
xiū dào shì
  • monk;friar;monastic
修道士[xiū dào shì]
  1. 卡尔,作为修道士,你倒是对口红很有研究。

    Carl , for a friar , you know an awful lot about lip rouge .

  2. 罗吉尔培根,英国人,既是一名修道士,也在包括数学、化学和光学的很多领域内成为学者。

    Roger Bacon A native of England , Roger Bacon was a friar and scholar in many academic areas , including mathematics , early chemistry and optics .

  3. 埃塔尔的修道士把修道院维护得很好。

    The monks of Ettal keep the abbey in good repair

  4. 他在20岁的时候成了正式的修道士。

    He became a fully ordained monk at the age of 20 .

  5. 这个修道院里住着300个修道士。

    There are three hundred monks living in the monastery .

  6. 修道士在深山里过着苦修生活。

    The monks led an austere life in the mountains .

  7. 一般罗马天主教神父不是教团成员,但修道士则是。

    Ordinary Roman Catholic priests are not members of the regular clergy , but monks are .

  8. 查一下“hood”这个词,我们会发现,500年前该词条下的意思是“修道士”,而今天,它的意思却是“汽车发动机”。

    Looking under a " hood ," we should ordinarily have found , five hundred years ago , a monk ; today , we find a car engine .

  9. 就像「电子修道士」DouglasAdams以他的信念使在无聊差事中的人们得以获得自由一样,Lire的目标在于:使在阅读日志档这个冗长乏味的苦差事中的人们得以获得自由。

    Like the " Electric Monks " of Douglas Adams , which free humans from the boring task of believing , it is the goal of Lire to free people from the tedious task of logfile reading .

  10. 所有的修道士,如Iakovos神父,都要从见习修道士做起,有时要花几年的时间到不同的修道院实习,然后才能在最适合他的一所修道院长期生活下来。

    All monks such as Father Iakovos start as novices , sometimes spending several years in different monasteries before settling in the one that suits them best .

  11. 纯洁是属于瑜伽士或修道士的观念。

    Purity is an idea for the yogi or the monk .

  12. 一位13世纪居住在英格兰的修道士。

    A monk who lived in England during the 13th century .

  13. 作为一名修道士,必须作奉献,并服从修道院院长。

    Being a monk requires dedication and obedience to the abbot .

  14. 就因为一个女孩和几个修道士,大人?

    A girl and a handful of monks , my lord ?

  15. 约翰把所有的财产送人成为一名修道士。

    John gave all his possessions away and became a monk .

  16. 我比一般的修道士强,可以了吧?

    I 'm doing better than most monks , all right ?

  17. 这段精彩的引用念到一半,女孩变成了修道士。

    Halfway through this remarkable quotation the girl morphs into the monk .

  18. 从《修道士》看哥特小说的创作特征

    On Writing Features of the Gothic Novel from the Monk

  19. 身穿托钵僧统一的白斗篷的天主教男修道士。

    A Catholic friar wearing the white cloak of the Carmelite order .

  20. 我问陪同的那位慈祥的修道士,这是谁的大作。

    I asked the good-natured monk who accompanied us who did this .

  21. 修道士们喜欢冬天,而不太喜欢夏天,因为在冬天他们可以更多地过上无人打扰的生活。

    The monks prefer winter to summer for they have more privacy .

  22. 我就像一个修道士。

    I mean , I 'm like a monk , you know .

  23. 当时谁会想到他要当修道士呢?

    Who would ever have thought that he would become a monk ?

  24. 这就是为什么很多神父、修道士、医生都死了。

    That is why so many priests and monks and leeches have died .

  25. 理查德非常感激对他的救助,他现在是一个修道士了!

    Richard was so grateful for his salvation , he became a monk !

  26. 那个修道士是位养蜂专家。

    The monk was an expert on bee culture .

  27. 修道士般的生活似乎很适合你维多利亚

    It appears monastic life suits you , Victoria .

  28. 这些伟大的修道士是布道大师。

    Ther great preachers were masters of their craft .

  29. 他不难看,对一个修道士来说。

    He 's not bad-looking , for a monk .

  30. 哥特小说中的伦理道德因素&以《修道士》为例

    The Moral Principles in Gothic Novels : An Ethical Study of The Monk