
lián ài
  • Compassion;have tender affection for;show tender care for;love tenderly
怜爱 [lián ài]
  • [have tender affection for;love tenderly; show tender care for] 怜惜疼爱

  • 这孩子胖胖的、大眼睛,真叫人怜爱

怜爱[lián ài]
  1. 这孩子很招人怜爱。

    All show tender care for the child .

  2. 她的声音很温柔,充满了怜爱。

    Her voice was tender , full of pity

  3. 玛丽莲非常怜爱动物。

    Marilyn had an intense identification with animals .

  4. 保姆怜爱地抚摸着孩子。

    The nurse fondled the child .

  5. 他怜爱地望着他的妻子。

    He gave a fond look at his wife .

  6. 那样子真的能让人心生无限怜爱。

    Her look just makes people pity her and love her .

  7. 她说:“他只是一只招人怜爱的小猫咪。”

    He was just a lovable kitty , ' she said .

  8. 那信奉虚无之神的人,离弃怜爱他们的主。

    The worshippers of false gods have given up their only hope .

  9. 她说:他只是一只招人怜爱的小猫咪。

    ' He was just a lovable kitty , ' she said .

  10. 同情、尊重和怜爱一时都涌上她的心头。

    Pity , reverence and tenderness seemed struggling together in her breast .

  11. 基督山带着无法形容的怜爱望着莫雷尔。

    Monte Cristo looked upon Morrel with indescribable tenderness .

  12. 对他表示了充分的理解和怜爱。

    Show him plenty of understanding and loving kindness .

  13. 她怜爱地在孩子的额头上亲了一下

    Lovingly , she kissed the baby on its forehead

  14. 所以,不是所有男男女女都受上天怜爱的。

    Therefore , not all men and women are subject to God 's Love .

  15. 猫的画像只要画得逗人怜爱就总有销路。

    A drawing of a cat will always sell if it is soppy enough .

  16. 为我佛对我的怜爱和庇佑!

    Thank you my dear mom and dad !

  17. 他无限怜爱地谈起他住在新西兰的妻女。

    He talked tenderly of his wife and daughter who were living in new zealand .

  18. 他对生命的怜爱是如此真切,细致到使人颤栗。

    His love for life is so real and delicate that it makes me shudder .

  19. 他总是和巴克说话儿,捧着他的头怜爱地摇晃着。

    He was always talking to Buck , holding his head and shaking it lovingly .

  20. 视频结尾的时候,爸爸怜爱地亲了一下小女儿,父女团聚幸福洋溢。

    At the end , the father-daughter pair share a kiss , overjoyed to be reunited .

  21. 柔嘉最喜欢听她的回忆,所以独蒙怜爱。

    Jou-chia loved hearing her reminisce , so Jou-chia became the sole recipient of her affection .

  22. 摸一摸,光滑的质感就像婴儿滋润的脸蛋,让人倍加怜爱。

    To touch , smooth and moist texture like a baby face , makes doubly tender affection .

  23. 因为你的怜爱

    For the compassion you show

  24. 林肯把他抱过去,忧郁的脸上露出怜爱的光辉。

    Lincoln took him in his arms , and an expression of love lit up his sad face .

  25. 申10:19所以你们要怜爱寄居的、为你们在埃及地也作过寄居的。

    So show your love for the alien , for you were aliens in the land of Egypt .

  26. 吵闹的都市,惊醒了谁,又怜爱了哪个。

    The noise of the city , who woke up with a start , and loves the which .

  27. 表达了对被压迫的弱者和劳动人民的同情和怜爱。

    They also show a sympathy and compassion for the weak , the oppressed and the labouring people .

  28. 它们一圈一圈绕着轮子跑的样子可能会让某些人怜爱不已。

    The way they run around and around on a wheel might strike rather too many chords for some .

  29. 这是一部温馨动人的美丽图集,一幅幅猫咪会让爱猫的人怜爱又开心。

    It is a heart-warming collection of beautiful images of cats and kittens that will leave cat-lovers purring with delight .

  30. 这年轻健壮的身体在安睡,是那样无依无靠,他不禁满心怜爱,真想保护她安全。

    The young , strong body , now helpless in sleep , awoke in him a pitying , protecting feeling .
