
fǎ guó dà gé mìng
  • The French Revolution
  1. 法国大革命中经济案由的重要性几何?

    How important were economic causes of the French revolution ?

  2. 在18世纪90年代法国大革命之后,修身裙流行了起来,口袋被取消了。

    But after the French Revolution of the 1790s , slim skirts were in , and pockets were out .

  3. 该镇在法国大革命后被夷为平地。

    The town was razed to the ground after the French Revolution .

  4. 1794年法国大革命中失败的激进分子最先预见到了社会会发生根本改变。

    The defeated radicals of the French Revolution were the first to have this messianic vision in 1794 .

  5. 故事的情节围绕着法国大革命展开。

    The action of the story centred around the French revolution .

  6. 1783年或1784年间,作为家里的第16个孩子的他出生于巴黎贫穷的家庭,小卡菜姆在法国大革命正如火如荼地进行的时候突然被遗弃了。

    Born the 16th child to poor parents in Paris in either 1783 or 1784 , a young Car ê me was suddenly abandoned at the height of the French Revolution .

  7. 这棵树的树干差不多有一米宽,它早在法国大革命不久后就发芽了。

    This one ­– its trunk almost a metre across – would have sprouted10 soon after the French Revolution .

  8. “右翼”和“左翼”在法国大革命(frenchrevolution)时期进入政治语汇。

    The terms " right " and " left " entered political discourse during the French Revolution .

  9. 18世纪,亚历山大?汉密尔顿(AlexanderHamilton)和托马斯?杰斐逊(Thomasjefferson)等美国的开国之父,曾就是否应支持法国大革命展开激辩。

    In the 18th century , founding fathers such as Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson argued bitterly about whether to support the French revolution .

  10. 法国大革命是后来所有革命运动的榜样。

    The French Revolution was the template for all future revolutions .

  11. 给我们带来法国大革命的崇高理念。

    To bring us the noble ideas of the French revolution .

  12. 他的音乐反映了他激荡的思想感情、他的痛苦和欢乐。他非常赞同法国大革命的理想。

    He deeply sympathized with the ideals of the French Revolution .

  13. 法国大革命时期关于非婚生子女生父搜索的争论

    Controversy over Paternity Searches of-out-of Wedlock Children during the French Revolution

  14. 属于或关于法国大革命中的雅各宾派的。

    Of or relating to the Jacobins of the French Revolution .

  15. 法国大革命中的传播活动

    A Probe into Propaganda Activities in the Great French Revolution

  16. 法国大革命时期全民公决的实践及其意义

    The practice and its meaning of the referendums during the French Revolution

  17. 维护法国大革命的伟大理想!

    To serve the ideas of the great French revolution !

  18. 他在法国大革命时期出了名。

    He became famous during the period of French Revolution .

  19. 这部小说以法国大革命为背景。

    The French Revolution is the background of the novel .

  20. 论法国大革命前夕资产阶级社会经济地位的提高

    Rise of Social and Economic Status of Pre-revolutionary French Bourgeoisie

  21. 法国大革命时期武装力量的重组

    The Recombination of the Army Forces in the Great Revolution of France

  22. 法国大革命给法律带来了很大的变化。

    The French Revolution effected great changes in the law .

  23. 我对法国大革命做过广泛的研究。

    A : I have done extensive research on the French Revolution .

  24. 自由,平等,博爱-探究法国大革命。

    Liberty , Equality , Fraternity-Exploring the French Revolution .

  25. 法国大革命与陈独秀早期思想&兼论第三种革命模式

    The French Revolution and CHEN Du-xiu 's Early Thoughts

  26. 托克维尔对法国大革命剧烈原因的解释

    Tocqueville 's Explanation of the Ferocity of French Revolution

  27. 就让我先给你们提供一些有关法国大革命的背景情况描述吧。

    Let me first provide you with some background to the French Revolution .

  28. 后来,在法国大革命期间它又吸引了大量的难民。

    In addition , it attracted numerous French refugees during the French Revolution .

  29. 法国大革命与结社自由的遗产

    French Revolution and the Heritage of Liberty of Association

  30. 比整个法国大革命期间绞死了更多的人。

    Guillotined more people than the entire French revolution .