
yǐn xìnɡ xìnɡ zhuànɡ
  • recessive character;recessive traits;recessive
  1. 他发现重组隐性性状和显性性状的模式与重要性。

    He discovered the patterns and importance of recombinant recessive and dominant traits .

  2. 另一位来自科罗拉多州立大学的水稻研究人员简利奇(janleach)表示,科学家们可以在水稻基因组中发现一些极具价值的隐性性状。

    Another rice researcher , Jan leach at Colorado State University , says scientists can find valuable qualities hidden in the rice genome .

  3. 遗传分析显示该突变是一个单基因控制的隐性性状,并与T-DNA插入表现共分离。

    Genetic analyses supported this mutation phenotype was a recessive trait controlled by a single gene and co-segregated with the T-DNA .

  4. 遗传研究表明,胚乳云雾性状为一隐性性状,受单一隐性基因控制,与其相关的低AAC由一主效基因和若干微效基因控制。

    Genetic studies revealed that the mist trait was controlled by a single recessive gene , and its related low AAC was regulated by a major gene with slight modifications by minor gene ( s ) .

  5. 结果表明:白化颖壳性状属细胞核遗传,为单基因控制的隐性性状;

    The results showed that the albino lemma trait is controlled by one recessive gene ;

  6. 在人类中,关于隐性性状性连锁遗传的一个著名例子是血友病。

    One of the best-known examples of a sex-linked recessive character in man is haemophilia .

  7. 在自交或杂交产生的杂合子中双隐性性状可以表现出来并产生可育后代。

    On selfing or crossing heterozygotes some double recessives may appear , giving viable offspring .

  8. 水稻雄性不育系隐性标记性状的研究进展

    Research Progress in Recessive Marker Traits of Rice Male Sterile Line

  9. 显性目的性状出现的频率比隐性目的性状出现的频率高1.6倍。

    The appearing frequency of dominant aim characters was 1.6 times higher than that of recessive aim characters .

  10. 研究发现:(1)低植酸突变为一隐性突变性状,此突变为单隐性基因突变;

    The low phytic acid mutation with mutant IR-lp1 is a recessive trait controlled by a single recessive nuclear gene .

  11. 隐性基因,隐性性状如果魔法天赋是由一对基因决定的,魔法等位基因可以是显性的或者是隐性的。

    A recessive allele or trait . If there is only one gene for the ability to do magic , it could be either recessive or dominant .

  12. 次等位因素对偶基因双隐性:一个生物体包含一对隐性等位基因,则表现为隐性性状。

    Double recessive An organism containing both recessive alleles of a particular gene and thus expressing the recessive form of the gene in its phenotype .

  13. 双隐性:一个生物体包含一对隐性等位基因,则表现为隐性性状。(2)用来预示信息的隐含射线管的表面。

    Double recessive An organism containing both recessive alleles of a particular gene and thus expressing the recessive form of the gene in its phenotype . ( 2 ) The surface of a cathode ray tube upon which information can be displayed .