
  • 网络no excuse;There is no excuse
  1. 在这种环境下,特别是如果你是一家类似Facebook这样的“成长型”公司,你就没有任何借口以出售股份的方式筹集资金。

    There is no excuse to be selling shares to raise cash in this environment , especially if you are supposedly a " growing " company like Facebook .

  2. 人们没有任何借口只以“空谈”来对待这番事业。

    That is no excuse for merely paying lip service to the cause .

  3. 他提供的建议来自贝尔斯登(BearStearns)前董事长艾斯•格林伯格,后者一贯坚持卖出亏损股&没有任何借口。

    He offers advice from former Bear Stearns chairman ace Greenberg , who always sells losing stocks & no excuses .

  4. 土耳其外长AhmetDavutolu表示,继续袭击平民是没有任何借口的。

    The Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said the continued attacks on civilians could not be excused .

  5. 是没有任何借口的如果你算上马尔科姆的话那就是两个人

    And if you count Malcolm , that 's two people .

  6. 但归根结底,是没有任何借口的。

    But in the end , there are no excuses .

  7. 这儿没有任何借口可以放纵你自己。

    There are no any excuses to indulge yourself .

  8. 没有任何借口

    No any complications were found . No any excuse

  9. 不工作是没有任何借口的。

    This is no excuse for missing work .

  10. 没有任何借口可以这样做的。

    There can be no excuse for that .

  11. 没有任何借口,我们在比赛的最后阶段没有拧成一股绳。

    No excuses , we just didn 't play team ball at the end .

  12. 学生们绝对没有任何借口不去大声读英语和刻苦学习!

    Students here have absolutely no excuse not to yell English and study hard !

  13. 对无辜的人实施惨无人道的行为是没有任何借口可找的。

    There can be no excuse for such an inhumane act targeted at innocent people .

  14. 你没有任何借口!

    You ain 't got no excuse !

  15. 你没有任何借口,追求单一乏味的生活和非磨练方式。

    You have no excuse to pursue your life in a single boring and non chastened way .

  16. 没有任何借口,我对我所造成的伤害负全部责任。

    There are no excuses , and I take full responsibility for the hurt I have caused .

  17. 你没有任何借口跟老师顶嘴,旷课或是辍学。没有任何借口不努力。

    That 's no excuse for talking back to your teacher or cutting class or dropping out of school .

  18. “一旦你越过白线参加世界杯,为祖国效劳时,你将没有任何借口退出,”科威尔说。

    " Once you make yourself available and you cross the white line there are no excuses ," Kewell said .

  19. 没有任何借口体现的是一种负责、业的精神,一种服从、实的态度,一种完美的执行能力。

    No excuse means a responsible and assiduous spirit , a submissive and honest attitude as well as perfect performance ability .

  20. 如果我们不能负责任地管理好这个国家,将其从一场人为危机带入另一场人为危机,我们是没有任何借口的。

    There 's no good reason why we can 't govern responsibly , without lurching from manufactured crisis to manufactured crisis .

  21. 我觉得我们本该表现得更好,所以我们的状态让输球变得没有任何借口。

    I expect us to play better than we did , so there ´ s no excuse for losing like we did .

  22. 那就是没有任何找借口的余地

    Is there 's no longer any room for excuses

  23. 拉法-贝尼特斯也告诫荷兰小伙,说对于失去稳定的上场时间,他没有任何可以拒绝的借口。

    And Rafael Benitez has warned the Dutch attacker there are now no excuses for failing to produce on a regular basis .

  24. 但是按照法庭的观点,Cropp没有发现导致EmilyJerry死亡的错误,他没有任何借口。

    But in the court 's eyes , Cropp had no excuse for missing the mistake that killed Emily Jerry .

  25. 因此,在我们的后面和前面都没有一个光辉的价值领域,都没有任何理由或借口。我们孑然孤立,没有任何理由可寻。

    Thus we have neither behind us , nor before us in a luminous realm of values , any means of justification or excuse . – We are left alone , without excuse .