
xiōng pú
  • chest;breast
胸脯 [xiōng pú]
  • [chest] 胸部;胸膛

胸脯[xiōng pú]
  1. 他气呼呼地用指头戳我的胸脯。

    He stabbed his finger angrily at my chest .

  2. 他的胸脯上下起伏,然后他深深地吸了口气。

    His chest heaved , and he took a deep breath .

  3. 把鸡胸脯肉放入唐杜里烧烤酱里腌泡。

    Marinade the chicken breasts in the tandoori paste

  4. 查尔斯不光是有俏屁股和毛茸茸的胸脯。

    But there is more to Charles than his pert bottom and hairy chest .

  5. 我敢拍胸脯打保票这不是假货。

    I can absolutely guarantee that it 's not a fake .

  6. 屠维岳把胸脯更挺得直些,微微冷笑

    Tu Wei-yueh merely drew himself up and smiled sardonically .

  7. 黑莓曾拍胸脯表示要推出一款触屏手机,能和iPhone一较高下,或者说可以和许多在它之后问世的搭载谷歌(Google)安卓(Android)系统的手机相抗衡。

    BlackBerry promised a touchscreen phone that could rival the iPhone or the many the Android phones developed by Google ( GOOG ) that had appeared in its wake .

  8. 这也是运营“everquestii”游戏(一个充满龙与大胸脯金发女郎的奇幻世界)的索尼网络娱乐公司采取的做法。

    That is the approach taken by Sony online entertainment ( SOE ) , the company that runs " EverQuest II " , a fantasy world of dragons and busty blondes .

  9. 辛迪个子很小,只到我的胸脯那么高。

    Cindy is small and just comes up to my chest .

  10. 过去,桑提诺在扔石子前,会拍拍自己的胸脯。

    Santino used to pitch a fit before pitching a stone .

  11. 男人的胸脯就该是这样的嘛!

    That 's what a dude 's chest should look like !

  12. 他那瘦弱的胸脯是儿时患病的后遗症。

    His weak chest was a legacy of a childhood illness .

  13. 几个医助按住那个人的胸脯,不让他动弹。

    Several assistants were holding him , and weighing on his chest .

  14. 钱葆生拍着胸脯说。

    Chien pao-sheng assured him , tapping his chest confidently .

  15. 远在一英里之外,你都可以看到一个人工膨胀的胸脯。

    You can spot an inflated breast a mile away .

  16. 她有大胸脯,她也是。

    She 's got big boobs . look , so does she .

  17. 在熟食店选择一个鸡胸脯。

    Choose turkey or chicken breast at the deli counter .

  18. 葛莱森一面得意地搓着他的一双胖手,一面挺起胸脯傲慢地大声说。

    cried Gregson pompously rubbing his fat hands and inflating his chest .

  19. 她停了下来,拍拍胸脯,打了一个嗝。

    She paused , patted her breast , and belched .

  20. 伍德激动得胸脯起伏,他转向哈利。

    Chest heaving with emotion , Wood turned to Harry .

  21. 他把胸脯挺得高高的,炫耀他那枚组织者徽章。

    He thrust his chest out , displaying his organiser 's badge .

  22. 他的胸脯上下起伏,身子也好象衰颓了。

    His chest heaved and his body seemed to droop .

  23. 钻进了一片震耳欲聋的、满是乱七八糟的胳臂、胸脯和内衣裤的环境里。

    plunged into a deafening chaos of arms and bosoms and underclothing .

  24. 这位老人喘气时,他的胸脯起伏得吓人。

    The old man 's chest heaved alarmingly as he gasped for breath .

  25. 雄性知更鸟和雌性知更鸟都长着桔红色的胸脯。

    Male and females bluebirds both have orange breasts .

  26. 检查员稍微挺起了胸脯。

    The inspector puffed out his chest a little .

  27. 你自己选择胸脯还是大腿。

    You get your choice of breast or thigh .

  28. 听了最后这句话,海格挺起了胸脯。

    Hagrid 's chest swelled at these last words .

  29. 她的胸脯起伏缓慢,很有规律。

    Her breast rose and fell slowly and regularly .

  30. 妈妈的胸脯可不仅仅是你们的。

    Mama 's boobies aren 't just for you .