
xiōng huái
  • mind;heart;breast;breadth of vision
胸怀 [xiōng huái]
  • [breast;breadth of vision] 胸襟

  • 隐中胸怀。--《聊斋志异.促织》

胸怀[xiōng huái]
  1. 团队理念:胸怀感激、心存敬畏、诚信服务、尽职尽责

    Group 's idea : Have in mind gratefully , the heart checks and reveres , sincerity serve , fulfil one 's duty .

  2. 他们的天赋就是胸怀广阔,总是对其他人在做的事情充满好奇。

    Theirs is the gift of a broad mind , constantly fed with the stimulant of being interested in what everyone else is doing .

  3. 许多胸怀抱负的年轻画家被建议通过临摹大师的作品来学习绘画。

    Many aspiring young artists are advised to learn by copying the masters .

  4. 看来政府已为胸怀抱负的学生设下了要求之高前所未有的重重难关。

    The Government seems to have created a more demanding obstacle course for aspiring students than ever before .

  5. 我很欣赏你在这件事上表现出来的宽大胸怀。

    I appreciate your generosity in the matter .

  6. 他胸怀开朗。

    His bosom is clear .

  7. 从诗中可以窥见他的胸怀。

    From his poem we can gain a hint of his breadth of mind .

  8. “胸怀长远目标”表示要制定战略远景,并且尽可能利用各种不同的活动,如SOA、数据仓库操作和法规遵从。

    " Think big " means to create strategic vision and leverage various initiatives as much as possible , such as SOA , data warehousing , MDM and regulatory compliance .

  9. 以XXX学院开阔的胸襟必能对如同胡安同学这样才华出众的青年才俊敞开胸怀。

    I truly believe that the Academy of XXX will open its door to talented students like An Hu with great generosity .

  10. 周一林赛·罗翰在洛杉矶的LAX机场“坦坦荡荡”的走出了机场大厅,周二晚在纽约,又以真胸怀示人。

    Lacking support : Lindsay going bra-less at Los Angeles LAX airport on Monday ( left ) and again on Tuesday night in New York .

  11. 不过,罗兰是胸怀海外扩张野心的英国大型连锁寿司店yosushi的首席执行官,而怀特曼是该集团的厨师长。

    But Mr Rowland is the chief executive of Yo sushi , a largish British restaurant chain with overseas ambitions , and Mr Wightman is his group executive chef .

  12. 我们去购物。我买了学校的课本,亚当则买了一些美国电视剧集的DVD送给我,其中包括《丑女贝蒂》。片中的女主角贝蒂虽然戴着超大牙套,却有着美丽心灵和宽大胸怀。

    We went to shops where I bought school books and Adam bought me DVDs of American TV programmes like Ugly Betty , which was about a girl with big braces and a big heart .

  13. 现年54岁、两度获得奥斯卡奖的史派西准备在明年辞去赫赫有名的伦敦老维克剧院(OldVicTheater)的艺术总监的职务,把更多精力放在电影和电视项目,以及支持全世界胸怀抱负演员的以他名字命名的基金会上面。

    The two-time Academy Award winner , 54 , is getting ready to leave his post as the artistic director of London 's storied Old Vic Theater next year , to focus more on film and television projects , as well as his eponymous foundation , which supports aspiring actors around the world .

  14. 这一次,在翻拍新作中扮演有志纯真少女的是歌坛巨星LadyGaga,她精彩演绎的这个胸怀抱负又害羞的创作型歌手被一名比自己年长又嗜酒的乡村歌手(布莱德利·库珀饰)“发现”。

    This time round , the role of aspiring ing é nue goes to pop superstar du jour Lady Gaga , who knocks it out of the park as the aspiring , but shy , singer-songwriter ' discovered " by an older , alcoholic country musician ( Bradley Cooper ) .

  15. 佐伊•库珀(ZoeCouper)称,富裕的美国人可以接受外面的专业人士进入家庭这个私人领域。库珀曾在大西洋两岸帮助组织这类课程,但英国客户需要更多时间才能敞开胸怀。

    Wealthy Americans are willing to let outside professionals into the private realms of the family , according to Zoe Couper , who has helped to organise courses on both sides of the Atlantic , but UK clients can be a little slower to open up emotionally .

  16. 通惠人,敞开胸怀,拥抱世界。

    Tonghui People , with open mind , embrace the world .

  17. 据说,坦舒胸怀对身心有好处。

    It 's said that confession is good for the soul .

  18. 您的慷慨胸怀成就了您不朽的勋迹。

    Your generosity made you the person you were and are .

  19. 我们不愿敞开胸怀,排斥新的事务;

    We don 't open our mind and exclude new things ;

  20. 相知在七月的夏天,敞开胸怀把爱拥抱;

    Knowing each summer in July , open-minded embrace of love ;

  21. 放开胸怀看看吧,我救了你的性命。

    Open your heart and see , I SAVED YOUR LIFE .

  22. 如对外来佛教文化的融合吸收,就显示了中华文化海纳百川、有容乃大的宽广胸怀。

    It showed the broad-minded to absorb the outside Buddhist culture .

  23. 这里有证据可以证实,是胸怀敌意伤了他的心。

    Here was evidence that his hostility was hurting his heart .

  24. 他能够以宽广的胸怀博爱每一位学生。

    He can by the broad mind universal love each student .

  25. 求你宽阔我的胸怀使我可以接受世间事物。

    Please broaden my mind that I can accept all things .

  26. 他们都非常聪明并且胸怀大梦。

    They are incredibly bright and have big dreams for themselves .

  27. 最佳实践二:胸怀长远目标,以增量方式向战略远景靠近

    Best practice two : Think big ; act incrementally towards strategic vision

  28. 他有宽阔的胸怀。

    He lay there , with his eyes wide open .

  29. 而那天寒地冻的山村,敞开胸怀,在欢迎他们。

    The stern frozen country received them into its bosom .

  30. 它能引导我们对彼此打开心扉,向世界敞开胸怀。

    It guides our openness to one another and to the world .