
  • 网络lei
  1. 治心下痞,胸胁痛,神药也。

    Xinxia Pi governance , Xiongxie pain , the drug also God .

  2. 小柴胡汤的主证大体包括三项:口苦、咽干;往来寒热;胸满、胁痛。

    Xiao Chai Hu Tang master card generally includes three groups : bitter mouth , throat ; chills and fever ; chest full hypochondriac .

  3. 肝郁证为:胸胁作胀或痛、精神抑郁、烦躁易怒、口苦、胸闷、善太息、脉弦;

    Syndrome of stagnation of liver-qi are in terms of fullness or distending pain in the hypochondrium , depression or irritability , bitter taste of mouth , chest distress , sighing frequently , wiry pulse ;