
  • 网络asem;Asia Europe Meeting;asia-europe meeting
  1. 我国同绝大多数亚欧会议成员有着重要的经贸关系。

    China has important economic and trade links with most of the ASEM members .

  2. 亚欧会议:机制和绩效

    ASEM : Mechanism and Performance

  3. 热烈欢迎亚欧会议在伦敦召开。

    We warmly welcome the convening of Asia-Europe meeting in London .

  4. 但是亚欧会议的闭幕词说IMF应该在帮助受到金融危机影响的国家的过程中发挥重要的作用。

    But ASEM 's closing statement said the IMF should play a critical role in helping badly-hit countries .

  5. 亚洲的合作,特别是东亚的合作,要求与包括APEC,亚欧会议和东亚-拉美合作论坛在内的跨地区机制保持接触。

    Asian cooperation , especially East Asian cooperation , calls for maintaining contacts with other trans-regional mechanisms including the APEC , the ASEM and the FEALAC .

  6. 亚洲国家应通过APEC、亚欧会议和东亚-拉美合作论坛等渠道,进一步加强与各大洲国家的合作。

    Instead , Asian countries should further enhance their cooperation with countries of other continents through such channels as APEC , ASEM and East Asia-Latin America Forum .

  7. 亚欧会议(ASEM)诞生于1996年,迄今为止共召开了五届首脑会议,在学术界属于较新的研究领域。

    Asia-Europe Meeting ( ASEM ) was born in 1996 and has held five skull sessions . The research of ASEM is new in academia .

  8. 亚洲就曾提供过一种选择:它曾向欧盟提议举办亚欧会议(asem),而这个会议原本可以促成美国、欧盟与东亚之间稳定的三角平衡关系。

    Asia provided one when it offered the Union an Asia-Europe Meeting ( ASEM ) , which could have created a stable triangular balance of power between the US , EU and East Asia .

  9. 中方欢迎澳大利亚2010年加入亚欧会议。

    China also welcomes the membership of Australia in ASEM in2010 .

  10. 起初,在上世纪90年代中期,欧盟对亚欧会议的反响热烈。我了解这一点。

    Initially , the EU reacted enthusiastically to Asem in the mid-1990s . I know .

  11. 上次亚欧会议的举办是在2006年,并没有任何制定政策的结果。

    The Asia-Europe Meeting , last held in2006 , traditionally does not result in any policymaking .

  12. 本篇较为简练的介绍了亚欧会议,并且对其机制化问题做出比较详细的分析,文章还总结了中国在境内对亚欧会议及其后续活动的支持。

    Except the introduction of ASEM , the paper makes special analyses on its institutional problem .

  13. 在联合国、世界贸易组织和亚欧会议这样的多边组织的日程上,这些问题显得越来越严重。

    They loom larger on the agendas of multilateral organisations like the UN , the WTO and ASEM .

  14. 第八届亚欧会议沿行去年9月份的赫尔辛基峰会,双方承诺扩大合作。

    The8th Asia-Europe meeting follows a summit in Helsinki last September as both sides are vowed to expand cooperation .

  15. 今年10月河内第五届亚欧会议,为亚欧会议更具有活力、更富有成效作出了贡献。

    The fifth ASEM held in Hanoi this October made great contributions for a more vigorous and effective asem .

  16. 如果亚欧会议的这三条腿都足够结实,每一个大国都可以运用这种三角关系,并使之成为地缘政治中的杠杆。

    If all three legs of ASEM were equally strong , each power could use the triangle for geopolitical leverage .

  17. 主办单位二十二日在艾尔辛诺举行晚宴,为在哥本哈根召开的为期两天亚欧会议高峰会拉开序幕。

    The host organized a dinner in Elsinore on the22nd as a prelude to the two-day ASEM summit in Copenhagen .

  18. 作为世界上规模最大的跨洲政府间论坛,亚欧会议已成为联接亚洲和欧洲不可或缺的沟通桥梁与合作平台。

    As the largest inter-governmental forum across continents , ASEM has become an indispensable bridge and platform linking Asia and Europe .

  19. 借此机会,我还要对澳大利亚、新西兰、俄罗斯加入亚欧会议表示热烈欢迎。

    I also want to express a warm welcome to Australia , New Zealand and Russia , our new ASEM partners .

  20. 亚欧会议成员奉行多边主义,是维护世界和平与稳定的重要力量。

    ASEM partners believe in multilateralism GetWord (" multilateralism "); and are important forces for the maintenance of world peace and stability .

  21. 经过了几年的发展,亚欧会议已经初步形成了以首脑会议为核心的政策指导和协调机制。

    After several years of development , ASEM has primarily become a policy guiding and coordinating mechanism with the Summit Meeting at core .

  22. 公众对亚欧会议了解程度不高,但普遍持积极评价的态度;

    The public has a poor knowledge of the Asia-Europe Meeting , but is generally adopting a positive attitude of evaluation toward this meeting .

  23. 亚欧会议是亚欧38国和欧盟委员会之间的政府间论坛,是一种非制度化的对话协商机制。

    ASEM ( Asia-Europe Meeting ) is an inter-governmental forum and a non-institutional cooperation mechanism among 38 Asian and European countries and EU Council .

  24. 今天,亚欧会议成员领导人聚首北京,共商亚欧对话合作、互利共赢大计。我代表中国政府,向大家表示热烈欢迎和诚挚的问候!

    Today , leaders of ASEM partners have gathered in Beijing to explore ways for win-win progress through dialogue and cooperation between Asia and Europe .

  25. 作为亚太经合组织、亚欧会议等机制的参与者,中国为有关区域、跨区域合作作出了贡献。

    As a participant of APEC , ASEM and other mechanisms , China has made its own contribution to the related regional and inter-regional cooperation .

  26. 亚欧会议成员国加强对话合作,不仅有利于各自发展,也必将为世界的和平、发展、合作作出重要贡献。

    Enhanced dialogue and cooperation between ASEM members will not only benefit our own development , but also contribute to world peace , development and cooperation .

  27. 但是最为引人注目的所谓亚欧会议却是由欧盟代表和缅甸代表参加的。

    But the highest-profile session of the so-called ASEM group ( Asia Europe Meeting ) , took place between representatives of the European Union and Burma .

  28. 能否简要介绍亚欧会议的合作机制、亚欧会议和亚欧经济部长会议在贸易投资领域的合作?

    Can you briefly talk about the ASEM cooperation mechanism and the work of ASEM and the Economic Ministers'Meeting in the field of trade and investment ?

  29. 亚欧会议是冷战后和平与发展背景下形成的东西方对话合作论坛,并逐步形成一种相对稳定机制。

    While the Asia Europe Meeting is a dialogue and cooperation between East and West formed on the background of peace and development after the Cold War .

  30. 实践证明,亚欧会议已经并将继续为促进两大洲之间的友好互利合作发挥积极的作用。

    Facts prove that the Asia-Europe meeting has already and will continue to play an active role in promoting the mutually beneficial cooperation between the two large continents .