
  • 【水产】denaturation, bake burning 鲜鱼、咸鱼在较高温度和通风排湿条件不良的闷热状态下人工干燥时发生的 熟化现象。
  1. 我利用这炉火烘熟的。

    I took advantage of the fire to cook them .

  2. 夏日傍晚,天起凉风的时刻,你爬上围墙的木梯,到屋顶上采收一颗被阳光烘熟的瓜。

    Summer evening , cool breeze day time , you climb the wooden ladder wall to the roof on a harvest sunlight bake cooked melon .

  3. 色泽青黄,香味使人想起烘面包及熟苹果派。

    This delicate yellow-green Chardonnay has an aroma reminiscent of toasted bread and hot apple pie .