
fǎ xī sī zhǔ yì
  • fascism
  1. 法西斯主义和保守主义这种令人不安的结合产生了一种新政权。

    The uneasy coupling of fascism and conservatism spawned a new kind of political regime

  2. 英国ICMResearch公司上月为俄罗斯官方媒体Sputnik所做的民意调查显示,只有13%的英国人、法国人以及德国人认为是苏联红军将欧洲从法西斯主义的魔爪下解放出来,而43%的受访者认为这是美军的功劳。

    A poll by British company ICM Research for Sputnik , the Russian state media outlet , last month found that only 13 per cent of British , French and Germans believe that the Red Army liberated Europe from fascism , while 43 per cent named the US Army .

  3. 主张对伊朗实施军事打击的是沙特国王,把伊朗政府描述成“法西斯主义者”的则是法国总统尼古拉萨科齐(nicolassarkozy)的一位高级顾问。

    It is the Saudi king who advocates a military strike on Iran . It is a senior adviser to President Nicolas Sarkozy of France who describes the Iranian government as " fascist " .

  4. 指出了“技术法西斯主义”的成因、表现和后果;

    Points out the cause , manifestation and consequence of technofascism ;

  5. 反对法西斯主义是德国文学长写不衰的一大主题。

    Anti fascism has been an important theme of German literature .

  6. 法西斯主义救不了资本主义,而只会加快其灭亡。

    Fascism cannot save capitalism , but only hastens its destruction .

  7. 在反对法西斯主义的斗争中,西西莉亚逐渐成熟并形成坚强的意志。

    During the fight , she gradually becomes mature and strong-minded .

  8. 中国的法西斯主义是这股逆流的弱小支流。

    Fascist in China is a small tributary of this stream .

  9. 所有的法西斯主义者并非一个思想,一个种类

    All Fascists are not of one mind , one stripe

  10. 许多法西斯主义者都是被强迫的。

    And many fascist people were forced to do it .

  11. 他们的哲学完全是一种以新的伪装出现的法西斯主义。

    Their philosophy is simply fascism in a new guise .

  12. 德国自由主义走向法西斯主义的原因探析

    Discussion and Analysis of Reasons for German Liberalism to Fascism

  13. 老人对法西斯主义者充满了仇恨。

    The old man was seized with burning hatred for the fascists .

  14. 反法西斯主义的文学杰作&君特·格拉斯的《铁皮鼓》

    A Masterpiece of Anti-fascism Literature : The Tin Drum by Gunter Grass ;

  15. 我们谴责法西斯主义及其代表的一切。

    I condemn fascism and all it stand for .

  16. 查韦斯将其归咎于美国扶持的法西斯主义寡头。

    Mr Ch á vez blamed US-backed fascist oligarchs .

  17. 他奇妙的结合法西斯主义和唯美主义来统治这座城市。

    D'Annunzio ran the city with a bizarre mixture of fascism and aestheticism .

  18. 试论胡愈之1923年对法西斯主义的报道

    On HU Yuzhi 's Report towards Fascism in 1923

  19. 法西斯主义是一项国际运动,在不同的国家存在着不同的方式。

    Fascism was an international movement that took different forms in different countries .

  20. “法西斯主义就是战争”,一点也不错。

    Fascism is war & this is perfectly true .

  21. 反日情节是对法西斯主义的抗争。

    Anti-Japan sentiment is a fight against fascism .

  22. 法西斯主义者喜欢歌颂战争。

    The Fascists liked to sing of war .

  23. 她对法西斯主义怀有深仇大恨。

    She has a profound hatred of fascism .

  24. 战争末期,法西斯主义大规模的政治支持分崩离析。

    By the end of the war mass political support for fascism had haemorrhaged .

  25. 而造成这一历史循环的助推者之一就是一切奴化的、封建主义和法西斯主义的文化和教育,即奴性文化。

    The cause of this historical cycle to aid one is the Servile Culture .

  26. 德意法西斯主义运动比较

    The Comparison of Germany and Italy Fascism Campaign

  27. 德国法西斯主义者在这场战争中失败了。

    The German fascists failed in the war .

  28. 和法西斯主义者相爱没有问题吧?

    No problems after the fall of fascism ?

  29. onlyto不料竟会…,没想到会…法西斯主义只是加速了它的毁灭。

    Fascism served only to hasten its destruction .

  30. 金钱饥渴的法西斯主义者们内心腐朽。

    Top4 Money-hungry fascists are dead inside .