
yǎng yǒng
  • backstroke;crawl backstroke;back crawl;inverted crawl
仰泳 [yǎng yǒng]
  • [backstroke] 面向上的游泳姿式

仰泳[yǎng yǒng]
  1. 他获得100米仰泳比赛冠军。

    He won the 100 metres backstroke .

  2. 你会仰泳吗?

    Can you do backstroke ?

  3. 你会仰泳了吗?

    Can you swim backstroke yet ?

  4. 仰泳的选手如何知道他们前进的方向呢?

    How do the backstroke swimmers see where they are going ?

  5. 对我国女子仰泳运动员选材前景的探讨

    Discussion on the Prospects of the Selection of the Chinese Women Backstrokers

  6. 游仰泳,专注于保持手举在肩。

    Swim backstroke , focusing on keeping the hands above the shoulders .

  7. 哇!他能教我蝶泳和仰泳吗?

    Wow ! Can he teach me the butterfly and the backstroke ?

  8. 在50米,100米和200米的赛程中,仰泳比赛都是很快的。

    Backstroke races are fast in50,100 , and200 meter lengths .

  9. 奥运史上第一次仰泳比赛是1900年的巴黎奥运会男子200米仰泳。

    The first Olympic backstroke competition was the1900 Paris Olympics men's200 metre .

  10. 这游泳池太挤了以致于无法游仰泳。

    The pool is too crowded to swim the back-stroke .

  11. 爬泳与仰泳中的身体动力学:神秘就此消失?

    Body dynamics in crawl and backstrokes : myths dispelled ?

  12. 他会游蛙泳、仰泳和自由泳。

    He can swim breaststroke , backstroke and crawl .

  13. 蛙泳、仰泳、蝶泳以及自由泳。

    Breast stroke , back stroke , butterfly stroke , and free stroke .

  14. 除了仰泳和蛙泳,绝对不要在第一次划臂时呼吸。

    Never breathe on your first stroke , except on back and breaststroke .

  15. 这个运动员擅长仰泳和自由泳。

    The swimmer is good at backstroke and free-style .

  16. 徐嘉余在男子100米仰泳赛上摘得银牌。

    Xu Jiayu won the silver medal in the men 's 100m backstroke .

  17. 对于仰泳,将手放前面并没有效果。

    For backstroke , holding the arm out front doesn 't really work .

  18. 主要游泳姿式有爬泳、仰泳、蛙泳和蝶泳。

    The principal swimming strokes are the crawl , backstroke , breaststroke and butterfly .

  19. 2005年,西部人谁使字幕开始了跨文化对话仰泳。

    In2005 , the backstroke of the west subtitler began a cross cultural conversation .

  20. 湖北省优秀仰泳运动员赵菁的比赛成绩与技术的多维分析

    Dimensional analysis of performances and techniques of backstroke swimmer Zhao Jing of Hubei Province

  21. 仰泳是脸朝上的姿势,双臂在身体两边交替划圈。

    Swimming in a face upward position with arms alternately circling beside the body .

  22. 男子200米仰泳决赛,中国选手徐嘉余排名第四;

    In men 's 200m backstroke finals , Xu Jiayu of China ranked fourth .

  23. 食肉的水栖昆虫,仰泳,叮人疼。

    Predaceous aquatic insect that swims on its back and may inflict painful bites .

  24. 仰泳也是几种竞技泳姿中唯一一种从水中出发的(其他几种泳姿是从跳台上出发)。

    It is also the only competition swimming style that starts in the water .

  25. 我国优秀男子仰泳运动员身体形态和专项素质的初步分析与研究

    Study on the Shape and Item-special Quality of Chinese Excellent Male Back Stroke Athlete

  26. 仰泳是一种古老的泳姿。

    Backstroke is an ancient style of swimming .

  27. 这位年轻的游泳健儿刷新了仰泳的世界纪录。

    The young swimmer has set up a new world record for the backstroke .

  28. 仰泳属于自由泳,是仰卧在水中的游泳姿势。

    Backstroke is like freestyle , but lying on your back in the water .

  29. 在浅而急的水中,要用仰泳,先蹬腿。

    In fast , shallow water , swim on your back , feet first .

  30. 我学到了如何找到理想的仰泳姿势。

    I 've become a lot more educated about how to find my ideal stroke .