
  • 网络energy tax
  1. 试析欧盟的能源税及其对中国的启示

    On EU Energy Taxes and Its Enlightenment for China

  2. 这一部分主要对能源税的相关理论进行了阐述。

    This section describes the theory of energy taxes .

  3. 在这些成果的基础上,文章首先分析了对煤征收能源税的重要性与必要性,随后详细介绍了采用由四大模块组成的CGE模型系统,并且给出了具体的求解处理过程。

    At first this paper analyzes the importance and necessity of imposing tax of coal , introduces the CGE model , and then presents the detailed computing process .

  4. 得益于对寡头势力的打压这场战斗在尤科斯(yukos)案中达到高潮能源税的税率和征收力度均有提高。

    Energy tax rates and collection were increased , helped by the clampdown on oligarch power that culminated in the Yukos case .

  5. 第四部分,国外能源税立法经验借鉴。

    The fourth part is the foreign energy tax legislation experience .

  6. 能源税对中国交通业影响及政策响应

    Effects and Policy Responses of Energy Tax in China 's Transport Sector

  7. 第三部分,我国现行能源税立法评价。

    The third part is our evaluation of existing energy tax legislation .

  8. 第一章能源税与可持续发展的关系。本章是全文展开论证的逻辑起点。

    This chapter is logical beginning of the whole dissertation .

  9. 最后阐述了能源税的作用影响。

    Finally , this paper discussed the role of energy tax impact .

  10. 台湾地区能源税的开征:方案与启示

    Energy Tax in Taiwan : Drafts and Reviews

  11. 第一部分是我国能源税立法的本土化分析。

    Part 1 is an analysis of the localization of energy tax law in China .

  12. 本文共分五个部分:第一部分,可持续发展思想对我国能源税立法改革的指导。

    The first part is concept of sustainable development of energy tax legislation reform with guidance .

  13. 第三部分探析可持续发展背景下能源税存在的正当性基础。

    The third part proves the validity of the energy tax under the sustainable development background .

  14. 主要论证可持续发展战略与能源税之间所存在的客观必然的联系。

    This chapter mainly discusses the objective and inevitable relations between sustainable development and energy tax .

  15. 第二部分重点阐释了能源税的征税主体及税收管理与支配的内容。

    The second part mainly explains the tax authority and tax administration and control of energy tax .

  16. 首先从宏观上提出了我国能源税立法改革的原则和模式选择。

    First , from the macro energy tax proposed legislative reforms in China principle and mode selection .

  17. 最后根据以上阐述得出国外经验对我国能源税立法改革的启示。

    Finally , gives the inspiration of the energy tax legislation reform according to the foreign experience .

  18. 电力公司的股价在新能源税颁布后随即下跌。

    Shares in the electricity companies were marked down following the announcement of the new energy tax .

  19. 你会因香港开徵能源税而减少使用能源吗?

    Will you reduce the use of energy because of the levy of energy tax in Hong Kong ?

  20. 以此为基础,阐释了外国能源税立法成果的启发式立法经验和填补式立法经验。

    Then this part explains the heuristic and the fill type legislative experience in the foreign energy tax legislation .

  21. 林表示,70年代末期,我国只徵收非常低的能源税,目的是促进矿业开发。

    China levies very low resources tax to subsidize its struggling state-owned mine groups since late1970s , Lin stated .

  22. 第三步进而分析了现有税收体制下能源税立法预期的社会效益和立法趋势。

    Section three analyzes necessity and feasibility of energy tax law and its legislative tendency under the existing tax law system .

  23. 其次从经济和法学两个角度论述了能源税存在的理论基础,为本文提供了理论支撑。

    Second , from the perspectives of economic and legal existence of an-energy tax discussed the theoretical basis for this paper provides a theoretical support .

  24. 同时,通过能源税还能促进节约能源和肮脏能源的替代,从而产生巨大的环境效益。

    The same time , the energy tax but also to promote saving energy and " dirty " energy alternatives , resulting in huge environmental benefits .

  25. 如果你是驾驶人士,你会因开徵能源税而减少驾驶,改用公共交通工具吗?

    If you are a driver , will you reduce to drive and change to use the public transport because of the levy of energy tax ?

  26. 其次从微观上通过对能源税构成要素、相关税种的完善、相关配套措施的支持三方面给出具体的政策建议。

    Second , from the micro elements on energy taxes , taxes related to improving the related measures to support three specific policy recommendations are given .

  27. 中国和印度尤其需要提高能源税和金融交易税,同时大幅降低工资税、特别是穷人的工资税。

    Instead , China and India in particular need to raise taxes on energy and financial transactions , while slashing taxes on salaries , particularly for the poor .

  28. 该组织说,为解决全球变暖问题可能采取的能源税会使这一上涨趋势在将来会有所下降。

    But such strong growth figures are expected to slip in the future , the agency said , citing possible energy tax increases imposed to fight global warming .

  29. 20世纪70年代以来,西方国家开征了诸如污染税、能源税、水税、噪音税等绿色税收进行环境管理。

    Since the 1970s , the Western country has begun levying green taxes such as pollution tax , energy tax , water tax and noise tax to carry on the environmental management .

  30. 此部分立足于我国当前能源税立法,从能源税立法沿革、立法现状、立法评价三方面进行阐述,最后得出我国能源税立法改革具有可行性。

    This section based on our current energy tax legislation , describes the evolution of energy tax legislation , current legislation , legislative evaluation and the feasibility of legislative reform of energy taxation .