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  1. 山药仿生食品的工艺研究

    Study on the Producing Technology of the Yam Bionic Food

  2. 魔芋仿生食品的研究开发

    The Study and Development of Konjac Bionic Food

  3. 仿生食品工程学发展中的若干问题

    Several problems in development of bionic food engineering

  4. 山药加工生产线就是将山药原材料加工成仿生食品、饮料、罐头用的山药粉。

    The function of yam product line is processing yam into powder for imitated food , drink and can .

  5. 目前开发出的魔芋加工品主要有直接加工品,粮油类制品、食品添加剂、饮料、综合利用产品、糖果糕点、仿生食品等。

    With respect to the utilization of food , Konjak is used up to now as raw materials and additives in cereal products , beverage , confection and pastry , bionic food etc.

  6. 对魔芋葡甘聚糖的结构、特性和保健功能的研究表明,魔芋葡甘聚糖在保健食品和仿生食品中,以及在食品的保藏和加工中,有着很好的应用价值和发展前景。

    The study on the structure , characteristics and healthcare function of KGM showed that as a kind of healthcare food and bonics food KGM has a brighter developing prospect concerning food storage and processing .

  7. 仿生电子鼻在食品鉴评中的应用

    The application of bionic electronic nose in food evaluation