
yǐn yù
  • metaphor
隐喻 [yǐn yù]
  • [metaphor] 一种修辞手段,用一个词或短语指出常见的一种物体或概念以代替另一种物体或概念,从而暗示它们之间的相似之处。比喻的一种。不直接点明是比喻,但实际上是打比方,常用是成就是成为变为等于等表明甲事物就是乙事物

隐喻[yǐn yù]
  1. 他们的作品是对一个正在作垂死挣扎的社会的绝望隐喻。

    Their work is a despairing metaphor for a society in its death throes

  2. 这部电影驾轻就熟地借助圈内笑话、自我指认和后现代主义的隐喻,对过度文明的世界提出了质疑。

    Ripe with in-jokes , self-references , and post-modern metaphor , the movie questions a too-civilized world .

  3. 混用更多的隐喻来说,你还没学会走就想跑,而我又剪掉了你的翅膀。

    To mix yet more metaphors , you were trying to run before you could walk , and I 've clipped your wings

  4. 她在运用隐喻方面有着惊人的独创性。

    She has a striking originality in her use of metaphor .

  5. 诗歌中常用玫瑰花来隐喻爱情。

    In poetry the rose is often a metaphor for love .

  6. 请阐述什么是隐喻,然后举例。

    Please define what is metaphor , and give me an example .

  7. 由于狗被认为具有许多优良的品质,这个词被收录在十多个汉语隐喻中。

    Since dogs are considered to have many good qualities , the word is included in more than 10 Chinese metaphors .

  8. 我只能用隐喻来向你描述它。

    I can only represent it to you by metaphors .

  9. 加劳认为他的隐形雕塑作品是对我们这个时代的一个完美隐喻。

    Garau considers his invisible sculpture to be a perfect metaphor of our time .

  10. 这样,我们在换喻(者翻译为转喻,一种以部分代替整体的修辞方法)上就有了一个隐喻的替代。

    Here , then , we have a metaphorical substitution on a metonymic axis .

  11. 对一个词的理解是按字面意思还是隐喻的意思要视乎上下文和习惯。

    It is context and convention that determine whether a term will be interpreted literally or metaphorically .

  12. 无所不在的鼠标输入设备没有任何隐喻;相反,是习惯用法的学习

    The ubiquitous mouse input device is not metaphoric of anything , but rather is learned idiomatically .

  13. 隐喻与EFL词汇教学

    Metaphor and EFL Vocabulary Learning

  14. Lakoff和Johnson的概念隐喻理论从认知的角度拓宽了隐喻的研究范围。

    It is Lakoff and Johnson with their influential Conceptual Metaphor theory that reinforce the trend of cognitive study on metaphor .

  15. Lakoff和Johnson的理论是革命性的,他们的理论把众多的概念减少到通过隐喻来涵盖人类整个认知域的经验型基本概念。

    The theory of Lakoff and Johnson is revolutionary in the sense that it brings the notion of conceptual primacy to the fore .

  16. 运用Halliday关于语言三大元功能的理论,文章认为诗歌隐喻共项大致包括三个方面:语篇隐喻、概念隐喻和人际隐喻。

    Based on Halliday 's meta-functions of language , poetic metaphorical universal may roughly be divided into three parts : textual metaphor , ideational metaphor and interpersonal metaphor .

  17. Visser关于多义词隐喻义的教学能够促进学习者对词义的深加工的理论。

    Visser 's theory that the teaching of metaphorically extended meanings of a new word can enhance deep processing .

  18. Grice认为隐喻是说话人故意违反合作原则中质的准则所产生的结果,隐喻意义是一种特殊会话含义。

    Grice claims that metaphor results from the deliberate violation of the maxim of quality in the Cooperative Principle and metaphorical meaning is a kind of particularized conversational implicature .

  19. Lakoff与Johnson主张隐喻是人类概念系统的固有特性,它使人能够运用来源域里的知识结构来彰显目标域里的知识结构。

    Lakoff and Johnson assert that metaphor is a natural feature of our concept system and makes it possible for us to use the knowledge frame of a source domain to highlight that of the target domain .

  20. 心理空间理论,隐喻,华语教学,论语。

    Mental Space Theory , metaphor , Chinese teaching , Analects .

  21. 关联复合模式对动物词汇隐喻意义构建的阐释

    Construction of metaphorical meanings in animal terms by relevance blending theory

  22. 众多学者从不同角度对计算机及网络隐喻进行研究并撰文著书。

    Many scholars did research on computer metaphor from various angles .

  23. 雕琢与隐喻&对古典诗歌与现代诗歌的一种解读

    Imagery and Metaphor & An interpretation of ancient and modern poems

  24. 英汉视觉常规隐喻比较

    COMPARE A Cross-language Study on Vision-based Metaphors in English and Chinese

  25. 关于把隐喻性表达作为外语交际能力的思考

    On Metaphoric Expressions as a Communicative Construct in Foreign Language Ability

  26. 概念隐喻理论是本文的理论基础。

    Conceptual metaphor theory is the theoretical basis of the study .

  27. 从原始隐喻到诗性隐喻概念转换法指导诗性隐喻的翻译

    From Primitive Metaphor to Poetic Metaphor Functional approach to poetic metaphor

  28. 航空广告:实证、隐喻和目的地形象的建构

    Airline Advertisements : Positivism , Metaphor and Destination Image Building

  29. 象征思维具有隐喻性、暗示性和系统性。

    Symbol thinking has the metaphorical , implied and systematic .

  30. 心理隐喻的变迁与心理学的发展

    The Change of Psychological Metaphor and the Development of Psychology