
mò shōu wéi fǎ suǒ dé
  • confiscate illegal gains;seize illegal income
  • confiscation of illegal gains;seizure of illegal income:an administrative penalty stipulated in the PRC
  1. 有违法所得的,没收违法所得;

    the unlawful gains , if any , shall be confiscated ;

  2. 第八十一条擅自将农民集体所有的土地的使用权出让、转让或者出租用于非农业建设的,由县级以上人民政府土地行政主管部门责令限期改正,没收违法所得,并处罚款。

    Article 81 Leasing , transferring or renting the use right of land owned by peasant collectives for non-agricultural construction uses , the land administrative departments of the people 's governments at and above the county level shall order correction within a prescribed time limit , confiscate the proceeds concerned and impose a fine .

  3. 没收违法所得、没收非法财物;

    Confiscation of illegal gains or confiscation of unlawful property or things of value ;

  4. 没收违法所得;

    Confiscation of the illegal incomes ;

  5. 三是没收违法所得及产生的收益的范围问题。

    Third , the range of confiscating the illegal income and the interest produced form it .

  6. 没收违法所得及罚款一律上缴国库。并处违法所得一倍以上五倍以下罚金。

    The confiscated illegal gains and fines must all be turned over to the state treasury .

  7. 有违法所得的,没收违法所得,并入失业保险基金;

    If there is illegal income , such illegal income shall be confiscated and merged into unemployment insurance funds ;

  8. 吊销船员职务证书;吊销海员出境入境证件;没收违法所得;

    Revocation of the job certificate of crew membership ; revocation of the entry and exit certificate of any sailor ; confiscation of illegal proceeds ;

  9. 没收违法所得,可以并处违法所得三倍以下的罚款,没有违法所得的,可以处五万元以下的罚款;

    His illegal earnings shall be confiscated and , in addition , he may be imposed a fine of not more than three times his illegal earnings .

  10. 第四十二条买卖、出租或者以其他形式转让矿产资源的,没收违法所得,处以罚款。

    Article 42 If a person purchases , sells or leases mineral resources or transfers them by other means , his unlawful proceeds shall be confiscated and he shall be fined .

  11. 目前,国家发改委已责成相关地方价格主管部门依法予以严肃处理,没收违法所得,并处违法所得5倍罚款;

    Now , NDRC has ordered some related price manage department in place to deal with this incident according to law , confiscate illegal income , and impose a fine of five time of income ;

  12. 同时,其中的经济行政法律责任的形式还可以扩展到责令停止违法行为和没收违法所得,撤销登记则是应该非常慎用的一种责任形式。

    Meanwhile , the form of the administrative responsibility can be expanded to the order to stop illegal act and confiscation the illegal income , and the measures of cancellation registration should be used very carefully .

  13. 第一百七十八条非法开设证券交易场所的,由证券监督管理机构予以取缔,没收违法所得,并处以违法所得一倍以上五倍以下的罚款。

    Article 178 . Those who illegally operate securities trading sites are to be outlawed by securities regulatory bodies ; their illegal earnings are to be confiscated and they are to pay a fine of an amount between one and five times their illegal earnings .

  14. 将公司资产以任何个人名义开立帐户存储的,没收违法所得,并处以违法所得一倍以上五倍以下的罚款。

    Where assets of the company are held in an account opened in the name of an individual , illegal income is confiscated and there is a fine of at least the same amount and less than five times the amount of the illegal income .

  15. 第三十二条无烟草专卖生产企业许可证生产烟草制品的,由烟草专卖行政主管部门责令关闭,没收违法所得,并处罚款。

    Article 32 Where an enterprise that does not hold a license for the tobacco monopoly production enterprise produces tobacco products , the department of tobacco monopoly administration shall order it to close down , confiscate the illegal income derived therefrom and concurrently impose a fine .

  16. 现行法律对刑事案件涉案财物的追缴、责令退赔、没收违法所得规定过于原则,刑事诉讼法也缺乏相应的处理程序造成司法实践做法不一。

    The rules in the current laws for the recovery of belongings involved in the cases , order for restitute , confiscating illegal gains in criminal cases are too conservative , and the lack of related treatment procedures in criminal procedure also leads to different behaviors in judicial practice .

  17. 依照本法对证券发行、交易违法行为没收的违法所得和罚款,全部上缴国库。

    All the illegitimate incomes and fines lawfully confiscated and collected from issuing and trading securities against the law shall be delivered to the national treasury .

  18. 没收全部违法所得,可并处其销售额百分之十至百分之五十的罚款。

    The total amount of their illegal gains shall be confiscated and a fine ranging from 10 % to 50 % of the total sales earnings may be imposed simultaneously .

  19. 第四十四条违反本法的规定,生产、销售未经依照产品质量法的规定确定检验机构检验合格的消防产品的,责令停止违法行为,没收产品和违法所得,依照产品质量法的规定从重处罚。

    Article 44 Those who , in violation the rules of this law , produce and sell fire control products that have not passed qualification check by inspection punished in accordance with the rules of the Product Quality Law .

  20. 第五十一条生产、销售劣药的,没收劣药和违法所得,可以并处罚款;

    Where inferior drugs are produced or sold , the inferior drugs and the illegally obtained income will be confiscated and a fine may also be imposed ;

  21. 依照我国此前的法律规定,如果犯罪嫌疑人、被告人逃匿、死亡,即便能够证明某些财物属于违法所得,法院也无法作出裁决没收被告人的违法所得。

    In accordance with the previous law of our country , If the criminal suspects or defendants escape or die , the court cannot make the confiscation of illegal gains , even though the gains can be proved to be illegal income .

  22. 刑事诉讼涉案财物的追缴程序是司法机关实施查封、扣押、冻结等追缴措施、责令退赔、没收违禁品和供犯罪所用的本人财物以及没收违法所得所适用的各项程序的总称。

    The recovering procedure of belongings involved in criminal proceeding is a general term for various procedures applicable in the implementation of foreclosure , distrain , freezing , order for restitute , confiscating illegal gains and belongings of the criminals by the judicial organs .