
  • 网络alexander the great;Alexandria
  1. 但据亚里士多德——柏拉图的学生,亚历山大大帝的老师——所说,大多数的人际关系都算不上是真正的友谊。

    But according to Aristotle — a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great — most relationships don 't qualify as true friendships .

  2. 除了历史著名人物托马斯·爱迪生、亚历山大大帝等人的故事,《年代学》也讲述了一些不太知名的个人生平,比如探险家蒙戈·帕克和雕塑家格曾·鲍格勒姆。

    While CHRONOLOGICA tells the stories of famous people in history such as Thomas Edison and Alexander the Great , this book also gives an account of the lives of lesser-known individuals including the explorer Mungo Park and sculptor Gutzon Borglum .

  3. 托勒密王族(Ptolemys)是马其顿帝国的原住家族,他们在亚历山大大帝(AlexandertheGreat)死后统治埃及近300年。其间,为保护家族血统的“纯粹性”,他们可谓“殚精竭虑、极尽所能”。

    The Ptolemys were an originally Macedonian family who ruled Egypt after Alexander the Great died . They reigned for almost 300 years , and kept their bloodlines as " pure " as could be .

  4. 斯通喜欢围绕一系列情节转折、类似战争的场景结构影片,比如影片《门》(TheDoors)中的音乐会、《挑战星期天》(AnyGivenSunday)中的橄榄球赛,或者《亚历山大大帝》(Alexander)中的战争场面。

    Stone likes to structure his movies around a series of plot -- pivoting , battlelike scenes - the concerts in The Doors , the football games in Any Given Sunday or actual warfare in Alexander .

  5. 古代马其顿亚历山大大帝的军事统帅艺术

    The Military Commanding Skills Of An Ancient Macedonian Alexander The Great

  6. 亚历山大大帝的确是一位伟大的君主。

    Alxander is a great lord to my mind in deed .

  7. 亚历山大大帝全副武装的出现在他面前。

    Alexander had appeared to him , armed for combat .

  8. 亚里士多德有指导亚历山大大帝的著名史实;

    Aristotle famously was a tutor of Alexander the Great .

  9. 它是由亚历山大大帝所建造的。

    It 's a temple built by Alexander the great .

  10. 亚历山大大帝曾率领大军入侵印度。

    Alexander the Great invaded India with a large army .

  11. 亚历山大大帝统治着一个大帝国。

    Alexander the Great ruled over a large empire .

  12. 人们相信最大的石棺里安放着亚历山大大帝的遗体。

    The largest sarcophagus was believed to contain the remains of Alexander the Great .

  13. 首先,我想见亚历山大大帝,拜托。

    First , I 'd like to see Alexander the Great , please . '

  14. 我是亚历山大大帝。

    I am Alexander the Great .

  15. 欧洲的历史上,有一位有名的人物亚历山大大帝,雄才大略,文武双全。

    In the history of Europe , there was a famous emperor , Alexander the Great .

  16. 那儿,在一个大的战场上出现了亚历山大大帝的鬼魂,以及他庞大的军队。

    There in a large field was the ghost of Alexander , with his huge army .

  17. 听他们提到亚历山大大帝和阿塔克西斯的名字,我的好奇心立即被吸引了出来。

    My curiosity was raised when I heard the names of Alexander the Great and Artaxerxes ;

  18. 亚历山大大帝从未输过一场战役,不仅是对波斯人还有其他的任何人。

    Alexander the Great never lost a battle , not to the Persians or to anyone else .

  19. 在亚历山大大帝时代,其中大部分大概已被公认为神圣文件了。

    Most of them were probably recognized as sacred writings in the time of Alexander the Great .

  20. 于是这位君主走过去,对提奥奇尼斯说:“我是亚历山大大帝。”

    So the king went up to him and said ," I am Alexander the Great . "

  21. 亚历山大大帝想要建立,统一的帝国。

    Alexander the Great , remember , wanted to set up a one world , a universal empire .

  22. 其过去的游牧民族和部落文化同时受到亚历山大大帝和成吉思汗的双重影响。

    It boasts a nomadic past and warrior legacy stirring up images of Alexander the Great and Genghis Khan .

  23. 先简要回顾一下上回课的内容,关于亚历山大大帝。

    I 'll remind you of what we talked about last time with Alexander the Great just very briefly .

  24. 唉,在你这岁数,亚历山大大帝都征服了半个世界了。

    You seem to lack ambition . Why , at your age Alexander the Great had conquered half the world .

  25. 亚历山大大帝的军渡活动至今未见专门论述。

    Up till now , there is no special written comment on military river crossing conducted by Alexander the Great .

  26. 但是在亚历山大大帝的一次行进过程中,他特别叫了计步师来计算他到底走了多长距离。

    However , during his travels , Alexander the Great had specialists called bematists who measured the distances of routes .

  27. 你们都还记得,最近一两年上映的一部电影中有提到特洛依城,由柯林,法洛饰演亚历山大大帝。

    You all remember the recent movie of a year or two ago about Troy with Colin Farrell about Alexander .

  28. 尽管邻国希腊的强烈抗议,马其顿首都斯科普里还是树立起有争议的亚历山大大帝的雕像。

    A controversial statue of Alexander the Great has been erected in the Macedonian capital Skopje despite protests from neighbouring Greece .

  29. 我们在树上读到,亚历山大大帝是亚里士多德的信徒,他从亚里士多德的教导中受益匪浅。

    We read that Alexander the Great was the disciple of Aristotle , from whose instructions he derived the greatest advantage .

  30. 20岁的时候,亚历山大大帝成为了马其顿之王,并且攻占了雅典和底比斯。

    By the age of 20 , Alexander the Great was proclaimed the King of Macedon and had conquered Athens and Thebes .