
  1. 例如:在选拔国有企业行政中层管理者时,应特别注重应变能力、激励指导用人能力、经营能力和组织领导能力等指标;

    For example : When selecting middle-level managers , we must notice their competence of contingence , using personnel , business and leadership , etc.

  2. 政策启示是,为支持高技术创业企业的技术创新活动,必须建构一种有助于培育高技术创业企业技术创新能力和激励其创新动力的外部资源融入机制,而风险投资则是理想的选择。

    Therefore it 's necessary to cultivate the innovation capacity and the exterior resource merging mechanism , and venture capital investment is an ideal method .

  3. 教育专家相信双语能力能够激励孩童的智力发展,这一点家长们应该注意。

    As the educational experts believe that bilingualism helps stimulate a child 's intellectual development , discerning Singaporean parents should take note of this sound advice .

  4. 电信运营企业的组织支持各因素与组织创新文化之间存在正相关关系;影响程度从大到小依次为资源支持、文化认同、清晰的战略、员工创新能力、激励机制和开放性氛围。

    Influence degree about factors from organizational support in turn is resource support , cultural identity , clear strategy , staff innovation , incentive mechanism and open atmosphere .

  5. 由于基金投资者对产品差异不敏感,核心资源、核心能力和激励机制欠缺,导致基金业在初始成长阶段产品实质性差异不足。

    Besides the fund products do not differ at large , because the managers disfavor differentiation strategy , due to the lack of core resources and competences , and the absence of incentive mechanism .

  6. 同时分析了软件外包企业技术能力成长激励的内涵,激励对象的特点和需求,研究了软件外包企业技术能力的主要激励因素并从薪酬、工作、环境和成长方面给出了激励措施模型。

    In addition , this paper analyzes the connotation of technical capability incentive and the features and requirements of the incentive objects , and studies the main incentive factors of technical capability of software outsourcing enterprises .

  7. 本文在现实考察的基础上,从能力、激励、效应等多方面审视了金融机构介入公司治理的内在因素,并试图寻找决定金融机构介入与不介入公司治理的原因所在。

    Based on practical investigations , the thesis reflects on the inner factors of the interference from the aspects of capability , stimulation , effect , etc , and intends to find out the decisive factor for whether interfering or not .

  8. 我国科技人才创新能力的政策激励

    Policy Encouraging on the Innovation Ability of Chinese Science and Technology Talents

  9. 能力工资尽量激励员工纷繁的个体差异;

    Capability salary is to stimulate individualities of the staff ;

  10. 其中包括创造力和创业精神,还包括人际交往能力,例如激励、说服、培养和关怀。

    These include creativity and entrepreneurship , but also interpersonal skills such as motivation , persuasion , nurturing and caring .

  11. 并且对山东省的科技财政政策进行了具体分析和评价,提出了提升山东省科技创新能力的财政激励措施。

    Shandong Province and the specific science and technology policy analysis and evaluation , Shandong Province made upgrading technological innovation ability of financial incentives . 4 .

  12. 论企业会计人员职业能力与培养激励、识别与职业能力框架&兼谈我国高级会计师考评结合制度

    On Professional Ability and Cultivation of Enterprises ' Accountants Incentive , Identify and Professional Competence Framework & Discussion on Test and Assessment system of professional accountant

  13. 偿付能力监管应该激励保险公司减少偿付无力风险、便于经营不善的保险公司恢复营业以及使那些经营失败的公司有序退出市场。

    Solvency regulation should prompt insurers to guard against the risk of insolvency , assist distressed insurers go back to the right track and failed insurers exit the market with no chaos .

  14. 通过多年的志愿活动,莫琳开发了自己的领导能力,其激励及号召他人的能力开始令洛杉矶的大人物们刮目相看。

    Through her volunteer work , Maureen over the years developed her leadership skills , and started impressing the powerful people in Los Angeles with her ability to inspire and organize people .

  15. 在开放经济条件下,技术贸易政策是一国重要的政策变量,它对一国技术进步的能力既有激励作用,也会产生相反的约束机制。

    Under the open economy condition , the technological trade policy is one country 's very important policy variable . On the one side , it can promote one country 's technological progress ;

  16. 决策责任、要价能力与人力资本激励模式选择

    Decision-making Responsibility , Bargaining Power and Human Capital Incentive Mode

  17. 水电/火电机组调峰能力的评估与激励

    Evaluation and incentive mechanism of peaking capability of hydroelectric / thermoelectric generators

  18. 你有一种离奇的能力与话语来激励他人。

    You have a way of words and an uncanny ability to motivate others .

  19. 预备役军官履职能力考评体系及激励机制研究

    Study of Assessment System Below Task Fulfiling Capability and Incentive Mechanism for Reserve Officers

  20. 上市公司利润导向与成长能力导向目标的激励机制&基于多任务委托代理模型的研究

    Study on Incentive Mechanism of Profit Oriented and Growth-Capability Oriented Objectives for Listed Companies : Based on Multitask Principal-Agent Model

  21. 通过减少对这些低能力公司的创建激励,政策制定者们能够改善新生企业的平均绩效。

    By eliminating incentives to create these low probability companies , policy makers can improve the average performance of new businesses .

  22. 这就要求被激励者具有充分的理解力、计算能力,能够将激励契约方案准确地还原为自己的各种行动。

    This requests the person who gets the incentive has the full comprehension faculty and the computation ability , and can accurately digest the contract plan in his own way .

  23. 高中语文教师的专业能力则分为教育教学能力、沟通和激励能力、自我专业发展能力三大块。

    And the professional competence of Chinese teacher in senior high school is made up of educational and teaching competence , the communicating and encouraging competence , and the self-development competence .

  24. 情商能力体现为自我认识能力、理解平衡能力、自我激励能力、控制情绪能力和人际关系能力。

    The affection IQ includes the capacity of self-adjustment , self-control and to handle properly human relations .

  25. 教学能力很大一部分是天性使然的,这种能力体现在激励每一颗萌动的心灵,这种能力体现在驯服每一位不羁的学子。这种能力,有人与生俱来,而有人望尘莫及。

    Much of the ability to teach is innate & an ability to inspire young minds as well as control unruly classrooms that some people instinctively possess and some people definitely do not .