
chì dào
  • the equator;the celestial equator
赤道 [chì dào]
  • (1) [the equator]∶环绕地球的最大周径,借指靠近地球赤道的国家

  • 赤道雕弓能射虎,椰林匕首敢屠龙。--叶剑英诗

  • (2) [celestial equator]∶天球赤道,地球赤道面和天球相交而形成的大圆

赤道[chì dào]
  1. 赤道是一条假想的环绕地球腰部的线。

    The equator is an imaginary line around the middle of the earth .

  2. 赤道、本初子午线是地球重要的经纬线。

    The equator and meridian are important quadrants of our earth .

  3. 所有的行星大致在同一平面上绕太阳赤道运转。

    All the planets orbit the Sun in roughly the same plane , round its equator .

  4. 美国位于赤道以北。

    The United States is north of the equator .

  5. 一个三角双锥体有三个赤道位和两个轴向位。

    A trigonal bipyramid has three equatorial and two axial positions .

  6. 新加坡位于赤道附近。

    Singapore is near the equator .

  7. 大猩猩是栖居在赤道非洲的最大的类人猿。

    Gorilla are the largest of the anthropoid apes native to the forests of equatorial Africa .

  8. 但在这种靠近地球赤道的海域里,海洋生物的多样性正因气候变化而缩减。

    But in seas like this – near the Earth 's equator – the richness of marine1 life is shrinking due to climate change .

  9. 155°E赤道海流夏季基本特征

    Summery basic features of the equatorial currents at 155 ° e

  10. 越赤道气流对副高脊线北抬至25°N的影响

    Impacts of Cross-equatorial Flow on Subtropical High Ridge Jumping Northward to 25 ° N

  11. 120°E附近电离层赤道异常峰运动

    The Motion of the Crest of the Equatorial Ionospheric Anomaly Near 120 ° E

  12. 电场产生的赤道扩展F的时空演变

    Spatial and temporal evolution of equatorial spread f generated by electric fields

  13. 用Matlab中的NeuralNetworkToolbox仿真赤道东太平洋SST的预报模型

    Imitated SST prediction model of Equatorial east-Pacific using neural network toolbox of MATLAB

  14. 东亚赤道异常区电离层CT诊断&实验及初步结果

    Tomographic diagnosis of the ionospheric equatorial anomaly in the region of east-asia ── experiment and early results

  15. 这些特性都是F2层赤道异常现象。

    These characteristics are all considered as the anomalies of the equatorial F2-layer .

  16. 试验粒子在CM场赤道平面的轨道半径

    Orbital Radius of the Test Particles in the Equatorial Plane of the CM Field

  17. 105°E越赤道气流与亚洲夏季风的相互关系

    The interrelation between the cross equatorial airflow near 105 ° e and the summer monsoon over Asia

  18. 120°E磁赤道上空电离层电子浓度总含量的混沌特性分析及非线性预测初探

    Analysis of chaotic properties and nonlinear prediction of ionospheric total electron content over 120 ° E magnetism equator

  19. 索马里越赤道气流强度为副高北抬至25°N提供了一个较强的预报预测信号;

    Intensity of the Somali cross-equatorial flow could be a signal for predicting the time when the subtropical high jumps northward to 25 ° N.

  20. 上层常年受北赤道流和北赤道逆流控制,其交界位于9°N附近。

    North Equatorial Current and North Equatorial Counter Current are the main currents most of the year in the upper sea of the area .

  21. 大功率高频无线电波对赤道E区双流不稳定性的影响&PIC静电粒子模拟研究

    The effect of powerful high-frequency radio waves on two-stream instability in the equatorial e region : the study of PIC electrostatic particle simulation

  22. 赤道东太平洋SST的海-气振子模型

    Sea-air oscillator model for equatorial eastern Pacific SST

  23. 南极海冰的变动与赤道SST的关系

    Relationship between the variation of the Antarctic sea ice extent and equatorial sea surface temperature

  24. 赤道东太平洋海温及ELNino/LaNina的反演及预测

    Retrieve and Prediction of Equatorial East Pacific SST and El Nino / La Nina

  25. 我们还讨论了磁声重波与地磁微脉动之间的关系,沿着重力场方向向下传播的磁声重波,可能直接引起赤道附近的Pc1磁脉动。

    The magneto-acoustic-gravity waves propagating downwards along the direction of gravitational field may produce directly the PC 1 magnetic pulsation near the equator .

  26. 基本流场切变对赤道长Rossby波的影响

    Influence of the sheared basic flows on long equatorial Rossby waves

  27. 120°E附近电离层赤道异常北峰上午段在海南岛附近,下午段在广州附近。

    The position of the northern crest ionospheric equatorial anomaly near 120 ° E is on Hainan in the morning , nearly on Guangzhou in the afternoon .

  28. 本文对等离子体中的电子和离子分别采用流体和动力论描述,导出适于描述夜间赤道F层现象的若干非线性模型。

    Two models describing the small-scale nonlinear phenomena of the equatorial F-layer at night are derived from electron fluid equations and kinetic description of ions .

  29. 黑潮SSTA与赤道太平洋风场及ENSO关系初探

    Relationships of Kuroshio SSTA and Tropical Pacific Wind Field as well as ENSO

  30. 东半球跨赤道气流季节变化及其在ELNino年的异常

    Seasonal variation of cross-equatorial flow in the eastern hemisphere and its anomaly during the El Nino event