
  1. 人们会说,“没人爱我。”

    People will say , " No one loves me . "

  2. 没人爱你,当你走过幸福的大街。

    Nobody loves you , when you walking down the happy street .

  3. 一对没人爱的可怜小狗。

    Couple of dogs with runny noses that nobody loves .

  4. 最不幸的事是有些孩子觉得没人爱。

    The saddest thing was that some children felt unwanted .

  5. 如果没人爱你愿意嫁给你,钱有什么用?

    What good is money if nobody loves you and wants to marry you ?

  6. 恐高、怕蜘蛛、担心孤独、担心没人爱。

    Fear of heights . Fear of spiders . Fear of being alone and unloved .

  7. 没人爱你你很不爽是吗?

    Suffering from a lack of love ?

  8. 我是苍蝇,我爱这世界,却没人爱我!

    I am a fly , I love this world , but no one loves me !

  9. 爱我的话就给我了没人爱我也没人怕我

    Would if you loved me . No one loves me . No one fears me .

  10. 谢尔顿:你还在郁闷,因为你打光棍,而且没人爱你?

    Sheldon : Are you still because you 're alone , and no one loves you ?

  11. 离我远点儿为什么每次受伤害的总是我为什么世界上没人爱我

    Get off me ! Why does this always happen to me ? Why does no one love me ?

  12. 喜欢一个人,总是犹犹豫豫,顾影自怜,像极了没人爱的可怜虫。

    Love somebody , always hesitate and see the bad side , just like a slob which has nobody 's love .

  13. 你听过麦当娜的歌“实惠女郎”吗?“没有钱就没人爱”女孩们现在越来越现实了。

    Have you heard madonna 's song " materialist girl "?" No money , no honey . " girls are more realistic nowadays .

  14. 神庙里还有一个位子,正等着那位解决了这样一个迷题的科学家:为什么当我们感到没人爱的时候就会吃垃圾食品?

    A pedestal in that temple awaits the scientist who solves the following mystery : Why do we eat junk food when we feel unloved ?

  15. 你觉得没人爱你,没人关心你,人人都不理你的时候,你该开始问自己:我是科威特人吗?

    When you feel nobody loves you , nobody cares for you and everyone is ignoring you , you should start asking yourself : Am I Kuwaiti ?

  16. 别再叫我姐姐就是你搞的鬼为什么不把真相说出来知道你不会没人爱我没人爱我

    Don 't " racie " me ! You started it . Why don 't you tell them the truth ? I didn 't think so . No one loves me . No one loves me !

  17. 他觉得自己一无是处,没人再爱他了。

    He felt worthless and that no one loved him .

  18. 没人会爱一个像我这样丑的女孩。

    No one loves an ugly girl like me .

  19. 我也觉得你是做饼干那种。有助人格发展啊。就像我爸说的“没人喜欢爱哭鬼,除了他们自己的妈还有民主党。”

    Just builds character . Like my dad said , " Nobody likes a crybaby except their mommies and Democrats . "

  20. 亲爱的,没人应该为爱妥协,不是吗?

    And darling , one doesn 't compromise in love , right .

  21. 没人会为爱…还有恐惧做准备

    No one can prepare you for the love and the fear .

  22. 没人会为爱做准备,你爱的人他们会自己感受

    No one can prepare you for the love people you love can feel for them .

  23. 第二个人在红灯时没有下车,而是努力让他那辆单速自行车保持平衡——没人喜欢和爱炫耀的人一起工作。

    The next was a man balancing , stationary on a " fixie " at the lights - no one likes working with a show-off .

  24. 没人能阻拦我爱我的祖国!

    Nobody can stop me loving my country .

  25. 没人需要,没人爱,没人关心,被所有人遗忘,这比起没有食物是更大的饥饿,更大的贫困。

    Being unwanted , unloved , uncared for , forgotten by everybody , I think that is a much greater hunger , a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat .