
yǎng guāng
  • Yangon;Rangoon;Myanmar;RGN
仰光 [yǎng guāng]
  • [Rangoon] 缅甸联邦首都。全国最大商港,人口250万

  1. 相关报道投资公司SilkRoadFinance最近在仰光开了一家办事处。该公司说,目前为止它已经从私人投资者手中筹集资金2500万美元。

    Silk Road Finance , an investment firm that recently opened an office in Yangon , says it has raised $ 25 million so far from private investors .

  2. 31岁的梭瑙温(SoeNaungWin)是仰光一家智能手机店的店主,一直在给顾客提供帮助。

    Soe Naung Win , 31 , owns a mobile phone shop in Yangon and is helping consumers .

  3. 在仰光生活的澳大利亚人戴维·马登(DavidMadden)拥有类似的具有社会意识的点子。

    A Yangon-based Australian , David Madden , has similar socially conscious ideas .

  4. 请报CIF仰光到岸价。

    Please quote us C.I.F.Rangoon .

  5. 缅甸仰光——在妙敏觉(MyoMyintKyaw)的创意数字社,墙壁上的装饰品是斯蒂文·P·乔布斯(StevenP.Jobs)和马克·扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)的图片。

    YANGON , Myanmar - Images of Steven P. Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg adorn the walls of Myo Myint Kyaw 's creative digital agency .

  6. 经仰光国家卫生实验室和泰国国家卫生研究所检验,该病例所送样本呈H5N1型阳性。

    Samples taken from the case tested positive for H5N1 at the National Health Laboratory in Yangon , and the National Institute of Health in Thailand .

  7. 我能来到这里乃是马克斯霍斯利(MaxHorsley)的功劳。霍斯利是一名英国旅行专家,自2005年以来一直生活在仰光。

    I have come to the stadium thanks to Max Horsley , a British travel specialist who has been living in Rangoon since 2005 .

  8. 谷歌(Google)董事会执行主席埃里克·E·施密特(EricE.Schmidt)在2013年3月对仰光听众表示,缅甸将“跨越过去20年里基础设施难以为继的局面,直接迈入最现代化的架构。”

    Eric E. Schmidt , Google 's executive chairman , told an audience here in March 2013 that Myanmar was about to " leapfrog 20 years of difficult-to-maintain infrastructure and go straight to the most modern architecture . "

  9. 信中还提到北掸邦军与缅军是并肩作战对付反仰光的叛军蒙泰军(MTA)。

    The letter also mentioned the group 's past clashes against the anti-Rangoon Mong Tai Army ( MTA ) on the side of the Burma Army .

  10. 除了仰光,在美丽的茵莱湖(InleLake)附近,娘乌镇(NyaungShwe)的大集市上亦有极好的鱼板面,但这个集市五天才有一次。

    Far from Yangon , there is outstanding mohinga at the main market in Nyaung Shwe , near beautiful Inle Lake - but only every five days ;

  11. 委员会成员GhassanSalame主持了周四(3月16日)在仰光举行的新闻简报会。

    Commission member Ghassan Salame chaired the press briefing held in Yangon on Thursday . ,

  12. 对仰光及其周边地区的地震活动区域进行了或然地震风险分析(PSHA)。

    Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis ( PSHA ) has been carried out for the seismically active region of Yangon and its surrounding areas .

  13. 旧客车缓慢地驶向仰光。

    The old bus progressed to Rangoon at a gentle speed .

  14. 救援物资现在能按步就班地运抵仰光。

    Relief supplies now are regularly being flown into Rangoon .

  15. 食品商贩上了离开缅甸仰光市的一列火车。

    Food traders join a train leaving the Burmese city of Rangoon .

  16. 地点是缅甸的仰光市。

    The country is myanmar , the city is rangoon .

  17. 联邦巩固发展党总部由仰光迁往首都尼必都。

    The headquarters was also moved from Rangoon to Naypyitaw .

  18. 他们应该在仰光建造。”他补充道。

    They should have built this in Rangoon , " he added .

  19. 星期四仰光发生大爆炸。

    There was a major explosion Thursday in rangoon .

  20. 位于缅甸中部仰光以北的一座城市。

    A city in central Myanmar north of Rangoon .

  21. 我已经下命令转驶向仰光了。

    I 've been ordered to divert to rangoon .

  22. 在仰光的一天下午,她们在公共汽车站等车。

    One afternoon in Rangoon , they were waiting at a bus stop .

  23. 上个月以来,仰光的四个镇先后报告发生了禽流感疫情。

    Since last month four tow hi in Rangoon have reported bird flu cases .

  24. 最近仰光的眼科医院发生了惊人的变化。

    Here at the Yangon Eye Hospital , an amazing transformation has recently occurred .

  25. 仰光律师昂·塔安是这份报告的合作编写者之一。

    Rangoon lawyer Aung Thane co-authored the report .

  26. 仰光省明嘎拉东空军基地;

    Mingaladon Air Base in Rangoon Division ;

  27. 在仰光,士兵和警察正在挨家挨户搜查外国人。

    Soldiers and police were going door-to-door at some hotels in Yangon looking for foreigners .

  28. 几千人无家可归,仰光大部分地方仍然没有水,也没有公共交通。

    Thousands are homeless , and much of the city remains without water or public transportation .

  29. 另一个66岁的政府退休的仰光居民,对这个新闻持保留态度。

    Another Yangon resident , a66-year-old retired government employee , was more reserved about the news .

  30. 我想订两张今天西北航空7班次到仰光的机票。

    I 'd like two seats on today 's northwest flight 7 to Rangoon , please .