
xiǎn xìnɡ xìnɡ zhuànɡ
  • dominant character, dominate trait;dominant
  1. 他发现重组隐性性状和显性性状的模式与重要性。

    He discovered the patterns and importance of recombinant recessive and dominant traits .

  2. 矮秆波兰小麦矮秆性状由一对隐性基因控制,位于2B染色体上,是首次在2B染色体上发现的新的矮秆基因,建议命名为Rht-B2,该基因在杂合和半合状态下均表现显性性状。

    The dwarfing character of dwarfing polish wheat was controlled by a recessive gene and was located on chromosome 2B . It is the only dwarfing gene located on 2B , and given the name Rht-B2 . It had almost no effect on plant height in heterozygous and hemizygous states .

  3. 一个很好的例子已经表明不完全显性性状在玉米蛇。

    A good example of incompletely dominant traits has shown up in corn snakes .

  4. 紫色具有明显的显性性状;

    Purple color was obviously a dominant characteristic .

  5. 家畜多个显性性状半同胞家系选择的育种进展分析

    Analysis on breeding progress of half-sib family selection for multiple dominant characters in domestic animals

  6. 结果表明:红色叶色为显性性状,由一对基因控制。

    The results suggested that red leaf trait was controlled by a single dominant gene .

  7. 01,无显著性差异。因此,可以认为,高糊化温度是个显性性状,是由二对基因控制的,而且,基因间具有上位效应。

    Therefore , the high GT was controlled by two pairs dominant genes with epistatic gene effect .

  8. 易位系的抗病性与黑芒基因并不连锁,抗白粉病为显性性状。

    The disease resistant gene and the black awn gene isn 't linkable . Powdery mildew resistance is the dominant character .

  9. 利手和叠腿很可能均为常染色体单基因遗传,利手右型和叠腿右型分别为显性性状;

    The hereditary mode of handedness or folding leg was likely the dominant heredity of single gene of autosome , and the right type of them was the dominant character .

  10. 海岛棉清除剂SOD、POD活性性状是由多效基因控制的不完全显性遗传性状。

    The characteristic about Ensure system of zyme SOD , POD activity changing were dominant heredity incompletely and controlled by many gene .

  11. 1903年,Farabee报道了第一例符合孟德尔遗传规律的人类常染色体显性遗传性状,即一种指(趾)畸形遗传病。

    In 1903 , Farabee reported the first recorded disorder of human autosomal dominant Mendelian trait , a kind of inherited digit malformation .

  12. 显性目的性状出现的频率比隐性目的性状出现的频率高1.6倍。

    The appearing frequency of dominant aim characters was 1.6 times higher than that of recessive aim characters .

  13. 选择加快了群体基因频率的改变,青壳蛋性状确为由一对主效基因控制的完全显性遗传性状。

    The result indicate that population gene frequency variety expedite by selection and the test testify green-shell character is controled by a pair of complete dominant allele .

  14. 显性效应在大多数性状中相当重要。

    The major genetic effect is the dominant on fiber elongation . the dominance effect is rather important for the most characters .

  15. 部分显性和超显性对穗粒性状的遗传起主要作用。

    Partially dominance and over dominance played the most part role in the genetics of ear-kernel traits . 3 .

  16. 蛋白质含量、油分含量、蛋白质指数和油分指数的遗传效应均以显性效应为主,属超显性性状。

    High protein content and low oil content of kernel was inherited as a super-dominant trait governed by one or more blocks of genes .

  17. 卷舌和尖舌均为常染色体单基因显性遗传,能卷舌型和能尖舌型分别为显性性状;

    ( 2 ) The hereditary mode of rolling tongue or pointed tongue was the dominant heredity of single gene of autosome , and the can-rolling type or can-pointed type was the dominant character .