
  • 网络sad movie;Good bye
  1. 高兴和悲伤电影片段诱发情绪的有效性和时间进程

    The duration of happiness and sadness induced by emotional film editing

  2. 史黛西看悲伤的电影时很难克制流眼泪。

    It was hard for Stacy to hold Back the tears while watching the sad movie .

  3. 大约有一半的英国男性因为看令人悲伤的电影、书或电视节目而流泪。

    Almost half the British men opened the floodgates over a sad movie , book or TV program .

  4. 看悲伤的电影时哭,在葬礼上哭,当你受到伤害时哭,或当你爱的人受到伤害时哭。

    Cry at sad movies . Cry at a funeral . Cry when you are hurt , or when somebody you love is hurt .

  5. 这是一个非常美丽而又悲伤的故事。电影告诉我们不要忘记过去,永远不让战争重演。

    It is a very beautiful and sad story . The movie shows us we should never forget what happened and stand up against war .

  6. 太悲伤了太悲伤了那部电影叫当狗儿在跑马儿不动时

    It 's very sad . It 's so sad The movie is called when dogs are running and the horses are silent .