
  • 网络Thymic hyperplasia;thymus hyperplasia
  1. 结果胸腺增生(1例)表现为胸腺区三角形软组织密度影,边界清楚;

    Results Thymic hyperplasia ( 1 case ) appeared as soft tissue density with a triangle shape margin in the region of thymus .

  2. 将病例分为胸腺增生组和胸腺瘤组,观测胸腺形态、胸腺静脉的数目、走行、长度和直径。

    All cases were divided into two groups : thymic hyperplasia and thymoma . The shape of thymus , the number , length and diameter of thymic veins were observed and measured .

  3. 儿童胸腺增生的X线和CT诊断

    The X-ray and CT Diagnosis of Hyperplastic Thymus in Children

  4. CT诊断27例胸腺瘤,病理证实25例,其中良性胸腺瘤19例,恶性胸腺瘤6例,另2例为胸腺增生。

    Of 27 thymomas diagnosed by CT , 19 benign , 6 malignant thymomas and 2 thymic hyperplasia were confirmed by pathology .

  5. 病理为胸腺瘤5例,手术前后平均jitter值、阻滞电位对比例和临床绝对评分均无显著差异,胸腺增生9例,手术后阻滞电位对比例和临床绝对评分较术前显著减低。

    The percentage of blocking potential pairs and clinical absolute scores improved significantly in 9 patients with thymic hyperplasia but in 5 with thymoma after operation .

  6. 结果(1)MG患者外周血辅助性T细胞(Th,CD4+)异常增高,病程6个月以内、伴胸腺增生者Th细胞均明显增多;

    Results T helper cell ( Th , CD4 + ) in all MG patients were abnormally higher , even higher in those course lasted no more than six months and those with thymic hyperplasia .

  7. 胸腺增生组和胸腺瘤组中的胸腺中CHAT表达与胸腺提取液中的AchRab含量呈正相关,表明胸腺中CHAT可能参与了AchRab的产生。

    The protein expression level of CHAT in the thymus hyperplasia group and the thymoma group was positively correlated with the content of AchRab in the thymus extract , this shows that CHAT in the thymus may be involved in the production of AchRab . 3 .

  8. 3例胸腺增生患者被误诊为肿瘤进展或复发,予二线治疗。

    Three cases were misdiagnosed as tumor residue or relapse , and received second-line therapy .

  9. 胸腺增生距离上次化疗结束时间2~12个月,平均4个月。

    The interval from last chemotherapy cycle to the occurrence of thymic hyperplasia was 2-12 months ( mean 4 months ) .

  10. 9例在化疗结束后随诊期间出现胸腺增生,4例在维持治疗期间出现(均为淋巴母细胞性非霍奇金淋巴瘤患者)。

    Reactive thymic hyperplasia occurred following the completion of chemotherapy in 9 cases , or during the maintenance of chemotherapy in 4 cases .

  11. 胸腺增生25例,小胸腺瘤5例,正常胸腺1例,均经穿刺活检证实。

    Thymus hyperplasia 25 cases , small thymoma 5 cases , normal thymus 1 cases . All cases were verified by needle biopsy .

  12. 结果198例重症肌无力患者伴胸腺增生158例,胸腺瘤34例。

    Results Among the 198 cases of myasthenia gravis , 158 were accompanied with thymus gland hyperplasia , and 34 with thymus gland lump .

  13. 术后病理发现胸腺增生12例(70.59%),胸腺瘤3例(17.65%)。

    Postoperative pathological findings ; hyperplasia in 12 patients ( 70 . 59 % ) and thymoma in 3 patients ( 17 . 65 % ) .

  14. 目的提高重症肌无力合并胸腺增生或胸腺瘤患者手术的安全性和治愈率,总结其临床经验。

    Objective To enhance the operation security and the cure rate of the myasthenia gravis patients with thymoma or thymus hyperplasia , and to sum up the clinical experience .

  15. 方法我科自1999年2月~2001年12月共急诊施行重症肌无力危象的外科治疗8例。其中恶性胸腺瘤4例,胸腺增生4例。

    Methods Eight patients suffering from crisis of myasthenia gravis were treated by emergency thymectomy between Feb , 1999 to Dec , 2001 . Result One case died at early stage postoperation .

  16. 目的探讨重症肌无力(MG)胸腺细胞异常增生的原因,揭示其发生机制。

    Objective To detect the relationship between the Fas gene mutation of thymocytes and abnormal hyperplastic thymus of patients with myasthenia gravis ( MG ) .

  17. 结果:复制小鼠酵母多糖MODS模型,伤后12小时(MODS早期)观察到胸腺树突状细胞增生和过高反应,伴有淋巴细胞大量凋亡;

    Results : In the early stage of MODS , hyperplasia and over response in DCs in the thymus , together with apoptosis in a large number of lymphocytes were observed .

  18. 75%的重症肌无力患者伴有胸腺异常,增生胸腺存在AChR特异反应性T、B细胞,胸腺瘤中存在着T细胞的分化,有乙酰胆碱受体抗体(AChRAb)滴度升高。

    75 % of patients with myasthenia gravis have disorders in their thymus glands . There are specific response of T and B cells to AChR in hyperplasia thymus and differentiation of T cells with higher titer of AChRAb in thymoma .

  19. 儿童恶性淋巴瘤化疗后胸腺反应性增生的临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of Reactive Thymic Hyperplasia following Chemotherapy for Childhood Malignant Lymphoma

  20. 本研究通过分析儿童恶性淋巴瘤化疗后胸腺反应性增生的病例,探讨化疗后胸腺反应性增生的临床特征,以加深对此种病征的认识。

    This study was to analyze the clinical features of reactive thymic hyperplasia following chemotherapy for childhood malignant lymphoma .

  21. 结果:28例中,胸腺滤泡性增生者16例,非增生者12例,组织学表现胸腺淋巴组织增生伴生发中心形成的淋巴滤泡,而非增生者表现为正常组织形态。病变不典型;

    Results The pathological changes of thymus showed a follicular hyperplasia with germinal central formation in 16 cases and without lymphoid tissues hyperplasia of the thymus ( normal histological changes ) in 12 cases .

  22. 术后病理检查,5例CR患者仅见胸腺残留组织纤维增生。

    Histologic examination of the surgical specimens showed fibrosis of the remnant thymus in 5 patients .

  23. 结果6例患者头颅MR检查正常,肌电图重复电刺激见波幅衰减现象,单纤维肌电图阳性,2例胸腺MR示胸腺增生。

    Results The 6 cases of EMG were decrement and Jitter positive , the heads MR were normal and thy-muses MR were hyperplasia in 2 cases .

  24. 胸腺病理检查:增生12例,正常组织学表现7例,无合并胸腺瘤者。

    Thymus pathology showed lymphoid hyperplasia 12 cases , normal 7 cases , no thymoma found .

  25. 胸腺病理检查:增生19例,合并胸腺瘤3例,正常组织学表现11例。

    According to immunohistochemical study , hyperplasia in 19 cases , MG with thymoma in 3 cases , normal histology behavior in 11 cases .

  26. 结论部分重症肌无力患者胸腺细胞Fas基因存在突变,这种突变可能是胸腺细胞异常增生的原因之一,与疾病的发生发展有关。

    Conclusions Lack of Fas gene mutation in normal thymocytes . Thymocytes Fas gene mutation of MG patients may lead to thymic abnormal hyperplasia and it may be important in the pathogenesis and progression of MG .