
  1. ICARDA的一个项目联合了伊朗的一些藏红花研究中心来培训阿富汗农民了解播种方法、农作物管理、收获以及烘干技术。

    An ICARDA project is linking with saffron research centres in Iran to train Afghan farmers in seeding methods , crop management , harvesting and drying techniques .

  2. 红外线烘干技术在减振器涂层件生产上的应用

    Application of Infrared Baking to Coated Parts for Shock-absorber

  3. 高效快速烘干技术在大型矿渣烘干机上的应用

    Application of high efficiency flash drying technology in large drier for furnace slag

  4. 复合纸板烘干技术及关键工艺参数的研究

    Study on Key Drying Technology Parameter of Composite Cardboard

  5. 粮食烘干技术发展浅析

    Review on the Development of Cereal Drying Technology

  6. 本实用新型涉及平张纸的烘干技术领域,特指一种平张纸烘干房。

    The utility model relates to a plate paper drying-technique field , in particular to a plate paper drying house .

  7. 为进一步提高铸件产品质量,采用新的加热形式&高红外烘干技术,介绍其加热系统、元件参数、控制系统等。

    For improving further the quality of castings , a new heating technology - high energy infra-red rays baking systen is used . This paper introduces its heating system , element parameters , control system and etc .

  8. 因此,发展粮食干燥机械,推广谷物烘干技术,延缓粮食品质劣变,增加粮食产后经济效益,保证粮食能够长期安全储藏己引起全省各级政府、农业和粮食部门的高度重视。

    Therefore , all levels government , agriculture and food department in whole province are attached great importance to development and extension of grain drying machine , delaying food quality deterioration , and guarantee long-term safe storage of grain .

  9. 潮油菜籽机械烘干降水技术的研究

    Research of mechanical drying rapeseed of high moisture content

  10. 挂面不同烘干工艺技术的分析与探讨

    Analysis and Discussion on the technology of various drying techniques of fine dried noodles

  11. 食用菌香菇烘干加工技术

    Technique of baking and proceeding Xianggu mushroom

  12. 矿渣烘干系统技术改造

    Technological Reconstruction of Slag Drying System

  13. 沥青混合料厂拌热再生第二烘干筒技术性能分析与评价

    Analysis and evaluation of technique performance of parallel-flow dryer drum for asphalt hot central plant recycling equipment

  14. 搅拌器一种混杂或混合成分或配料的,尤指通过力学搅动的装置沥青混合料厂拌热再生第二烘干筒技术性能分析与评价

    A device that blends or mixes substances or ingredients , especially by mechanical agitation . Analysis and evaluation of technique performance of parallel-flow dryer drum for asphalt hot central plant recycling equipment

  15. 所收购的棉花超出国家规定水分标准的,应当进行晾晒、烘干等技术处理,保证棉花质量。

    If the moisture of the cotton they purchased exceeds the level specified by the State , they shall make such technical treatments as sunning and stoving in order to assure the cotton quality .

  16. 文章详细介绍了红枣烘干加工技术的烘房选址、建造技术和红枣采收、挑选分级、烘干干燥、散热贮放、包装贮运工序。

    This article has introduced in detail the sites of baking rooms , building technique , date gathering , grading , baking , heat dissipation and storage and packing in the processing technique of baking dates .

  17. 稻谷烘干机增效技术研究

    Technical Study on Improving the Efficiency of a Paddy Dryer

  18. 法国粮食烘干机供热技术改造

    Retrofit Heat Supply System of Cereal Drier Made in France

  19. 大型牧草烘干机开发技术探讨

    The Investigation about the Design of Big Type Grazing Drier

  20. 沥青混凝土烘干拌和设备技术现状及发展趋势

    The Technical Situation and Developing Tendency of the Asphalt Concrete Drying and Mixing Equipment

  21. 红枣烘干房加工技术

    The Processing Technique of Dates in Baking Rooms

  22. 介绍如何对从法国引进的SRD4800/6M粮食烘干机进行技术改造,以创造可观的经济效益。

    This paper introduces the converting method for SKD4800 / 6M cereal drier made in France . It should increase remarkable econmic benefit .

  23. XL系列回转式烘干机高产节能技术

    Technology of high production and energy-saving for XL series of rotary dryer

  24. 粮食烘干车间通风除尘技术研究

    Study on a technique of ventilation and dust cleaning in grain-drying workshop

  25. 粘土烘干机除尘系统技术改造

    Renovation of Dust Precipitation System for a Clay-drying Machine

  26. 锅炉烟气烘干污泥焚烧发电技术经济性分析

    Techno-economic Analysis of Power Generation by Incineration of Sludge Dried by Boiler Flue Gas

  27. 根据烘干和失活技术,它是分分为炒茶,烤茶,晒干的绿茶和蒸绿茶。

    According to the drying and inactivation techniques , it is sub-divided into stir-fried green tea , roasted green tea , sun-dried green tea and steamed green tea .

  28. 就某型电子管烘干设备的主要技术特点、结构组成作了阐述,并针对研制过程中所遇到的若干问题进行了探讨。

    The structural composition and technical characteristics of a vacuum tube drying device is discussed in this paper , and some problems occured in design are discussed too .

  29. 一种带有消毒杀菌功能的内衣烘干灯,属于烘干技术领域。

    The utility model provides an underwear drying light having disinfection and sterilization functions , and belongs to the drying technical field .