
bēi mǐn
  • take pity on sb;have sympathy for;sad and pitiful
悲悯 [bēi mǐn]
  • [sad and pityfull] 哀伤而同情

悲悯[bēi mǐn]
  1. 教皇不大为世俗化的西方感到悲悯。

    The Pope had no great sympathy for the secularized West .

  2. 这部当代风尚喜剧杂糅了悲悯的情怀和尖酸的幽默。

    This comedy of contemporary manners is told with compassion and acid humour .

  3. 根据分析的结果,她认定智慧包含三个关键的组成部分:认知(cognition)、反思(reflection)和悲悯(compassion)。

    Based on an analysis of their answers , she determined that wisdom consists of three key components : cognition , reflection and compassion .

  4. 今晚的吟诵是一首催眠曲,一首哀歌,意在感激,拉格(raga)曲式,表达悲悯与虔敬。

    The chant tonight is a lullaby , a lament , an attempt at gratitude , written in a raga ( a tune ) that is meant to suggest compassion and devotion .

  5. 悲剧意识与喜剧意识、以至与更为细腻的悲悯、嘲讽意识的相互交织;

    The intertexture of tragedy , comedy , minute sympathy and taunt ;

  6. 面色泰然,语气悲悯,铿锵有力。

    Confident face , an air of compassion and strength .

  7. 生命的悲悯:奥斯维辛之后不写诗是野蛮的&拙著《生命美学论稿》序言

    An Elegy for Life & Auschwitz , Poetry and Savagery

  8. 拿出你的悲悯,他需要你所有的同情。

    Give you pity , he needs all your compassion .

  9. 安抚他人伤痛时心怀悲悯,感同身受。

    The essence of feeling another 's pain , while easing their hurt .

  10. 我知道真正的勇敢是什么,也明白真正的悲悯是什么。

    I know what real courage is , and I understand true compassion .

  11. 说机器有悲悯之心并不代表就是如此。

    To say that a machine is benevolent doesn 't make it so .

  12. 他看到水差不多没了,心里充满了悲悯。

    He saw the water was almost gone . His heart filled with mercy .

  13. 其三,对动物悲悯的情怀也显示了关注生态的超前意识。

    Third , sympathy with animals is shown .

  14. 老天是在悲悯什么,还是在怜惜?

    What God is compassion , or pity ?

  15. 对我的痛苦表示柔媚的悲悯。

    Looking with pretty ruth upon my pain .

  16. 第三类同情和悲悯的弱者式女性形象。

    The third category of sympathy and compassion for the weak-type image of women .

  17. 泪水随着我的脸庞流下来,这不是悲悯,这是希望的泪水。

    Tears began falling down my face , tears of hope , not misery .

  18. 他们的作品有着相同的悲悯的戏剧情怀和相似的诗化的戏剧美学。

    Their works shared the common grief and indignation and similar poetical anesthetics of playwriting .

  19. 悲悯是作者的情感表现。

    Pity is authors emotional expression .

  20. 良心、同情心,以及大爱和悲悯,是通过治疗可以获得的吗?

    Conscience , compassion , and love and compassion , through the treatment available to you ?

  21. 请学会耐心、悲悯和理解,请关心并温柔对待他人。

    Try to be patient , empathetic , understanding , caring and gentle with other people .

  22. 而四处弥漫的神秘气息和悲悯情怀又使它具有深刻意蕴和神话色彩。

    The pervasive mysterious feeling and sympathetic mood make it with profound connotation and mythological color .

  23. 方方是当代文坛上始终保持着悲悯情怀的作家。

    Fang Fang is a Contemporary Literature writer who has always maintained the feelings of compassion .

  24. 她是一位有着博大的悲悯情怀的人文作家,她的散文充满了浓厚的人文关怀气息。

    She is a humanistic author with a great sympathy and her essay full of strong humanistic .

  25. 林散之是一位饱学诗人,也是一位重情、淡泊、耿直、幽默、自信、悲悯的书法家。

    Lin Sanzhi is a learned poet as well as a straightforward , humorous and confident calligrapher .

  26. 臧克家诗歌人生感受的悲悯化倾向

    The Tending of " Sympathies " of the Feeling of Life in ZANG Ke-jia 's Poem Writing

  27. 然后再使用它们来理解和帮助他人(悲悯构面)。

    Then one can use those insights to understand and help others ( the compassionate dimension ) .

  28. 对爱情的向往、悲悯的感受,或对信仰的热爱都会在这段时间出现。

    Yearnings for love , feelings of compassion , or even religious devotion accompany this time period .

  29. 作者怀着悲悯的情怀与人道主义的精神,充分显示了他对人性思考的深度与厚度。

    The feelings of grief and humanitarian spirit the author fully display the human thinking depth and efforts .

  30. 佛教在对本土文化的曲迎中曲藏原始佛义,悲悯被消释,佛理清谈成了论辩技巧、华美言辞的演练场,佛学成为士人摩登的标识。

    The primitive buddhism were concealed , the discourse of buddhism becomes the practice field of argues technique .