
hōnɡ ɡān jī
  • dryer;clothes dryer
  1. 西雅图KOMO新闻报道,着火时没有人在房车里,估计是烘干机问题导致了火灾。

    According to KOMO News in Seattle , there were no people inside the mobile home during the fire , which is thought to have been caused by a faulty clothes dryer .

  2. 悬挂晾干衣物,如果霉菌还没有完全消除的话,使用衣服烘干机只会导致霉菌传播。

    Air dry your clothing as the clothes dryer will only spread the mildew , if it is not completely gone yet .

  3. 你若要买烘干机,找一台带感应器的,可以在衣服干的时候自动断电。

    If you buy a drier , look for one with a sensor which switches off when clothes are dry .

  4. PLC在白酒瓶身烘干机加热管故障自动检测中的应用

    Application PLC in automatic check of heating tubes'breakdowns of spirit vessels'stoving

  5. 回转式烘干机的CAD系统研制

    Research and Design of CAD System for Rotary Dryer

  6. PLC对洗碗烘干机的控制

    The Control of Bowl Washing and Drying Machine by PLC

  7. 谷物烘干机前馈加反馈智能PI控制系统

    The Intelligent PI Control System of Feedback-Plus-Feedforward for Grain Dryer

  8. 基于模糊PID技术的振动式谷物烘干机温度和水分控制系统的研究

    A Study about the intellectual Control System of the Gain ' Temperature and Moisture for Vibration Dryer

  9. GD型电除尘器在矿渣烘干机上的应用

    Application of GD type ESP on slag drier

  10. 洗衣机。dryer(n.)烘干机欧洲洗衣机跟干衣机比美国的有效多了。

    washer ( n. ) European washers and dryers are more energy-efficient than American ones .

  11. XL系列回转式烘干机高产节能技术

    Technology of high production and energy-saving for XL series of rotary dryer

  12. 文摘:简述了1个GD型电除尘器在矿渣烘干机上应用的工程实例。

    Abstract : This paper describes a living project example that GD type ESP is applied on slag drier .

  13. GR系列烘干机,适于果脯、蜜饯、凉果等干燥脱水作业。

    GR series drying machine is fit for dehydration of preserved fruits , glazed fruits , and cool fruits .

  14. Ebb和Flow的大小就像洗衣机和烘干机,在它们降落到那座山上之前,他们的任务就是环绕月球并绘制它的地图。

    Ebb and Flow were about the size of a washer and dryer , before they crashed landing into that mountain , their mission was to orbit the Moon and map it out .

  15. IHT球果烘干机改进效果

    Improvement of IHT Strobil Drying Machinery

  16. 然而,今天他们同样也应用到消费产品和用具&从高清晰度电视(HDTV)到媒体播放器,到洗衣机和烘干机,到手机和PDA。

    However , today they apply equally well to consumer products and appliances & from high definition television ( HDTV ) and media players , to washers and dryers , to cell phones and PDAs .

  17. 5H-1小型玉米烘干机干燥室与加热器的设计

    Drying Room and Heater Design of 5H-1 Small Size Corn Drying Machinery

  18. 5HG―1型小型烘干机干燥仓的设计

    Design of Dryness Storehouse for the Model 5HG ― 1 Minitype Drier

  19. 5H-1小型玉米烘干机传热过程的理论研究

    Theoretical Research of Heat transfer Process of 5H-1 Small Size Corn Drying Machinery

  20. 吉HJ-150型节能塔式粮食烘干机的研究

    Research of Ji hj-150 type of energy conservation tower grain dryer

  21. 主要阐述了5H-1小型玉米烘干机设计中干燥室的物质衡算,干燥过程热量衡算,气耗量、热耗量的计算,燃烧炉的结构及风机的选择。

    The paper study material balance calculation in drying room , heat balance calculation in drying procedure , combustion oven construction and fan selection of small size corn drying machinery .

  22. 典型仓容量(3000t)的吨干燥成本为9.3元/吨,低于谷物烘干机的干燥成本36.5元/吨。

    The cost for drying is 9.3 $ / t , much lower than the grain dryer ( 36.5 $ / t ) .

  23. 正如与mikkelsen博士合作的,一家名为自然能源的英国风能公司中的michaelharris所指出的,涡轮中心正如一个翻滚的烘干机。

    As Michael Harris of natural power , a British wind-energy company that is collaborating with Dr Mikkelsen , puts it , the centre of a turbine is like a tumble drier .

  24. 5H-20新型谷物烘干机的研制与开发

    The Development and Research on a New 5H-20 Dryer

  25. ZH-36型振动烘干机

    Development of Model ZH-36 Vibrating Dryer

  26. SWA801型系列烘干机是由电子程控、容量大、烘干快、耗能小,操作方便。

    SWA801 series of drying machine , large capacity , good drying effect , smooth transmission and easy to handle .

  27. 简述了5HG―1型小型烘干机的谷物流动循环、农产品移动循环工作原理。

    The working principle of corns ' recurrence flow and produces recurrence remove of the model 5HG ― 1 minitype drier was narrated in this paper .

  28. HL-100型粮食烘干机有两个干燥塔,环境温度在-8℃条件下,日干燥能力100t。

    There are two drying towers in the HL - 100 type grain drier , which has a drying capacity of 100T / day . At ambient temperature of - 8 ℃, 12 % moisture content of grain can be decreased .

  29. 试验表明,该烘干机每小时可烘干潮油菜籽7.5t,对水分16%~17%的潮油菜籽一次降水幅度为5%~6%,烘后油菜籽含油量不受影响。

    The test result showed that the dryer can treat rapeseed 7.5t / h , lower moisture content 5 % ~ 6 % for rapeseed of 16 % ~ 17 % moisture content at a time . Oil content of rapeseed dried was not reduced .

  30. 牧草烘干机生产工艺参数及应用效果研究

    Study on The Technology Parameters and Applying Effects of Herbage Drier