
  • 网络stock option
  1. 试论国有股份制企业实行期股制的不适应性

    Unavailability of executive stock option for state owned limited companies

  2. 论我国的期股、期权激励制度

    On Chinese Incentive System by Future Stock and Stock Option

  3. 钽棒植入术适于SteinbergⅠ、Ⅱ期股骨头坏死,坏死区域小于关节面的30%。

    The tantalum good implantation is suitable for Steinberg ⅰ,ⅱ Time femoral head necrosis , necrosis region is smaller than the facies articularis 30 % .

  4. 方法:13例15髋ARCOⅡ期、Ⅲ期股骨头坏死患者行全髋置换术时,对其髋臼大体观进行评估,并从髋臼负重区及非负重区取软骨进行病理学观察并评分。

    Method : Biopsy specimens of cartilage and adjacent subchondral bone were obtained from the weight-bearing dome of the acetabulum of 15 hips in 13 patients who were having a total hip replacement . The cartilage was evaluated grossly and histologically .

  5. 期权、期股制的若干探讨&兼论公司治理结构

    Several Discussion on Executive Stock Option & Also on Corporate Governance

  6. 银河仪表有限公司期股期权方案

    Stock Futures and Options Project in Yinhe Instrument Co. , Ltd

  7. 上市公司员工股票期股激励约束机制研究

    Research on the Future Stock Incentive and Restraint Mechanism in Listed Companies

  8. 股票期权、期股的激励约束机制分析

    Analysis of Motivation and Restraining Mechanism of Stock Options and Option Shares

  9. 经营者股权激励及期股制的选择

    The Manager 's Incentive Stock and Future Stock Option

  10. A公司期股、期权激励方案研究

    Research on the Encouraging Scheme of A Company 's Stock Futures 、 Stock Options

  11. 期股期权在我国的发展及对策研究

    Research on the development and countermeasure of the executive stock options in our country

  12. 此外,还将股票期权激励与现股、期股激励作对比研究。

    In addition , I compare ESO with other types of stock rights incentive .

  13. 国有中小企业不宜全面推广期股制

    Unsuitability of Overall Spread of the System of Future Stock among Small and Medium State Enterprises

  14. 从研讨期股、期权激励机制阶段,发展到现在要准备实施期股、期权激励机制阶段。

    From discussing stock options mechanism for encouraging and restraining stage to performing stage till now .

  15. 期股与实股对经理人动态激励问题的探讨论B股回购

    Reflections on Trends Stimulation for Managers by Promissory & Capital Stock Options On repurchase of B-share

  16. 我国企业现行股票期权激励方案的本质是一种期股激励,使激励效果弱化。

    The present stock option incentive plans of domestic companies are future stock incentives in essence , which weaken the incentive effect .

  17. Ⅰ、Ⅱ期股骨头缺血性坏死股骨头中心、股骨头负重区压力明显高于大粗隆及股骨颈;

    The intramedullary pressure of head center and load area were higher than that of trochanter major and femoral neck at stage ⅰ and ⅱ .

  18. 带旋股外动脉升支血管蒂髂骨瓣移植治疗Ⅱ、Ⅲ期股骨头坏死的临床观察

    The Treating Observation on ⅱ and ⅲ Stage Femoral Head Necrosis by Implantation of Pedicled Iliac Bone Graft with Ascending Branch of Lateral Femoral Circumflex Artery

  19. 1998年以来,一些企业积极探索期股、期权激励方案,但是在政策与法律环境不完善的条件下,能够真正实施方案的企业屈指可数。

    Since 1998 , some enterprises researched actively stock options the scheme , but few enterprises can implement the scheme under the imperfect policy and legal environment .

  20. 要改变期股期权推进不理想的状况,需要从强化认识、完善环境和具体操作等诸层面上做文章。

    In order to improve the condition that unsuitable of the executive stock options , should do some effects on strengthening knowledge , perfecting environment and specific operation .

  21. 本文试就期股制的内涵及其不宜在国有中小企业全面推广的原因做初步探讨。

    The article initially probes into the connotation of the system of future stock and the reasons why it is unsuitable to spread on a large scale among small and medium state enterprises .

  22. 期股,作为长期薪酬重要形式之一,确实产生了积极的激励作用,但并非如今今天许多学者、职业经理人和企业家所认为的那种“一股就灵”的功效。

    Future Shares , as an important form of long-term compensation , plays an important role in motivating executives , but the effect is not as great as many scholars , executives and entrepreneurs believe .

  23. 如何建立起A公司高级管理人员的激励约束机制,建立规范的期权、期股持股计划,对A公司未来能够持续发展具有深远的意义。

    How to set up mechanism for encouraging and restraining of A company 's senior executive , and set up canonical stock options , it is of special significance for developing continuously of A Company in the future .

  24. 本文在明确了控制权激励是期股激励的基础后,进一步分析了市场结构、风险态度、治理结构及行业差别等影响期股激励强度的因素。

    After the mastery motivation has been clarified as the basis of option motivation , this paper further analyses some factors affecting the intensity of option motivation , i.e. market structure , attitude to risk , governing structure and trade differentiation .

  25. 介入治疗其优点主要有介创伤小、恢复快、操作简便易行的特点,经动物试验及临床验证,疗效较好,特别是针对Ⅰ~Ⅱ期股骨头缺血性坏死,尤以近期疗效显著。

    The advantages of interventions treatment mainly include : mediated trauma and recovery fast and simple . It has the better effect in animal experiments and clinical validation , especially for stage ⅰ~ⅱ avascular necrosis , it had significant effect in the recent .

  26. 期权、期股的最大优点是将企业价值作为经营者个人收入函数的一个重要变量,从而作为一种长期激励约束机制,实现了所有者与经营者利益的一致性。

    It 's the most advantage of stock options and futures that it takes enterprise value as a important variable in function of manger income , and makes the interest of owner be consistent with that of manager as long-term encouraging and restraining mechanism .

  27. 借鉴美国上市公司股票期权运作的方法,结合中国相关法律法规的规定,充分考虑企业的内外部环境,提出期股计划,以解决无股可期的实际矛盾。

    Learning the stock option practice of the US public company and considering the related domestic laws and rules , we can design a stock option program according to the enterprise 's circumstances , which helps solving the contradiction of " no stock to expect " .

  28. 方法对12个Ⅰ~Ⅱ期股骨头坏死,6个肱骨头坏死病例进行了介入药物灌注后,微量泵给药3~7d;

    Methods Twelve patients with stage ⅰ or ⅱ avascular necrosis of the femoral head and 6 patients with avascular necrosis of the humerus head underwent the interventional therapy . All the patients received continually injection of drugs with microperfusion pump for 3 to 7 days .