
qī quán jiāo yì
  • Option trading;option transaction
  1. 我国开展股票指数期权交易研究

    On the Development of Stock Index Option Transaction in China

  2. 借助期权交易的分析思路提出了一种新的评价抽水蓄能电站动态效益的方法。

    By means of the idea of option transaction a new model to evaluate dynamic economic benefit of pumped-storage station ( PS station ) is put forward .

  3. 这个集团成为了商品期权交易市场的销售巨头。

    The group became a sales juggernaut in the commodity options business .

  4. 但对于现实金融市场中的期权交易而言,Black-Scholes模型也存在着一些不严谨的地方。

    However , to option trades in the real financial market , Black-Scholes model still exists some places that are not stringent enough .

  5. 人民币NDF市场自1996年在新加坡出现以后不断壮大,2007年CME推出人民币期货期权交易。

    RMB NDF market in Singapore since 1996 after emerging from strength to strength in 2007 , CME launched renminbi futures and options trading .

  6. 李沉淀CFTC的指控错误标记和错误估价银行的天然气期权交易书,夸大盈利,法院还禁止与商品有关的贸易李。

    Lee settles CFTC charges of mis-marking and mis-valuing the Bank 's natural gas options book to exaggerate trading profitability ; court also bans Lee from commodity-related trading .

  7. 而在期权交易中以及金融风险的管理中,人们更多的是关注波动率的表现,而显然B-S公式中关于波动率是常数的假设是不合理的。

    In options trading , financial risk management , people are more concerned about the performance of volatility , but obviously BS formula is constant on the assumption that volatility is unreasonable .

  8. 这使得AIG普通股(截止周二价值62亿美元)在短线交易员之间交易最为活跃,这些交易员根据市场趋势买卖股票,相互做高风险的期权交易。

    That has left AIG 's common shares -- $ 6.2 billion worth , as of Tuesday -- trading most actively between short-term traders , who buy and sell based on market momentum and bet against each other in risky options trades .

  9. 他目前工作于LexiFi,一个富有创新的ISV,特别专注于软件分析和处理复杂金融相关系统&如互换交易系统和期权交易系统。

    He currently works for LexiFi , which is an innovative ISV that specializes in software for analyzing and processing complex financial derivatives-products such as swaps and options .

  10. 外向型企业如何运用外汇期权交易

    How to Apply the Foreign Currency Option Transaction for Foreign-oriented Enterprises

  11. 对这些股票及股票期权交易的调查仍在进行。

    The investigation into the stock and option trading is continuing .

  12. 积极探索期权交易做好铜企业的套期保值

    Positively research futures trading to strengthen hedge business of copper enterprises

  13. 我国水权期权交易模式研究

    Study on the Transaction Mode of Water Rights Option in China

  14. 电力市场期权交易分析与应用

    Analysis and application on option trade mode of electricity market

  15. 所以,本文对水权期权交易进行研究。

    The present dissertation mainly studies the transaction of water rights option .

  16. 期货合约的期权交易货币期权市场还很年轻。

    Options on futures contract The currency options market is fairly new .

  17. 限定亏损概率下期权交易中的套期保值比率研究

    The Hedge Ratio for Option Trade under Limited Loss Probability

  18. 网上股票期权交易将不接受锁仓指示。

    Online stock options will not accept lock position orders .

  19. 水权期权交易的理论、方法与应用

    Theory , Method and Application of the Transaction of Water Rights Option

  20. 新型输电权期权交易及其模式研究

    Research on option transmission right trade and its mode

  21. 最后,对未来建立土地期权交易市场进行了初步探讨。

    Finally , the future establishment of land options market has been discussed .

  22. 期权交易的发展引起了众多学者的极大关注。

    The development of option trading aroused considerable interest among the academic community .

  23. 期权交易被一个票据交易所所组织。

    Options trading is organized by a clearinghouse .

  24. 期货合约的期权交易

    Options on futures contract futures individual clearing dealer

  25. 表明该算法可用于期权交易的实际操作。

    The results show that the algorithm can be applied in the option market .

  26. 这就是期权交易的实质。

    So that 's the essence of it .

  27. 散户投资人大多数是当日交易者,他们用相对较低的溢价进行期权交易。

    Retail investors , mostly day traders , trade options with relatively low premiums .

  28. 第五部分讨论股票指数期权交易中的风险控制问题。

    Finally , the risk control of trade in stock index option is discussed .

  29. 商品期权交易与期权保值投资策略

    Commodity options trading and hedging investment strategies

  30. 有期权交易的零售商的最大期望利润高于不进行期权交易的零售商的最大期望利润。

    The retailer 's optimal profit with option trading is higher than without option trading .