
mò shōu cái chǎn
  • confiscation of property;expropriation
  1. 没收财产刑中财产的时间限定

    On temporal restrict to property in confiscation of property

  2. 我国现行《刑法》所规定的没收财产有一般没收和特别没收两种类型。

    Our country 's penalty of confiscation of property includes common confiscation and special confiscation .

  3. 没收财产刑走向消亡是历史的必然趋势。

    The vanishment of Forfeiture of Property is an inexorable historical trend .

  4. 赤字开支只是一个没收财产的计谋。

    Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth .

  5. 四是对没收财产刑执行过程中可能发生的侵犯他人合法财产权益的情况规定没收补偿制度和没收替代制度;

    Four is stipulate the systems of expropriation compensation and expropriation substitution ;

  6. 在外国刑法史上,没收财产刑经历了由盛到衰的发展变迁过程。

    It has the waxing transition in the history of foreign criminal law .

  7. 如果您找到一个合适的没收财产。

    If you locate a suitable foreclosed property .

  8. 因此,对没收财产刑进行系统的研究,具有重要的实践价值。

    Therefore , systematized investigation on property confiscating punishment is of significant practice value .

  9. 在人类历史上,没收财产是一种古老而又严厉的刑罚。

    Forfeiture of Property is an old and harsh Criminal Penalty in human history .

  10. 探析没收财产的范围

    Probe into the Range of Confiscating Property

  11. 然而,在财产刑内部,没收财产与罚金在正当化根基上有天壤之别。

    However , there is a difference in foundation between Forfeiture of Property and Fine .

  12. 没收财产刑适用极少,应以罚金刑取代之。

    Punishment of forfeiture has seldom been imposed and should be replaced by pecuniary penalty .

  13. 外国刑法中的没收财产刑

    The Waxing Transition of Forfeiture of Property

  14. 许多人这样做:没收财产的降价销售严重依赖于市场价格水平。

    Many have done so : fire sales of seized homes have weighed heavily on prices .

  15. 托马斯法官说他无法排除这一案件没收财产的可能。

    Judge Thomas said that he could not rule out the possibility of forfeitures in this case .

  16. 没收财产刑的特征,反映为财产性、强制性、无偿性、现存性和有限性。

    The characters of Forfeiture of Property are property , mandatory , unpaid , existing and limited .

  17. 引言主要说明了没收财产刑的研究价值和研究现状。

    The introduction showed mainly the research value and present situation on penalty of confiscation of property .

  18. 没收财产刑废止论

    Abolishment of Forfeiture of Property

  19. 第八节没收财产

    Section 8 confiscation of property

  20. 因而,我国刑法中的没收财产刑应当尽快予以废止。

    Consequently , the forfeiture of property in Chinese Criminal Law should be abolished as soon as possible .

  21. 而没收财产即便是没收全部财产也以保留罪犯及其抚养家属必需的生活费用为限。

    And even the confiscation of all property also keeps criminals and their necessary dependents living expenses extent .

  22. 如果您希望购买廉价的家里,没收财产可能的答案。

    If you are hoping to purchase an inexpensive home , a foreclosed property may be the answer .

  23. 笔者认为,没收财产刑应当废除,全面代之以罚金刑,受贿罪也应增设罚金刑。

    I believe that the criminal forfeiture of property should be abolished , replaced by a comprehensive criminal fines .

  24. 没收财产,提高税金,对可疑的女人课以罚款&这些办法我都听他们提出过。

    Confiscation of property , higher taxes , fines for suspected women & I 've heard them all suggested .

  25. 清末法制改革中,没收财产刑终于遭到扬弃。

    In the course of legal reform in late of Qing dynasty , Forfeiture of Property was finally abandoned .

  26. 没收财产刑是以剥夺犯罪人一定的金钱财物为内容的刑罚方法。

    Property confiscating punishment is a method of penalty in which criminals are deprived of certain money and property .

  27. 它们与没收财产刑既有某种程度的联系,更有本质上的区别。

    The three confiscations have some connections with Forfeiture of Property to some extent , but the differences are more fundamental .

  28. 第五十九条没收财产是没收犯罪分子个人所有财产的一部或者全部。

    Article 59 Confiscation of property refers to the confiscation of part or all of the property personally owned by a criminal .

  29. 本章论述了没收财产刑在中外刑法史上的产生、发展及演变状况。

    This chapter discusses the form , development and evolution of Forfeiture of Property in the domestic and foreign criminal law history .

  30. 另外,剥夺政治权利与罚金、没收财产的并罚,应适用并科原则实行并罚。

    In addition , depriving political rights , fining , and confiscating property should apply the simultaneous penalty principle for merged punishment .