
qī dài quán
  • expective right;reversionary interest
  1. 优先承租权是期待权、附强制缔约义务的请求权,具有从属性和公共政策性。

    The priority of lease is expective right and right of claim with forceful treaty obligation , it is subordinate and public policy .

  2. 买受人期待权的风险承担

    The Assumption of Risk for Purchaser 's Expective Right

  3. 期待权这一概念首先产生在德国。

    The conception of expectant right was firstly used in Germany .

  4. 论所有权保留买卖中保留买主之期待权

    On Expectant Right of the Buyer in the Deal of Retained Ownership

  5. 最后论述期待权的保护制度。

    Finally , discoursing protection system of looks right .

  6. 本文的重点是商品房买受人期待权的法律效力。

    This article focuses on the legal effect of the commercial real estate buyer .

  7. 预售商品房期待权研究

    Research on Expecting Right of Pre-selling Commercial Apartments

  8. 期待权是债权,但具有物权性质;

    Expecting right is creditor 's right , but it contains nature of real right .

  9. 期待权与既得权相对,是一项仍处于发展中的权利;

    Acquired the right to expect the right relative is still in a development rights ;

  10. 合同履行期前的法定解除事由探讨论期前违约制度&履约期待权的救济措施

    On Breaking a Contract in Advance & The Remedy for the Expectation Rights of Contract-keeping

  11. 期待权和取回权是所有权保留制度中巧妙设计的一个平衡双方利益的对抗机制。

    Expectant right and right of recall is a balanced mechanism focusing on bilateral benefit .

  12. 论所有权保留买卖中买受人的期待权

    Buyer 's Expecting Right in Title Retention

  13. 期待权是一项动态性与静态性相结合的权利。

    The right to expect is a combination of dynamic and static dimensions of the right .

  14. 期待权论

    Research on the Right of Expectance

  15. 第一部分为所有权保留之期待权的基本问题。

    The first part discusses the general rules and theories of expectant right in retention of title .

  16. 期待权的界定

    The Definition of Expecting Right

  17. 文章第一部分为期待权与所有权保留中期待权概述。

    The first chapter is about the summary of expectant right and expectant right in retention of title .

  18. 该部分重点论述了买受人期待权和出卖人的取回权。

    That part focuses on the buyer look forward to the right and the seller to retrieve the right .

  19. 德国学者将这种法律地位定义为保留买主之期待权。

    Some German scholars define such legal status as expectant right of the buyer in a retained ownership deal .

  20. 通过分析德国、法国、英国的民事法律制度,初步构建我国的期待权制度。

    Analyzing Germany , France , the United Kingdom civil law system , initially building our looks right system .

  21. 最后,在期待权法律构成的基础上对按揭制度的主要问题进行探讨,以确立我国按揭民法规制的立法构建。

    Last , the thesis gives some suggestions about the establishment of the legal system of mortgage in our country .

  22. 本章着重从买受人之期待权以及买受人对标的物的处分、设立担保行为等方面切入。

    The chapter focuses on the aspects of expectant right , disposal action and setting up guarantee behavior of the buyer .

  23. 预购人的期待权应当预告登记,以登记的时间来确定优先效力。

    The anticipation right of the buyer should be registered in order to determine the priority according to the registration time .

  24. 所有权保留中的权利结构具有特殊性且极易产生冲突,出卖人享有取回权,买受人享有期待权。对权利冲突应寻找一条合理的协调途径。

    It 's right structure is special and tend to raise conflict , so one reasonable way of co-ordination should be found .

  25. 文章介绍德国及我国台湾地区和我国大陆学者对期待权法律性质的不同观点学说并对其进行分析。在对学界观点学说介绍分析的基础上提出文章对期待权法律性质的认识。

    The article introduced and analysis the viewpoints of German and Taiwan area and mainland scholars to law nature of expecting rights .

  26. 虽然期待权这个概念诞生于德国,但是其在具体的法律制度中还没有明确的体现。

    Although the concept of looks right was born in Germany , it has not clearly reflected in the specific legal system .

  27. 合同解除权取得的研究可以从期待权和既得权两个层面展开。

    The study of obtaining the right to terminate a contract may start from two dimensions of expectations right and vested right .

  28. 其中抽象性优先认购权属期待权的一种,具体性优先认购权属形成权的一种。

    Among which abstract preemptive right is one kind of expectant rights ; material preemptive right is one kind of formation rights .

  29. 股利分配请求权作为股东权的一项权能,属于期待权,是具有可诉性的。

    The right of dividend distribution as the fundamental right of shareholders belongs to expectant right , which can be protected by law .

  30. 将来债权往往都具有一定的法律基础或者事实基础,性质上是受到法律保护的期待权。

    Future claim often has a legal basis or factual basis , the nature is the right of expectations is protected by law .