美国飞行员被迫将喷气式飞机紧急迫降在波斯湾上。

    One American pilot was forced to ditch his jet in the Gulf

  4. 这次原油泄漏可能会使波斯湾的海龟灭绝。

    The spill could wipe out the Gulf 's turtle population

  5. 硬木地板上铺着一张波斯地毯。

    A Persian rug covered the hardwood floors .

  6. 他们通过了对参加过波斯湾战争的老兵增发共计11亿美元的一揽子提案。

    They approved a $ 1.1 billion package of pay increases for the veterans of the Persian Gulf War .

  7. 这是真正的波斯地毯。

    This is an authentic Persian rug .

  8. 这是个典型的波斯式花园。

    It is a typical Persian garden .

  9. 阿提哈德航空每周有24个航班往返于阿布扎比和澳大利亚。阿布扎比位于波斯湾(PersianGulf)。

    Etihad operates 24 flights a week between Abu Dhabi in the Persian Gulf and Australia .

  10. 对于C公司而言,面临的根本问题是如何在竞争激烈的航运市场,最佳地经营中国/波斯湾航线,以获得最大利润。

    Therefore , how to optimize the China / Persian Gulf service to maximize the bottom line under current gloomy market situation has always been an important issue for C Container Lines company .

  11. 美国在哈瓦那驻有使团,美国的摔跤手也曾到德黑兰去参加波斯湾杯(persiangulfcup)的比赛。

    The US has a mission in Havana and American wrestlers have travelled to Tehran to compete in the Persian Gulf Cup .

  12. 你知道是谁把velcro引到波斯湾的吗?

    Who do you think introduced Velcro to the Persian gulf ?

  13. 一只FLAGTelecom派出的维修队是光缆被割断处附近发现了这个船锚。电缆是于二月一日在杜拜以北35英里、阿联酋和阿曼之间的波斯湾被割断。

    FLAG Telecom repair crew discovered the anchor near where the fiber-optic cable was severed Feb.1 in the Persian Gulf , 35 miles north of Dubai , between the Emirates and Oman .

  14. 正如我们之前讨论的,莫名消失的波斯国王冈比西斯二世(CambysesII)的军队,成为了重大的历史之谜。

    As we 've discussed earlier , the lost army of Persian king Cambyses II has been a great historical mystery .

  15. 威母波斯是UCSB分子,细胞发育生物系的副教授。

    Weimbs is assistant professor in the Department of Molecular , Cellular and Developmental Biology at UCSB .

  16. 广告商需要的正是这些人来帮助他们驾驭互联网,因为正如亚里士多德(Aristotle)早在2000年前就知道的:火焰在此也在波斯燃烧,但人们的想法转眼就会改变。

    They are the people that are needed to help advertisers navigate the internet because , as Aristotle knew 2,000 years ago : Fire burns both here and in Persia . But what is thought just changes before our eyes .

  17. 18世纪,苏丹的Mahmud首次将这把匕首送给波斯NadirShah,但是Shah由于牵涉到叛乱被暗杀了,所以苏丹人保留了这把匕首。

    In the18th century , the Sultan Mahmud the first had this dagger for Nadir Shah of Persia , but Shah was assassinated in connection with a revolt , so the Sultan retained it .

  18. 我们看到,这位统治者不仅在伊斯法罕(Isfahan)建造了伟大的清真寺,他还建造了一座亚美尼亚大教堂。同时他还让基督教的组织来波斯做事。

    We have this ruler who not only builds the great mosques of Isfahan but also an Armenian cathedral , and who brings Christian foundations to work in Persia .

  19. 如果停火计划流产,一种可能的情况是,土耳其将与阿拉伯波斯湾国家以及叙利亚总统阿萨德(Basharal-Assad)的西方敌对势力一道采取更强硬立场,出手干涉。

    One scenario if the cease fire plan collapses is that Turkey , along with Arab Persian gulf states and western foes of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad , will take a more assertive stance and intervene in Syria .

  20. 开普从考古发掘、历史记载,尤其是一位埃及叛军领袖的手稿中判断,波斯军队是在去戴拉(Dachla)绿洲的路上莫名消失的,而该地是叛军领袖派塔贝斯特斯三世(PetubastisIII)的军队所驻扎之地。

    By piecing together information from excavations , historical records , and especially the writings of an Egyptian rebel leader ( which Kaper had translated from ancient temple blocks ) , Kaper believes the Persian army was on its way to Dachla Oasis , where the rebel leader Petubastis III and his troops had been located .

  21. 紧接着经历了两场和波斯喀伽(Qajar)王朝以及俄王朝之间的战争,在1813年俄国通过Gulistan条约以及1828年的土耳其条约占领了阿塞拜疆。

    Following the two wars between the Qajar dynasty of Persia and the Russian Empire , Azerbaijan was acquired by Russia through the Treaty of Gulistan in1813 , and the Treaty of Turkmenchay in1828 .

  22. 它的名字翻译为六maqams,是指音乐结构,包括六个不同的音乐模式,类似古典的波斯音乐。

    The name , which translates as six maqams refers to the structure of the music , which contains six sections in diverrent musical modes , similar to classical Persian music .

  23. 因此,第十三就和混乱联系了起来。波斯人在波斯历上的第十三天会外出、以避免厄运,这个传统被称为“SizdahBedar”,意思是“十三户外”。

    Therefore , the thirteenth is identified with chaos and the reason Persians leave their houses to avoid bad luck on the thirteenth day of the Persian Calendar , a tradition called Sizdah Bedar .

  24. 蒙·元时期的波斯与中国

    The Persia and China of the Period of Mongolia and Yuan

  25. 波斯帝国对希腊城邦政策的演变

    The Change of Persian Empire 's Policy of the Greek City-States

  26. 他回忆克朗肖经常谈起的那个波斯地毯的寓言。

    He recollected cronshaw 's whimsical metaphor of the Persian carpet .

  27. 他们计划攫取波斯湾的全面控制权。

    They planned to seize complete control of the Persian gulf .

  28. 美国的屋顶可以比作是太阳能的波斯湾。

    American rooftops can be the Persian Gulf of solar energy .

  29. 奥地利和伊朗合作重建伊朗古城波斯波利斯。

    Austria and Iran cooperate to restore ancient capital of Persepolis .

  30. 波斯帝国成千上万的族人会突袭你们。

    A thousand nations of the Persian Empire descend upon you .