
  • 网络baking chamber
  1. 研究结果表明:影响水口预热温度的最主要因素是抽风流量和烘烤箱的几何尺寸;

    The result indicates that the evacuating flux and the size of the firebox are the two main factors affecting the preheating temperature .

  2. 从我拥有好烘烤箱开了好吃糕饼店起就在梦想这一天。

    I mean this has been like my dream since I got my first Easy Bake Oven and opened Easy Monica 's Bakery .

  3. 从我拥有好烘烤箱,开了好吃糕饼店起就在梦想这一天。

    I mean I would kill for this job . I mean I can totally do this job , and God knows I paid mydues .

  4. 结果表明,缩小烘烤箱的尺寸,加大热空气的流量,可以有效地提高水口的预热温度,改善水口颈部的温度梯度。

    Results show that reducing the apparatus size and increasing the hot air flux can effectively increase immersed nozzle 's preheating temperature and improve the thermal gradient on the nozzle neck .