
fǎ xué
  • law;jurisprudence;the science of law
法学 [fǎ xué]
  • [the science of law] 研究法律的科学

  • 法学会

法学[fǎ xué]
  1. 这场电视辩论由一位法学教授主持。

    The television debate was moderated by a law professor .

  2. 她在攻读法学学位。

    She 's reading for a law degree .

  3. 他在研读法学。

    He is studying law .

  4. 随着行政法学研究的纵深发展,经济行政法逐渐成为行政法学界所关注的领域。

    As the development of the administrative laws deepens , the economic administrative law gradually becomes the focus of the administrative law field .

  5. 作为一种新类型、具有特殊作用的诉讼,经济诉讼在我国能否独立存在,已经在法学界引起了广泛关注。

    As a new style lawsuit possessing special function , independence of economic lawsuit has brought about the widespread attention in the field of the law in china .

  6. 李小平,重庆大工律师事务所副主任、合伙律师,西南政法大学经济法系法学学士毕业,现为西南政法大学在册硕士研究生。

    Xiaoping li , vice chair of dugong law firm , bachelor of law , graduated from Southwest University of political science and law ( swupl ), and a present master in swupl .

  7. 而作为法学方法的目的解释亦是一种十分重要的法学方法

    Teleological method of interpretation is a very important legal science method .

  8. 史密斯先生是法学博士。

    Mr.Smith is a doctor of laws .

  9. 举例来说,英国的大学是最早提供法学课程的大学。

    For example , UK universities are among the oldest universities that offer law courses .

  10. 他也是哈佛法学评论中唯一一位非洲裔美国籍总统。

    At Harvard , he became the first African — American president of the Harvard Law Review .

  11. 在中国热度排行第三的专业是信息工程学专业(6.87%),紧随其后的是法学专业(6.53%)。

    The third most popular major in China is Informatics Engineering ( 6.87 % ) followed tightly by Law ( 6.53 % ) .

  12. 因此,考虑到如此悠久而丰富的传统,英国法学学位非常受学生欢迎,确实也很有竞争力。

    Therefore , reflecting this long and rich tradition , UK law degrees have become very popular ( and indeed highly competitive ) for its students .

  13. 加入WTO后,我国高校法学教育挑战大于机遇,国际法教学所面临的理论与实践问题便是其一。

    China has been a member of WTO , which offers more challenges than opportunities to law science education of universities or colleges .

  14. 我国法学界对SA8000标准的研究焦点主要是如何在此标准的基点上完善我国的劳动法制,而对SA8000标准的法律渊源研究未形成系统的理论。

    The research focuses on SA8000 is on how to implement the labor law system .

  15. EBE监视系统是2000t/a苯酐装置操作人员的有力助手以蒸馏水为溶剂,在233nm处测定吸光度,经方法学验证,适用于该品体外控制。

    EBE monitored control system is an assistant to operator of 2000 TPY phthalic anhydride plant .

  16. 目前对QDII制度以及相关的证券市场开放问题侧重于经济学层面的研究,而从法学角度对这一制度的深入研究很少。

    At present , all research in respective of QDII system and the matter of relevant securities market open places special emphasis on the economical level , however , the detailed research concerned in the legal level is poor .

  17. 征收碳关税有其经济学机理和环境治理法学机理。

    Imposing carbon tariff has economic theory and environment protection theory .

  18. 坚持马克思主义法学促进法学研究创新

    Persisting in Marxist Jurisprudence and Contributing to Jurisprudence Study and Creation

  19. 创新《卫生法学》教学模式构建有效教学

    Innovating " Health Law " Teaching Mode , Constructing Efficient Teaching

  20. 主要研究方向为诉讼法学、司法制度。

    His main research field is Procedure Law and judical system .

  21. 医学院校法学课程教学方法探讨

    Probe into teaching methods of legal courses in medical college schools

  22. 功能句法学中的移情原则及其认知解释

    The Principles of Empathy in Functional Syntax and Their Cognitive Explanation

  23. 加强教材建设推动军事法学的发展

    Promoting the Development of Military Jurisprudence Through Improving the Teaching Materials

  24. 中国法学教育国际化的挑战及对策

    The Challenge of Internationalization of Chinese Jurisprudence Education and Its Countermeasure

  25. 行政法学二十年来的反思与前瞻

    The reflection and prospect of administrative law science during twenty years

  26. 构建法学专业素质教育的目标体系

    Target System of All - round Education for Majors in Law

  27. 外国行政法学在我国的引入和利用

    Introduction and Use of Foreign Science of Administrative Law in China

  28. 当前的法学理论界公认这一现象和过程为法律移植。

    Current law scholars recognized this phenomenon and process as legal transplantation .

  29. 从制度法律经济学到经济分析法学

    From Institutional Law and Economics to Economic Analysis of Law

  30. 目前海商法学界对海上侵权还未有系统的研究。

    But there is no systematic study on maritime tort law yet .