
  • 网络energy efficiency;efficiency of energy utilization
  1. 但我国幅员辽阔,地区差异较大,各省(直辖市、自治区)吸引的外商直接投资和能源利用效率都不同。

    However , China is a big country with vast territory and regional differences . Provinces in China have different FDI and energy efficiency .

  2. 我国钢铁企业工艺加热设备的炉型结构和产能特点多种多样,更有一部分设备是陈旧老化的,这使得整体设备的能源利用效率不高,其中存在着很大程度的能源浪费。

    In the iron and steel enterprises of China , the structure types and capacity characteristics of different process heating equipment vary a lot , and even part of them are aging , that makes the energy efficiency of the whole equipment not high and thus causes great waste .

  3. 中国在能源利用效率方面远远低于欧盟等发达国家,也有进一步降低单位GDP二氧化碳排放量的现实需要。

    China 's energy utilization efficiency is far lower than the EU and other developed countries , and China needs to further reduce carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP .

  4. 通过分析从热电联产(CHP)向热电冷联产(BCHP)发展的趋势,以及在提高能源利用效率、减轻环境污染和温室效应方面的优势。

    The change from CHP to BCHP was analyzed , advantages of BCHP were introduced in improving energy utilization efficiency , reducing environmental pollution and greenhouse effect .

  5. 在十一五规划中我国也明确提出了降低单位GDP能耗20%的目标,表明政府已经将能源利用效率问题上升到了国家意志。

    In the 11th five-year plan explicitly put forward our country also reduce energy consumption per unit of GDP by 20 % goal that the government has risen on energy efficiency the state power .

  6. 近几年来中国GDP持续保持高增长,与此同时,能源利用效率却比较低,因此节能是当务之急,在能源匮乏的上海更是如此。

    In the latest years , China keeps a high GDP sustainable growth . Meanwhile , the energy utilization efficiency is low . As a result , energy saving becomes one of urgent affairs , especially in Shanghai of lacking resources .

  7. 这份报告预测,在更加集约化的城市化模式之下,到2025年,人均国内生产总值(GDP)将提高20%,因为大型城市的生产率通常更高;能源利用效率也将提高20%。

    Under that more concentrated model of urbanisation , the report forecasts that GDP per capita could be 20 per cent higher by 2025 , as larger cities tend to achieve higher productivity , and energy use would be 20 per cent more efficient .

  8. 循环经济是依靠技术进步和加强管理,通过减少、再利用和再循环(3R)提高资源和能源利用效率,实现少投入、高产出、低污染。

    Circulation economy is a new economic model substantially different from traditional economic models , in which the coexistence of less input , more output and less pollution is pursued through improving the efficiency in using resources and energy .

  9. MDHP系统可以实现对热泵循环蒸发冷量和冷凝热量的综合利用,具有很高的能源利用效率,同时还可以减少夏季空调热污染。

    Multi-functional Domestic Heat Pump ( MDHP ) system can reach high efficiency of energy because the evaporating cooling energy and condensing heating energy can be utilized simultaneously by MDHP system . Thus the condensing heat pollution in summer is reduced .

  10. 外商直接投资对辽宁省能源利用效率的影响研究

    Study on FDI 's Impact on Energy Efficiency in Liaoning Province

  11. 我国经济增长过程中能源利用效率的改进

    The Improvement Of Energy Consumption Efficiency In China 's Economic Growth

  12. 未来汽车技术的发展必将以提高能源利用效率、降低排放污染为目标。

    The future car must be improved efficiency and reduced pollution .

  13. 在经济发达地区,对电力和石油制品的消费量较高,并且能源利用效率相对较高。

    In the developed areas , energy efficiency is relatively high .

  14. 努力提高能源利用效率、降低能源消耗;

    To raise the energy use efficiency and reduce the energy consumption ;

  15. 技术进步、结构变动与中国能源利用效率

    Technological Development , Structural Change and Chinese Energy Consumption Efficiency

  16. 推行电力需求侧管理技术提高能源利用效率

    Popularization of electric need side management technology and improving energy resources utilization

  17. 河北省钢铁企业能源利用效率评价研究

    Research on Energy Efficiency of Steel Industry in Hebei Province

  18. 大力推进节能,提高能源利用效率

    To carry forward energy conservation , to promote ratio of energy utilization

  19. 外包对中国能源利用效率影响的实证研究

    The Impacts of Outsourcing on Energy Use Efficiency : Evidence from China

  20. 浙江省能源利用效率现状分析与对策研究

    Situation and Strategy Research on Energy Efficienty of Zhejiang Province

  21. 提高能源利用效率,加强废弃物管理便是典型的例子。

    Improved energy efficiency and waste management are obvious examples .

  22. 技术进步和产业结构对能源利用效率的影响

    Effect of Technological Progress and Industrial Structure on Energy Efficiency

  23. 中国能源利用效率区域差异基尼系数分析

    Analysis on regional disparity of energy utilization efficiency : Gini coefficient in China

  24. 为了提高能源利用效率,引入该机制对中国具有很重要的意义。

    To improve energy efficiency , it is essential to import this system .

  25. 一些城市的能源利用效率让人钦佩,而另一些城市却挥霍无度。

    Some cities consume energy with admirable efficiency . Others are more profligate .

  26. 做好现场节能工作提高能源利用效率

    Improving Energy Efficiency with the On-site Energy-saving Technology

  27. 基于省际数据的我国能源利用效率有效性评价

    Based on the Inter-provincial Panel Data to Analyze the Energy Using Efficiency in China

  28. 能源利用效率有较大幅度提高。

    The energy efficiency sees a significant increase .

  29. 基于双重结构的能源利用效率新指标分析

    Analysis of a new index on the energy utilization efficiency based on the dual-structure

  30. 建筑能耗基准是判定和分析能源利用效率水平高低的重要依据。

    Building energy consumption benchmark is important for determining and analyzing the energy efficiency .