
  • 网络Apennine Peninsula;Apennines Peninsula;Italian Peninsula
  1. 显而易见,位于亚平宁半岛中部的罗马现在提供了一个从欧洲大陆延伸到北方的坚定政治保护伞。

    The sheer presence of Rome midway along the Apennine peninsula now serves as a sturdy political shield from the continental powers to the north .

  2. 当斯巴达克的铁骑穿越亚平宁半岛,为自由而战的时候,骑士精神开始诞生。

    When the cavalry across the Apennines Peninsula feature , fighting for freedom , the spirit of Knight inception .

  3. 翁布里亚亚平宁半岛意大利中部的一个寺区。

    A region of central Italy in the Apennines .

  4. 这名意大利国脚长时间以来一直同回归亚平宁半岛的传闻联系在一起,而这似乎只是时间上的问题而已。

    The Italian international has long been linked with a return to the peninsula and it seems the matter has come to a head .

  5. 在周五来自(亚平宁)半岛的消息说,这名射手在摩纳哥度过六个月时光后正准备回归意大利。

    Stories in the peninsula on Friday claim that the striker is set to head back to Italy after spending the last six months at Monaco .